The Family trees/backgrounds

I think Mike Horton maried a girl named Robin and Nathan Horton is their son
No, Mike Horton's son is Jeremy Horton. Jeremy's mother is Robin Jacobs (Robert LeClair's niece). Mike and Robin were never married.

Nathan Horton is the son of Melissa Anderson Horton (Mickey and Maggie's adopted daughter). Nathan was born off-screen and came to Salem as a young adult. His father has never been mentioned.
Sometimes I wonder if the writers do all this intermarriage, sorasing, disappearing family, just to play games with all of us, hoping we won't notice when they really screw up.

Let's not forget the the "out of the blue adults, who suddenly show up as unknown sons or daughters of major characters. Truly amazing.

Recently it's been Gwen, product of a one night stand Jack had with some waitress (which I do not believe for a second). Then there is Tripp who showed up same way for Steve a few years back. Melanie was a surprise for Daniel, who was a surprise for Maggie! Most of Stefano's offspring showed up unexpectedly, some after he was dead, like Chad, or Stefan & Jake.

Kate doesn't seem to have raised any of her children except for Lucas.......Austin, Billie, Philip, Cassie, Rex...... Plus has had sex with any and all available men in Salem. Plus having been married to Curtis Reed, Roman, Stefano, & Victor. The lady.........whoops, she is definitely no lady...that woman really got around. (Austin, Billie -daddy is Curtis. Philip's is Victor. Rex & Cassie have Roman as a Daddy)

Chad and Stefano had a relationship as father and son, only Stefan and Jake came into town after Stefano passed.

I find a lot of the stories to make the unknown children work unbelievable. I liked Paul with John (I especially like the fact that Paul kept his name and did not change it to Black), but the story how Paul came to be did not fit with John's timeline, which we saw on the show.

My favorite unknown child story on a soap was Another World's Victoria Love Hudson. Vicky was hands down one of my favorite characters on a soap and her story made sense. She was a twin, the mother Donna was drugged when she gave birth so she never knew about the twin that her father gave away. She raised the other twin Marley as her little sister until Marley got sick and needed a bone marrow transplant. Vicky showed up and donated the bone marrow as Marley's only full blooded sibling.
If I remember correctly, Isabella was the product of an affair between Victor and Loretta. Isabella grew up thinking that Ernesto Toscano was her birth father. I can’t remember how that whole thing came out, but that was around the time of the “cruise of deception” storyline.

Am I mixing stories up or was Marina her sister too? And she had some sort of past with Steve Johnson. Sorry. That branched off yet again.
You are correct about Isabella. She was a product of Victor's affair with Loretta, and yes, thought Ernesto was her father. She and Marina were half sisters. Isabella killed Marina (in self defense) then blocked it out. Kayla was initially convicted of the murder.

My favorite unknown child story on a soap was Another World's Victoria Love Hudson. Vicky was hands down one of my favorite characters on a soap and her story made sense. She was a twin, the mother Donna was drugged when she gave birth so she never knew about the twin that her father gave away. She raised the other twin Marley as her little sister until Marley got sick and needed a bone marrow transplant. Vicky showed up and donated the bone marrow as Marley's only full blooded sibling.
That was my favorite Another World storyline, too. Later, the storyline was supposed to be that Donna had triplets and Scott LaSalle was the third triplet. But then Anna Stuart left the show and Philece Sampler (who was several years younger) took over the role of Donna and the writers thought she was too young to have had triplets (which was ridiculous), so they dropped the proposed storyline.