Stefano’s Portrait Speaks

soapkitty - It is a shame, because Brandon Barash (Stefan) is a good-looking man.

I watch The Days Players videos on FB or YouTube, and he looks fantastic. Why, oh why, did he grow that darn under-the-nose caterpillar?

I love the guys' obvious mutual admiration society, letting each have their time in the spotlight.


Was I offended by that air headed teen, Holly Jonas, insulting my handsome portrait? Of course I was, but it wasn’t surprising considering the uncultured, ill mannered people who foolish Elvis brings to live in my beautiful mansion. All my efforts to make him a man of good judgment and high standards have been for nothing. God help la Famiglia with him in charge.
It is a shame none of my descendants have been able to make good use of the genes handed down to them. They cannot comprehend using gathered info as a sort of blackmail to force the unwilling to do one's bidding. Nor do they comprehend the value of keeping one's ears open, and mouth shut!
The current mayor is a joke. Even that crook, Mayor Marino — the one who was murdered — was better. That woman is so loud that people can’’t hear their Italian opera records.

I can’t believe that Elvis is still playing at being district attorney. It’s a position that’s unworthy of any true DiMera. Young Chad, though, is on target — seeking the truth. We DiMeras need to know how things really are so business plans and nefarious schemes will work as planned.

I also can’t believe that the Kiriakis family allows some grifter to take advantage of Maggie’s good nature. Victor would have had him put out of his misery by now.

Finally, how that fool, Stefan escapes prison is a mystery. He blunders is way from one problem to another while avoiding prison. Perhaps God takes pity on the truly pathetic.