Stefano’s Portrait Speaks

soapkitty - It is a shame, because Brandon Barash (Stefan) is a good-looking man.

I watch The Days Players videos on FB or YouTube, and he looks fantastic. Why, oh why, did he grow that darn under-the-nose caterpillar?

I love the guys' obvious mutual admiration society, letting each have their time in the spotlight.


Was I offended by that air headed teen, Holly Jonas, insulting my handsome portrait? Of course I was, but it wasn’t surprising considering the uncultured, ill mannered people who foolish Elvis brings to live in my beautiful mansion. All my efforts to make him a man of good judgment and high standards have been for nothing. God help la Famiglia with him in charge.
It is a shame none of my descendants have been able to make good use of the genes handed down to them. They cannot comprehend using gathered info as a sort of blackmail to force the unwilling to do one's bidding. Nor do they comprehend the value of keeping one's ears open, and mouth shut!