Sami’s Pregnancy


Active Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Tampa, FL
I can't believe EJ and Nicole are talking about getting married just because she is pregnant. He already made one mistake by getting her pregnant in the first place, so now he will make another by marrying someone he doesn't love (I know that some of you believe that he and Nicole are meant for each other - I just don't think he is in love with her). Seems like a set up for Sami to return with Baby EJ just as Nicole is walking down the aisle, just like Austin/Carrie. Dejavu

Yep! I agree! I swear no one on Day's know's the true meaning of marriage... I also see Sami show up with the baby or EJ see's her with a baby and figures it all out... But... I some what think this will happen.... I think that Nicole and EJ get married before she has a baby while Sami is still way hidding her secret. Once they are married, Nicole has her baby at the hospitol while Sami has it in hidding.. Then After getting better after the delivery and Nicole and EJ are a very happy couple with their baby, Sami comes back.. and EJ see's the baby and figures it all out. He gets upset and wonders if he made a mistake.. but stays with Nicole.. creating a want/need for Sami. Sami develops a relationship with Rafe, grows up a a little, gets a job and this stirs EJ even more.. wanting her more and more and all Sami can say is that he made his choice by marrying Nicole and keep refusing him or starts an affair(remember Nicoles Day dreams? Interesting huh?).... then a year or two later.. EJ and Sami rekindle and become a soap power couple.. (just wishful thinking)
This Sami pregnant/ witness protection story reminds me a lot of the Billie in the swamp (during her pregnancy) with Georgia (Chelsea). Remember how she went into the swamps and had the baby who died, returned to Salem and faked a miscarriage.
I bet here is how it will play out.

Sami will begin experiencing contractions. She and her bodyguard will have to deliver the baby... the baby will not survive...Sami will return and begin to torture Nicole, mostly because she is jealous. EJ will learn of the pregnancy, He and Stefano will have an vendetta against Sami and the Bradys for this... Now during all of this mayhem, Nicole will find out that EJ is not Johnny’s father. Sami and Lucas will reunite... Forcing Chloe to make a play for Brady... Brady will be attracted to Stephanie and Philip will be lusting after Melanie... or Brady will be attracted to Melanie and Philip go after Stephanie

This is not a spoiler, just my thoughts.
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Ok... well I personally don't think she will lose her baby.. or ever wish it. This is what think this will possibly happen.... I think that Nicole and EJ get married before she has a baby while Sami is still way hiding her secret. Once they are married, Nicole has her baby at the hospital while Sami has it in hiding.. Then After getting better after the delivery and Nicole and EJ are a very happy couple with their baby, Sami comes back.. and EJ sees the baby and figures it all out. He gets upset and wonders if he made a mistake.. but stays with Nicole.. creating a want/need for Sami. Sami develops a relationship with Rafe, grows up a a little, gets a job and this stirs EJ even more.. wanting her more and more and all Sami can say is that he made his choice by marrying Nicole and keep refusing him or starts an affair (remember Nicole's daydreams? Interesting huh?).... then a year or two later.. EJ and Sami rekindle and become a soap power couple.. (just wishful thinking)
I agree but with a different twist

I think that EJ and Nicole will get married and start to develop a pretty good relationship before the baby is born while Sami is away. I think they will both have their babies (while Sami is away) and Nicole will get very used to EJ's undivided attention. Then I think Sami will come back (of course with some crazy story about the baby) but EJ will eventually figure out it is his. When he does he will start expending a lot of his energy and attention on Sami. I also think Sami might be a little jeallous of Nicole at this time because Sami will FINALLY figure out that she is madly in love with EJ and she screwed up. While this is happening Nicole will become increasingly jealous. She will over react and become argumentative with EJ because he won't be around when she needs him (new baby and all) and this will drive EJ away from her because he will justify in his head why he has to be around Sami also (for Johnny, new baby that he never met, etc.) Nicole will not be able to handle it because she was so used to attention while Sami was away. This will be the beginnning of the end for EJole. All to make room for the new super couple EJAMI! Of course this will take about a year so I hope us EJAMI fans will be able to hang in there....I think it would be worth the wait.
This is only my imagination folks!
interesting! this is fun!

well, i think that later on in the pregnancies, EJ proposes to Nicole and right after she says yes, Sami gets out of the program and decides to finally admit her love to EJ. She shows up and EJ realizes that Sami is pregnant with his child. After many months of not seeing Sami and now seeing her with his child, EJ realizes that he wants to be with Sami and they confess their love for eachother. However, due to Nicole's high risk miracle pregnancy, EJ wants to keep it quiet until Nicole gives birth as to not harm his child. Sami doesn't agree but what can she do.

Later, Sami gets intense pains and EJ rushes her to the hospital. The doctors say that the baby is in some sort of distress and EJ tries to keep Sami focused and continually tells Sami that he loves her. Nicole, who just happened to be in the hospital, overhears EJ telling Sami that he loves her and wants to be with her and she cries intensely, causing her to also go into labor.

Nicole is rushed into the emergency room for a c-section and unfortunatly, loses her baby. The doctors realize that Sami's cord is wrapped around the baby and they rush into the ER to give her a c-section but once they get the baby out, they take the baby away immediately to the NICU, leaving EJ and Sami unknown about the well-being of their child.

Nicole, devastated by the loss of her child and angry about EJ and Sami, gets a visit from Stefano saying that he has a plan to get both a child and EJ back. He suggests taking away Sami's baby and giving it to Nicole, with the intention of making everyone believe that Nicole's baby lives whereas Sami's died. The condition to this is that the baby becomes stefano's heir.

Nicole agrees and the doctor's told Sami and EJ that their child didn't make it. EJ also gets news that Nicole went into labor so he goes and visits and bonds with them both.

Eventually, truth comes out and EJ and Sami become a super couple: )
that's terrible i cant believe that nicole would do that how would she feel it doesn't seem like ej and sami will get back together because everyone seems to think that she is going to to get with her guard rafe and what is going to happen with chloe lucas and brady is lucas going to also try to get back with sami since chloe is going to get back with brady. and i don't think that brady is going to get with stephanie since i read in a spoiler.
That "spoiler" about Philip and Stephanie has never been confirmed it just kind of came upon this site. and before reading this comment I also read above that someone else was talking about Stephanie and Brady, well if everyone is upset about Stephanie and Max being "related" because of his adoption, well what about Brady???? his grandmother Colleen is Stephanie's grandfather Shawn's sister... so I don't see this pairing happening at all...

As for the the Sami pregnancy thing, I hope they both have healthy babies but the whole Sami's baby living, Nicole's baby dying, and Stefano switching them is what I posted in another thread called Sami, Nikki, and the babies.. but I wouldn't wish the loss of a child on anyone so...

I hope they both have their babies healthy and Nicole being the strong woman we all know she can be realizes she don't need EJ and lets him go and decides she can do better by herself and raises the baby on her own or eventually finds a great guy that actually loves her, and as for Sami, I want her and EJ to get back together cause they deserve each other... and I hope Sami and Lucas don't get back together cause Lucas deserves better, (and better than Chloe too)
Folks, this is the Writers' Bench!. It is made up stories from the imaginations of various posters.
No spoilers, no questions about REAL happenings. Just some fun ideas of how some posters imagine/would like storylines to go.
Just to toy with us...

So, what if Nicole snatches Sami's baby, which brings EJ and Sami together in the end - only to discover that this baby is really Lucas' (some unseen scene from a prison visit - after all, Sami is clearly farther along than Nicole - say about 2 months). Turns out Sami and Lucas never really divorced (due to the name change), and after paternity tests, Johnny is really Lucas' (but maybe Allie is EJ's - not sure on this one). Anyways, now the homogenous family is Lucas, Sami and Babies - all the while it is now clear She and EJ are meant to be. Then, Sami, torn to duty to the babies become an angry villian (like the Dimera she wants to be) and plots Lucas' death - so she and EJ can be together. Hmmm... this is fun!
Let me start by saying I am a mother...So in real life I would not want to see any baby succumb to death.... However, this is Days...

I strongly believe that Lucas is the Father of the twins... just as the original blood test said... Remember it was EJ who had the paternity test redone... and it so miraculously turn read positive that Boy twin baby is his...YEA RIGHT!

In the end Sami will return to Lucas much (Replaying the entire Marlena, John, and Roman... back to John... no wait, Roman... finally John story line in the 90’s.) EJ cares for Nicole and will remain with Nicole... Sami will always be his "Queen of the night" (Isn’t that what Steph referred to Marlena as???).

Sami will begin to see EJ again for the rapist, and manipulator... Remember the truth about Ejami being married, the lies about EJ being deported/Citizenship, all to get Sami to sleep with him has never been revealed to Sami... Nicole will tell Sami how EJ lied and ruined her chances with Lucas.. How EJ and Nicole planned the whole thing (Nicole extras) Sami will be furious with EJ manipulated her into loving him... (Just as Sami did with Austin and Brandon) which Lucas with throw in her face...!

This is fun!!!!
ok.. I want to put my thoughts (ideas) into
I was thinking Stepheno will find out about Sami's baby way before EJ, Sami will beg him to keep it a secret he says ok for a price. (not sure what that is now) but anyway Sami will run away to ireland to have her baby along with Johnny - Allie will stay with Lucas.

EJ and Nicole are happy for a little while but something happens with the baby and it isn't EJ's or Nicole does something to upset EJ. Anyway he is in a tear looking for Johnny. He gets Lucas to tell him Sami is in Ireland at her Aunts old house oh and by the way I see EJ's mother there too taking care of her grandchildren.

EJ makes it to Ireland and sees Sami and the children outside playing. He accuses her of stealing his child and they get into another argument. He ask about the new baby then he notices it with his mother and he figures out "lighting bolt moment" that it is his. More argument. Johnny gets scared and runs "to the moors the cliffs are something" Sami goes crazy begging EJ to find him.. Who is crazy looking.. it is getting night Sami is home while EJ looks.. EJ catches Johnny as he is fixing to fall off a cliff, then both of them fall but Johnny is safe. (still with me..) EJ is knocked unconscious, Sami who couldn't take it any more finds them. She orders Johnny to get to the house, with his grandmother. She cradles EJ's head in her lap and professes her love for him.... but does he wake up and if he wakes up does he have his memories.. and what of the jealous jilted Nicole - next episode.