Soooooo tired of winter !


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Quebec, Canada
So, here in Quebec, we often make the same mistake. We think that from the middle of March, we're done with snow, right ? Nope ! Another snow storm is headed our way, so were are going to get roughly another foot of snow on Tuesday. Of course, I'm still hoping that will change.

You must be wondering, well what's another foot ? Let me show you :

So add a foot to this (yes, there are houses on the right, behind the snow banks !!!!!) and you have : Soooo tired of winter !!!!

And I know some of you in the US have had much snow too. Anyone else wants to share ?
That looks like what we had in January and the beginning of February. We still got over 4 feet less of snow this year than we should have.

Most of my snow is gone due to over a week of freezing rain. :( We only got 4 inches of snow last night to cover up the ugly muddy mess.

I'd rather have the snow (the 6 to 12 inches that we usually get at a time) than the nasty rain.
I live in San Diego, so we didn't get any snow. But I'm tired of winter too. It rains here a lot in winter, the days are only in the 60sF and the nights are cold (45F-ish). So ready for spring-just a few more days!
NO, it doesn't. LOL... Yes we got another 4-6" last night. It was less than the predictions...however there is snow forecasted for the next 3 days. Feel for ya, Writer, and yes, am sick of boots, of cold, of being inside, of bad roads, and the constant threat of bad weather which also keeps me home. Living rural....never ending. Understand there is 30" of ice on the lake. Gonna be hard to melt that, for sure. You need some really warm temps and rain to make it go quicker.
Have a cousin in the San Diego area......she tells me the same news Degrassie does, so I don't feel a bit sorry.
Guess we up north probably appreciate spring and summer a lot more. LOLOL
^^^That's true. When I lived in DC I LOVED the springtime. Anyone who's ever been there knows what I mean, with all the cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, azaleas and magnolias everywhere. In San Diego, there's a few flowers, but because it's so dry (we get more fog in spring than rain), it's not as pretty in that sense.
Yikes.....i'll never complain about Florida again. Sorry, hope summer comes faster then you think. Come over to the ABC summer'll make you forget about all that snow just for a moment.
Quebec gets crazy snow. First time i went there was five days after the ice storm in 98. But out west in Calgary, we could really use the moisture. It's been a very nice january and February. Last week we had a few days at +14C but now we're back down to around -5C for the daytime highs.

Writer - totally know what you mean about the mindset that winter is over when you've been getting nice weather. Been thinking about camping all ready.
We call it "Automne" in French, "Fall" in English, Aussie ! :)

It rains here a lot in winter, the days are only in the 60sF and the nights are cold (45F-ish)

Well, apparently, your winter is our spring. :) When the temperatures reach the "highs" you're talking about, here we are so glad it's getting warmer. In fact, you just might see some people walk around in t-shirts ! Not saying it's good, but some people do. But I understand we get used to temperatures depending on where we live, so you will feel cold, while I will feel relieved in the 60s. See, right now, here, we've dropped back to around 14F during the day.

Yikes.....i'll never complain about Florida again

Please, don't ! :D You lucky you !
I remember when the winter Olympics were held in Calgary, and they got an unseasonably warm spell, which was melting ski slopes, etc. But they pulled it all off magnificently.

I have friends here who used to live in Australia, and during midwinter here, yep, that was their vacation time to go "home". I can understand why. LOL.
Had to do a quick conversion from C to F Muzzaman, lol. That's why I always put F here, for my Canadian and other friends who use C. I'll join degrassi and others in the corner for rubbing it in about the warm weather here. 78F today, 80F tomorrow! Rarely have I seen snow, but it does happen with a freak of nature now and then.
today rainy and cold compared to yesterday. it's in the 40s now. It was above 80 yesterday.
I wouldn't mind seeing some white stuff since it won't stick
Your street scene looks like each side of our driveway--Just crazy, huh?

We go thru the same sort of thing--noticed our tree was just beginning to bud today--snow is expected by this Tues or Wed. per weatherman.

We call it "Our False Spring"-Daffodils bloom, trees bud, birds sing, hits the mid 50's, but as the old Indian saying go's--when the Dogwood bloom, there's still more snow on the way. Been true every winter we've been here~~ 25 of 'em.