Syrian refugee who watches Days

I refuse to watch this. I applaud the efforts to help this fan however, I think producing a new clip was a bit too far. They could have just as easily done a private meet/greet or sent signed swag from the cast.
It's complete satire, well, maybe except on the count of the refugee. I don't generally like those popular satire comedy shows (like John Stewart), but this was pretty funny - especially if you can admit how ridiculous EJ/Sami story was . (Yes, ridiculous, and I'm still a fan!)

However, since I haven't seen the entire show, and I don't watch it, so I don't really know where he's coming from, I am a little unsure if he is being sincere about the refugee or making fun of her, too?!
Well I am sure you all know where I am on this.:love::love: As one of the No.# 1 fans of EJ/Sami, I just loved it. Glad to see them both together once again. This was hilarious and I had much fun watching. So I say to you all, "If Only."

Yes, the infamous injection. I won't dismiss the EJ's reappearance somewhere down the road. You see, they left the door open and that is true. Only it won't be James Scott (EJ), but surely they will find someone very talented, handsome, English, with many well cut facets. Can hardly wait until that day. Love, love, love. ShaSha
Edited to remove the evidence that I had posted something that several people already posted. :)

It's still a very fun video... :)
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I think this is already posted here on the Spectator...last week.