Serious question......


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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O.K. so how many of you always fasten your seat belts, no matter what? I will confess that I was one of those people who felt "only going down the road. Only going a few miles. Only going to town, etc. However I was one who buckled up if going any further. And that saved my life one day about 10 years ago. A car that was stopped at the stop sign, lept from that spot, gas pedal must have been to the floor, crossing a freeway, failing to stop at the yield sign and right into me. I was already jamming on the brakes, broke my foot, the air bags deployed, and I was pushed into another vehicle sitting at the opposite stop sign.

I was injured, but the seat belt did it's job. I was black and blue first across the stomach & diagnally across the chest. Big lump top my head, knees swollen up where they hit the steering column. But I was alive, and no other broken bones, etc. There is more, but I have never, ever since gone without my seatbelt fastened, even before leaving the garage. Never. The person who hit me was not wearing a seat belt, and was ejected. Now why am I bringing this up? Because I just got an e-mail, with an absolutely terrific video clip, and also feel it important enough to share with you.
Wear Your Seatbelt Ad

Without a single word said this video says it all.
This is the new "wear your seatbelt" ad the UK is doing. It was done by a guy not hired to do it because the cause is important to him.
He came up with this idea, and it's now being hailed across the world as a "beautiful" commercial..
That is great I wear mine and I am a nag to my kids and grandkids about it My husband is the only on I really NAG cause he is always "forgeting" to buckle up
Barb, I'm sure glad you were wearing your seatbelt in that awful accident!

I always buckle up except in the truck in our pastures, where we go very slowly. Sometimes I buckle up there too, when we get into rough terrain. We have some areas that are so rough, I turn off the passenger air bag, for fear it will go off and injure me. After being tossed around some a couple of times I learned to wear my seatbelt in those areas. I wouldn't think of going out on the highways without fastening my seatbelt.
I took a continuing education course a couple months ago, and the instructor showed this commercial as an example of sending several different messages without saying a word. I found it really moving then, and watching it again was just as powerful.

I always, always buckle my seatbelt before I leave the garage, too, as do my kids. We even buckle them if I am just changing parking spots in a lot. I remember truly trembling after seeing what was left of a car that my boyfriend in college (many years ago) walked away from after an accident and vowed then that I'd always buckle up. The only thing that saved he and his buddy was the fact that they were wearing their seat belts. How they crawled out of that mess, I do not to this day know, but thankfully, they did.
I always wear mine. Even on a plane, I feel insecure without it.
What a creative and moving video! Thanks.
I always wear my seatbelt, too. I won't move the car until my passengers are buckled up, either. I've had some close calls myself.
A couple weeks ago, my car suddenly began to skid all over the snowy/icy road, back and forth, then shot across the road into the ditch. I have no idea what might have happened to me had I not had that seat belt on, thank goodness. (and I was fine, but the cops on 911 and those that arrived warned me to stay in my car, don't attempt to get out....worried that I could slip and fall. )
I ALWAYS wear my mom made us wear them even before it was the law to do so. She would not put the vehicle in gear until everyone was buckled in. I am the same way and so are the girls. My hubby and mother in law are bad about taking their seatbelt off when they get into the neighborhood...I explain to them...many, many times over the last 20+ years...that you can still get in an accident in your neighborhood!!!!
My hubby and mother in law are bad about taking their seatbelt off when they get into the neighborhood...I explain to them...many, many times over the last 20+ years...that you can still get in an accident in your neighborhood!!!!

Several years ago I was in an accident at the stop sign 2 houses from our home No one was hurt but her car slid on ice and hit my rear door. So yeah it can happen close to home!!
When i was a tot, noone wore seatbelts. I stood on the hump from the back seat so I could see out. Not even a car seat. I am glad for more safety measures these days. Cars were built like tanks back then, though, lol.
I just got back from town and had a close call. A truck was turning right and slowing traffic. A car came barrelling up behind me. I don't know how he missed rear-ending me. It's a good thing no one was in the left lane beside him is all I can say. I've been hit from behind before and it totaled my car. Scary! Buckle up!
My dad put seat belts in the back of the car before car makers started to put them in.
First thing I do when I get in my car, I put on my seat belt.

Then I put on my sunglasses, of course you don't wear them at night. I see too many people
driving without sunglasses, especially early in the morning driving into the sun.
I always always always wear my seat belt. My husband and I are strong advocates of wearing seat belts.
We have heard the line "it's just not comfortable; I know the risks, but it's my life." Our response is:
It's not about YOU or YOUR COMFORT or YOUR LIFE! You have to wear it to show your family, your friends, your children that you have done everything in your power to prevent them from the pain of mourning your loss. If you die, you go to Heaven--- it's those left behind that hurt.

Example. We have a very close friend- she grew up with my husband and was his best friend's sister and was like a little sister to him. At the time of the accident, she had a 11 month old baby girl and a 3 year old baby girl at home. Krystal did not like seat belts and did not put one on. Her cousin was driving and they are always giggling and laughing and joking around- he was driving fast and while laughing and being silly lost control of the car as it went around a curve in the road on December 8, 2009. The car didn't even flip, just fell into a ditch. But because Krystal chose not to wear her seat belt, she was ejected from the passenger side windshield and when the car landed on it's side in the ditch, it crushed her and she lost her life. My husband got the call in the early morning that she had been pronounced dead at the hospital and was asked to drive to the house where his best friend, Krystal's brother, was babysitting the two girls. My husband had to tell him that his sister didn't make it. And my husband sat all day with a 3 year old that repeatedly asked him if Mommy was coming home.

As much as we missed her- we were also angry. How DARE she not wear her seat belt. We have forgiven, and moved on, grieved, and wounds are healed.
But all those that know us, know that they better put on their seat belt, or they will get an earful from us.