Salem Occupational Upgrades and Downgrades


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Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Chloe gets a quickie law degree at Salem University School of Law. She quickly becomes Salem's new district attorney, swaying juries by singing to them. Her first big case is prosecuting Ted.

After his brain tumor is removed, Will discovers that he has a new aptitude for medicine. Like Lexie, he gets his quickie M.D. and soon becomes a latter day Dr. Daniel Jonas, effecting one miracle cure after another. Because Will is so good at his job, Mr. Burns dumps Sarah and Rexy who take their dysfunctional relationship back to Chicago.

After learning that Stefan Zero's resume is fake, fake, fake, Mr. Shin and the Board fire him as CEO and make him Gabi's assistant at GabiChic.

Abe makes Rafe his new police commissioner. One of his first moves is to hire Ben, who quickly becomes Salem's top cop. Asked why he hired Ben, Rafe says: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
(based on the comment above that Rafe would be the new police commissioner)... Hope loses her job at the Salem PD and decides to go back to being a model and, in keeping up with the times, a social influencer which somehow starts a big bad rivalry with Claire.
Salem's Career Track:
Entry Level: Waitress, Orderly
Second Level: Cop, Nurse
Third Level: DA, Doctor
Fourth Level: Restaurant Owner, Other Business Owner
Fifth Level: Working CEO, Chief of Staff
Sixth Level: (Whatever Victor and Stefano do for a living - boss around CEOs?)

All other jobs exist only as plot points and walk-ons.
After losing her job as police commissioner, Hope starts a cut-rate security consulting firm using all the knowledge she picked up by watching Bo Brady break into a large number of assorted buildings. Her first client is Stefan Zero who still hasn't been able to figure out how people keep walking through his front door unannounced.

With Brady firmly in charge of Titan, Victor tires of watching Sonny live the life of the idle rich and orders him to take Xander's old position in the K-mansion greenhouse.

Finally admitting to themselves that they are are a pair of do-nothings at the Spectator, Jenny and Adrienne make Anne Milbauer editor. Circulation then soars as Anne starts publishing all the dirt she overhears at the Pub during happy hour.
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Rafe and Eli try to forget who's police commissioner by working on the Holly case. As a result, they locate and arrest Kristen who goes to state prison where Hattie, Bonnie, and friends make her life miserable.

Sarah's unprofessional ways get her fired from University Hospital. Victor tries to please Maggie by getting her a job cleaning out cages at the Salem Zoo.

Tired of Eric scaring away Pub customers with his gloomy, scowling expression, Roman assigns him to the alley behind the Pub where he manages the dumpster.
After the thoroughly unprofessional and unethical job Eve does as Commissioner, Jack fires her and leaves her (before he gets his memory and sanity back), and hires Ben as the newest lead detective for the Salem PD.
Because of the utter stupidity of her recent plots, Kristen is downgraded from major villain to village idiot.

Because of his role in bringing down Kristen, Xander is upgraded from bad boy schemer to Salem's hunk of the year.

His arrest, inept handling of Titan, and infatuation with Gabi cause Stefan Zero to be downgraded from CEO to corporate bathroom attendant by Mr. Shin and the board.
Eric's shabby treatment of Nicole gets him downgraded from town sourpuss to the village grinch.

Gabi's inept handling of intra-DiMera warfare get her demoted from up-and-coming businesswoman to most likely to be unemployed in 2020.

Eve's fall from police commissioner and mayor's wife to divorced prison inmate gets her named Salem's biggest loser for 2019.

Stefano's transformation into the hapless Steve-ano gets him named Salem's most inept crackpot schemer for 2019.
After being fired by Mr. Shin, Gabi is given a new job by a charitable Roman: Walking around the Town Square wearing a sign that advertises the Pub's daily specials.

Because of her horrible attendance record, hospital administrator Seth Burns reassigns Sarah: She's now in charge of changing bed-pans.

Members of the hopeless Salem P.D. forensics unit are reassigned to walking beats in the most remote parts to Salem.

Realizing that the Spectator would have failed during Adrienne's and Jenny's many long absences without the hard work of Anne Milbauer, Jack gives her a big raise and a stack of Pub Happy Hour gift cards.
As part of his hire-the-hopeless program that gave Kate a job, Abe offers Gabi the job of cleaning the bathrooms at City Hall and various other city buildings.

Furious about Brady trying to protect Kristen, Victor demotes him from family do-nothing to family outcast. (A position once held by Xander.)

Not sure about Steve's state of mind, John reassigns him to answering phones at the Black Patch office (yes, there is one), instead of doing field work.

Aware that Eric and Nicole have now been jobless for quite some time, Mayor Abe takes pity on them and offers them positions at a place they are now quite familiar with, the Salem Unemployment Office.
With Sarah taking off whenever she wants, Kayla pulls some strings and gets Salem U. Medical School to grant Little Trippy an immediate M.D. so he can pick up the slack at the hospital. Dr Tripp is soon swamped with desperate patients begging him to save them with miracle surgery.

To please Sarah, Maggie threatens Victor, saying that he'll get no more lemon bars until he makes Xander sole CEO and demotes Philip to the Titan mailroom. When he makes a fuss, she threatens to add warm milk and cookies to the no-no list.

Pleased that Shawn arrested the obnoxious, privileged Philip, Mayor Abe ponders making him the next police commissioner. To sweeten the offer, he also promises to name Belle Salem City Attorney.

Unimpressed with Vincent's work in the Ben-Ciara plot, Rolf has him expelled from the Mad Scientists Association of America. Crushed, Vincent sends Rolf a letter promising to do better in the future.

Bonnie's big book settlement impresses the administrators at dear old Salem U., who maker her a writer-in-residence and grant her the rank of full professor. The unorthodox Prof. Lockhart is soon a campus favorite.
Philip is demoted to the Titan headquarters custodial staff after Sarah gets the evidence of his plotting.

After her schemes are uncovered, Gwen is demoted from DiMera nanny to the bag lady who hangs around the Town Square.

Trippy is rewarded with an instant M.D. degree from Salem University Medical School after he's cleared of Allie's charges.

Kristen is named inmate of the month at state prison as a reward for entertaining her fellow convicts with tales of her outlandish adventures.

Victor takes pity on the Claire and makes her a Titan receptionist, which gives her the chance to gossip all day, every day, and to meet guys not named Charlie.
Victor offers Charlie a hefty raise if he will give him a daily, blow-by-blow account of how Xander and Philip are plotting against each other.

Jenny signs up for refresher journalism course at Salem U. where among other things she'll relearn the meaning of common English words, such as "liar."

Sarah is named girl detective of the month after she sends a description of her sleuthing efforts on behalf of Xander to the Salem Nancy Drew Fan Club.

A still-angry Jenny relieves Jack of his reporter's duties and assigns him to sell copies of the Spectator every morning at a newsstand in the Town Square.

Jake's trysts with Kate pay off when she persuades Abe to give his repair shop the contract to service and repair all Salem municipal vehicles.

Julie decides to give bothersome Bonnie something useful to do by hiring her as the taster for the club's mixed drinks, especially Bloody Marys.