Summer Preview....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Someone on twitter posted from an article in soap mag on what will be coming up this summer. Caroline's death will be bringing family to town, along with other reasons for them coming. Will's illness and turn for the worse will bring Sami & Lucas to town, Carrie comes with a secret in her personal life. The chemistry between Sarah & Xander surprised them, (the suits) so there will be something going on there.

Xander & Kristen (yes she is playing Nicole with a mask) are talking over their plan, argue, he leaves, Maggie arrives a bit worse for the wear from booze, knocks. Kristen opens, thinking it is Xander, slams it at sight of Maggie, dons her mask, opens it. Maggie asks where is Kristen, but is told to go home, sleep it off, imagining things, etc.

Rex & Sarah decided to have/host the backyard BBQ in July, Gabi steps up her game to snare Stefan, doing her best to get Chloe out of the picture. However, she unwillingly seems to be falling for him.

Ben is convinced Claire started the cabin fire, tells Ciara who doesn't believe that for a second, so Ben goes to Marlena to get hypnotized again. He trusts her, and wants to know the truth, even if it turns out being off his meds means he did it, and did not remember. So he remember it all exactly the same, except now he remembers a cell phone ring. And not now, but eventually, he will realize it is Claire's cell ringtone.
Thank you, Poirot.

Has Carrie dumped Austin, or has he dumped her? Either way, I don't care what her secret is unless she starts with the ice cubes and Rafe again. Then she'll need to disappear.

Rex and Sarah host the bbq?? Where? On Rex's fire escape? If it is at the Kmansion, the servants and Maggie will be doing all of the work.

I'm not surprised that Days is dragging out Will's brain tumor story into the summer. The only question is how many nanoseconds it takes Sami to play the victim or mention her smoochy woochy.

Kristen masquerading as Nicole = :angry::angry::angry:

Ben seems to be the only one using the Salem brain. Just a few little tiny brain cells, but that's more than the majority of Salem residents use.

At this point, any scenes with Gabi = time to do something else.
I was hoping for a summer of mystery, intrigue and romance. Guess I'll head to the library!

Very aggravating, Noel. At this point it will be New Year's before we see the real Jack.

I couldn't stand the Kristen recast the first time around so no way am I tuning in to see her disguised as Nicole. What's even the point of this storyline??? What does Kristen get out of it?

I'll enjoy seeing Sami and Lucas for a bit. I can take small doses of Carrie so I hope she has a decent secret.

I really like the actor that plays Rex. Wish his character served more purpose.

Maggie turning to alcohol, not even worth another comment from me. Oh, can't help it...DUMB!
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Agree. Brady was always good friends, very good friends with nicole. I liked that about them........but then the writers decided to make them a "couple".
Evidently Kristen will try and convince Brady that while the face was Nicole's......he fell for her, the person, not the face. Or something like that. LOL
Ben is convinced Claire started the cabin fire, tells Ciara who doesn't believe that for a second
I still don't believe it, either. It's the stupidest, laziest writing ever.

Sometimes I think the writers just lazily use the DiMeras as all-purpose chaos agents. It's been that way since Vivian and the chip in her tooth, late 1990s.
Chloe is still in Stefan and Gabi's orbit for the summer, after seeing them in bed together this week.

Edited to write out characters' names; combo names are not used on this board - JS
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Agree. Brady was always good friends, very good friends with nicole. I liked that about them........but then the writers decided to make them a "couple".

Me too. Another friendship I liked was Brady and Melanie's. He was always like a big brother to her until Days screwed that up by pairing them together in a relationship. Which makes you wonder when she will show up for a storyline. Bringing her in for Maggie's alcoholism would be good but then again why would Melanie come when Maggie has Sarah and M-Me-Melis-MELISSA....... THAT'S Maggie's other daughter.!!!
Sheesh: zero on Jack Deveraux:confused:
Maybe, he'll fall into Rexy and Sarah's BBQ pit causing the seat of his pants to catch fire. As for the other spoilers, here are a few comments.

Kristen in a Nicole mask: I wish the writers wouldn't employ such transparent nonsense. How can the DiMera sicko so perfectly imitate Nicole's voice? Has she become a professional impressionist? And how did Kristen get such a perfect mask? On Mythbusters, the two stars once dressed in each other's clothes and wore professionally-made masks of the other person's face. The disguises worked at a distance, but were immediately detected by other persons once they got close.

Xander & Sarah: I wouldn't wish Sarah on anyone, even the X-man. Yes, Titan CEO Brady has long had poor taste in women, but does Xander have to follow his example?

Carrie: Hopefully, the lost-cat lawyer's big secret isn't that she's lusting for the now-available Rafe. She was practically panting for him the last time around. Let's not have a rerun.

Ben: I've said it before and I'll say it again, somebody with Ben's detecting skills should sign on with Black Patch. Not only would this get him out of the odious DiMansion, but it would greatly impress Ciara.
So, today was the beginning of the "Maggie is seeing things because she is drinking" story we have all been waiting for (NOT). Of course, she will have one of the keys to unlocking the Nicole mystery, as will Rex, and maybe even Kate, but how long until they put it all together and figure it out? Also, we know that Ari Zucker (Nicole) is still filming, but do we know how long the actress who plays Kristen will be around?