She's back

I hope Ron Carlivati doesn't write like James Reilly.
He doesn't; but he's not above using already-established supernatural or outré story plots or elements to his advantage to fix horrible wrongs done by hacks like Higley. In fact (though I will have to confirm this) I think his OLTL stint may have started with a retcon of a Higley murder story.

Take for example some of my fanfics. Normally I would not stoop to "haha lookalike double created by Stefano" but if it serves the purpose, so be it. But quick, fast, and to the point, and only at the start.
Poirot, you are talking about reality. There is no such animal on Days. We are drawn to this show for anything could happen. So here we are in DAY Z. Back in Zombie Land. :huh::beat: ShaSha
I only watched one other soap besides Days, & I cannot remember any characters being brought back after being dead. Missing, yes, probably. But never brought back to life after being dead. I did watch the short lived "Texas", no brought back after being dead there either. (I only watched that one because of being a Dallas fan, but it did not last long at all.)
I have only watched Another World regularly besides Days. While most of the dead characters stayed dead, a few did come back after being presumed dead. However, these were instances where no body was ever found.

A woman was presumed to have drowned but she came back after 18 years as the villain of the the time had kidnapped her (she had amnesia) and told her they were married. When she showed up on the show in 1986, she was shocked to find out she had a husband and four kids, and that her presumed husband had lied to her about their relationship. The role was played by Denise Alexander, who played Susan Martin on Days in the 1970s and I believe she has also played on General Hospital for years. A few years later, her daughter was presumed to have died in a plane crash, but it turned out she was placed in witness protection and her family and her husband found out she was alive after four years.

My point is, they had return from the dead storylines, but nothing supernatural and something that could actually have happened in real life.
Ahhh, Mary McKinnon!

In all the soaps I've seen with resurrected characters over the years, it was always that a double was really killed, drugs were given to simulate death then the person was secretly spirited away, a body was misidentified, or instances where no body was found and the person was presumed dead. But it's been going on for decades.
I cannot remember any characters being brought back after being dead.
We've got the cart before the horse here. We don't know that this or any character is being revived from "actual death". And technically, Kristen falls into the "presumed dead" category that Guiding Light characters such as Roger, Reva (both when actress Kim Zimmer left the show for several years, and later during the clone story), and even Vanessa all fell into at one point. (For those not in the know, GL was the other soap Poirot watched.)

Death on soaps has always been a cheap out for a popular character when an actor leaves (and not just on daytime soaps). And "oops, it was a double/clone/mistake/not me on the plane" has always been a cheap and easy out when the character and/or actor is brought back.
Not like on Friends when Joey's pretend character on Days, Dr. Drake Ramoray, died after falling down an elevator shaft. Then they brought him back as being in a coma. Then a popular female character was killed off and her brain was transplanted into Drake's head. :rotfl:

Or on Passions when the dead really did rise from the grave. Or dolls became real people. And didn't an ABC soap do a vampire storyline?
And didn't an ABC soap do a vampire storyline?
You mean Dark Shadows? LOL - just kidding...yes, Port Charles did a bunch of supernatural stories (some of which were pretty good, and which they later lampooned when the actors played [mostly] different roles on its mother show, General Hospital).

Don't mistake me folks, I'm with Poirot here on the point that I don't want to see crazy supernatural junk on Days. I don't want actually dead characters revived. Even if it's Will. Give me a trope-y reason for his return. But play all the beats.
Of course Kristen has to come back prior to Kate getting her hands on the business, because Kristen is the natural heir, or am I missing something.
Kristen is not bio related to DiMera. But Stefano took her & Peter in to raise after their mother died. I don't remember if he actually adopted them, I thought he sort did the guardian thing with them, but they did relate to him like a father.
He's also referred to them as his adopted children. Based on Kristen's initial return in 2012, you wouldn't even know she was adopted. I'm sure there are newer viewers who think she may just be another of Stefano's biological kids.