Site issues (April 21st +)

Yes, they are... thanks Wayne. :love:

I like the new "like" feature with different icons
Hi guys,

As you might be able to tell, I'm trying to tweak the color scheme a little. PLEASE tell me if there's a color that isn't working for you.

Also, as it turns out, I kinda deleted my graphics program on the Mac when I rebuilt it recently. I'm going to try to work on a Transparent PNG logo to replace the XenForo logo you see, but it may take a heartbeat since I have to find something I like. Any ideas?

The links from email notifications are still not working, Getting the same error.
Thanks very much for bringing this to my attention. I have submitted a new ticket with the authors to see if they can provide some insight.

A quick note. Yesterday when I was trying to get everything configured, I was experiencing issues with the Google Ads, so I tossed up multiple ads everywhere just trying to get it to work, not realizing there was a delay in processing the site for setting up new ads.

You may see advertisements in several different places, but I've removed them all but the normal placement below the header. Sorry about that. The new software has a bit of a learning curve. :)

I just went to the new home page and fixed the link I use everyday to come here. It works so I can come to the
board without seeing the error page.

Link to the new home page
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That sounds like progress Kat.
I come by way of the email notifications most of the time. I make sure to get them this way so I don't miss anything.
I like the new function "latest posts" on the right side. I'm using that since the email
notification link isn't working yet
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Today is Superhero day.

A big thank you to our Super Hero Wayne

Maybe just me......but I have had "like" 10, then it changes to 9, (yes I know when you read them the count starts anew) but never noticed subtraction before. LOL
May be a new feature. Works like FaceBook. As you read a notification, it deducts that one from your unread. Maybe? Don't know. Still learning.
O.K. perhaps true.........but that bell used to indicate (I thought) how many "likes". could be wrong. As just now it said "1" & I was reading your post above and the "1" was gone. LOL Learning curve for us all. I guess those are notifications.....o.k. all's well.
robin, what device are you using? I'm on a PC and it looks ok to me.