
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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O.K. ReRon has gone over the top of late with various aspects. Twins Johnny & Allie being involved with same person (Chanel), sound alike naming of characters, parentage changing, Justin marrying the doppleganger of his late wife, Marrying at last Nicole & Eric, only to quickly separate them, referencing a character from the GodFather that not all viewers caught, putting mob princess Ava with the Chief of Police........and so much more.
So......was he thinking the show was ending so let's just go hog wild? But it got renewed for not just one year, but two.
So.......how will all this stupidity get fixed? Jennifer's dream while in a coma? That seems to be the thoughts of a lot of viewers. Because of that dumb time jump (you know, the one never mentioned any more, lol). Or was the entire town hypnotized, put in a trance, drugged by something in the air, fantasy, none of it happened?
C'mon, you all are terrific at this..........what say you?
I like the idea of undoing all of this plot through the time jump. Get everyone back to the real time and maybe it could be a pot brownie hallucination at the Horton house with Julie, Maggie, Jennifer, Laura, Sarah, Abby, and Hope. Then we could get Gwen back to being some random person instead of Jack’s daughter, no kidnapped Sarah (and she and Xander could still be together), maybe Laura wouldn’t be dead, the Susan/Kristen mess wouldn’t have happened, Jake could be a regular mechanic again and not a DiMera, Rafe could still have his son (maybe that was too far back) and be with Hope, Ava could still be dead and Charlie either wouldn’t have existed or the story would be different if he wasn’t Ava’s son. Allie could just come to Salem after partying but wouldn’t have to be pregnant. The horrible twin kidnapping with Vivian and Ivan wouldn’t have happened. Chloe could be back in NY with her kid. Eric and Nicole could still be together. Sami and EJ could make a grand arrival back into town without all of that other mess (though I’ve always been a Sami/Lucas fan). Will and Sonny could still be in town. Bonnie would be gone. Adrienne could be undead.

We’ve been given a lot to deal with in the last year or 2. A reset would do the show some good.
The thing is: the characters didn’t have a time jump. The viewers did. They didn’t skip forward. The show skipped past a year and then filled in the gaps as the story progressed.

Way too much has happened. Are they going to scrap Henry and Lani and Eli’s twins? Is Haley Chen coming back? Are Eric and Sarah going to have their baby? They would have been in labor along with Brady and Kristen and would be together with their babies. Eric and Sarah are gone. And I don’t want Brady and Kristen back together—even if they undid all she’s done.

Hope would still be Gina as she was when she pushed Jen off the balcony. The actress is not even on the show and won’t be. They’d have to undo all the Ben and Ciara story that they’re so proud of. And wouldn’t Steve still be a chipped up Stefano puppet?

Undoing the time jump fixes nothing if they’re going to keep writing this way. The time jump isn’t the problem (except for Adrienne’s death). THAT was supposed to be a reset that let them fix the story, and the writing has only gotten worse. Another story trick isn’t going to correct that.

Going back in time and making the past few years not be real would be absurd. Either they pick up where they left off (see all the issues above) or they completely rewrite everything since, which would be an admission that it’s all been a mess. I could be wrong, but I don’t see them acknowledging that.
During my sleeplessness tossing & turning last night, at one point, was thinking how "cutesy" ReRon has been of late, thought of how he copied Golden Girl's Stan being chauffeur for Dorothy's wedding to someone else, she says Driver, you turn here, & he reveals his identity,,,,,,,,,& that is what Ben did with Ciara when she was on her way to her wedding,
Well, also on that series Blanche always called her father, "Big Daddy". And what does Paulina call her mother? Yep, "Big Momma". Who knows now, maybe Jack will hear from a long lost cousin or aunt named Blanche!

As to making the events of the last 9 mos. not have happened...Ron has managed to have "impossible" scenarios all along. Doesn't matter season, length of time, implausibility, etc. If he decides on a storyline....all common sense is ignored.
Still holding out for Jen waking up and I could see that since she's returning around Christmas but I won't hold my breath. I thought that would be the plan after the first year but now I'm not sure how they clean it up. Actually if they had made the stories even nuttier it would work. I think all they have now would be Jen laughing about how absurd it is that she dreamed Justin was marrying Bonnie. And I guess she could have dreamed some crazy lady came to knock down the square and claim Abe wasn't Lani's Dad. Allie being raped is too outrageous in the wrong direction.
It has been said that when in a coma, a patient can hear things being said, so Jen possibly could have heard visitors, family talking, and then expanded on some small comment within her coma. i.e. someone talks about Allie being pregnant by her boyfriend, Charlie.....but Jen hears only part and flies within her coma with the "she must have been raped, poor girl" and probably some no good son of Ava's. " Just grasping at straws here, lol.
Unless there's a new headwriter I'm not interested in any undoings. They'd be as badly handled as the last 3¾ years of the show.

I only want to add that it was silly to jump ahead a year but not keep mining that story by having the characters separated for the year somehow (or a lot of them). Oh, well, maybe next time Ron slides one of his lame shticks past the execs.
Undoing the time jump fixes nothing if they’re going to keep writing this way. The time jump isn’t the problem (except for Adrienne’s death)

If they "fixed" one of the stories, it would be Adrienne's death for me. They could find out that Bonnie is really Adrienne in a weird dream or bad psychological situation. She goes to take a nap and wakes up suddenly realizing she is really Adrienne! Gets lots of psychological help etc..... I know it would never happen because they would have to change so many things.:sad: