The Necktie killer story


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, o.k. maybe I read too many detective stories (thank you Agatha Christie & Conan Doyle, etc.) but I am having a problem with this serial killer story. Besides all the lack of DNA evidence which should have come up with Will's death.

Right now, Stefano & Andre' want Aiden to murder Hope (no reason given) ala the necktie murders. Aiden is having huge reservations, but knows his son's life is at stake here. Rock & a hard place.

So.......if this necktie killer is going to attack & kill Hope on her wedding night.....where is Aiden supposed to be while this is going on? She is already undressed, ready for him, so he should be in the bathroom, I guess, and yet, he doesn't hear anything? Lots of 'splainin' to do, I would think.

Would Aiden really be able to duplicate the previous murders? Let's say he did, so Chad is freed, and then what? Stefano gets his money, Aiden is off the hook, Chase is safe....but WHY? Why would Stefano want Hope dead? He wanted that before he even knew about the ins. policy, etc.
I know the writers were trying to hurry up things in order to climax it all for the anniversary, but too many holes.

Stefano really.....wants Hope dead, Bo unaccounted for, Ciara left an orphan. Chad is already having a fit about innocent people, how will they shut him up?

However, here comes the big question? If Aiden is caught, or dies, and is considered to be Necktie killer, what about his whereabouts for the other murders? Did he know those victims? Why would he kill them?
Aiden would have to rely on the old story about a "mysterious intruder" overpowering him and when he recovered consciousness, Hope was dead. This always smells fishy to the cops and those using it are always convicted. As for the details of the crime, Aiden's efforts to duplicate the necktie killings will probably be so crude that Rafe will be immediately suspicious. Finally Stefano is really slipping. The killing of Hope would set off the biggest, most intensive investigation in Salem history and the trail of evidence might just lead right to his door. Before the Phoenix knows it, he might just have a revenge-crazed Bo Brady barging into the DiMansion, gun in hand. He's also being remarkably shortsighted. What's he going to do when he needs "Princess Gina" again, but Hope in no longer available?
Thank you!
Cannot tell you how this all has been bugging the daylights out of me. Yes, I realize Aiden figures that blame gets laid at the real killer's feet.
But if Aiden is caught, or dies while Hope is defending him, there would be no payoff to Stefano, would there? If Aiden is caught, well, he would end up being proved to NOT be the necktie killer, but would be jailed for attempted murder, getting no insurance money.......and if he died, Chad would be freed, but again, Stefano would get no payback.
LOL!!! We should remember we are questioning a show that had a person possessed by the devil, and we were supposed to accept that. My husband regularly argues with the train of events or logic used on tv. I just always remember it's tv for Pete's sake, two options, suspend disbelief or make myself crazy.
Aiden plans to be outside getting the champagne while Hope is killed, as far as they have showed us yet anyway. Yeah, like he wouldn't hear or see anything. I don't think Stefano is too worried about the Salem PD. He could hand them the proof and they still wouldn't figure out who did it.
Well, have to say, this entire tale truly has us having to suspend belief, go with the flow or whatever. From the improbable and impossible saga of Bo & Steve's travels from Mexico to Salem, the indiotic demand by Stefano for Hope's death, and Aiden's waffling about it all.
Heck, Aiden could have taken his son and left town. He could have talked to Rafe, told him about getting in too deep, the threats and what Stefano & Andre' now want him to do. Wear a wire, record the conversation, and nail Stefano.
But Aiden is being sacrificed so that Bo has a place in town.
As far as I am concerned, they could have delayed his entire return & have started it last week. Let Steve find him in that dumb place, escape, get on the plane and land in Salem.

Meanwhile, the real Necktie killer is free as a bird, no suspicion on him, and has finally cracked. He is holding a pregnant woman hostage, but claiming he loves her so much, he has to this, and had to kill those people because of Chad. While this makes no sense, it isn't supposed to, as his thinking is obviously distorted.

But Aiden is supposed to be of very sound mind. On their wedding night?
I've read murder mysteries, including some Agatha Christie and then there were none loved that book. I have also watched every episode of CSI and its two spin offs CSI: Miami and CSI: NY. There are a lot of questions I have about this storyline too like, for instance, with Will's murder Rafe knew from the injuries on Will's back and neck at least. That he wasn't killed in his apartment. How do they not wonder where the primary crime scene is? Strangulation is a violent act Will had no defensive wounds no bruising no skin under the fingernails.

Another thing when Chad confronted Ben the night of their fight. Why didn't the police wonder why there was no necktie either in the apartment or anywhere on Chad's person if he was supposedly the killer wouldn't he have brought that with him? I get that when you watch a soap, you have to allow for some suspension of disbelief but come on.

And as far as Bo and Steve's journey back to Salem. The plane they were on crashed. How does that
go unnoticed? Didn't Bo say that they needed to get medical attention for the pilot? Why didn't they just call 911? Instead, he calls Hope and his mother because he couldn't get a hold of Hope. I guess Pete's out of luck.
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But Aiden is being sacrificed so that Bo has a place in town.
This sums it all up. No further thinking needed on our parts.

So far I'm loving about 70% of what the new writers have brought us. This, I am not loving. Especially since Aiden showed no gambling nor psychotic tendencies prior to the third week of August, 2015.
Completely agree with the previous posts. The whole Bo and Steve plot has been totally cartoonish from start to finish, and the way Aiden suddenly turned into a weak-willed, homicidal DiMera pawn was equally ridiculous. Why didn't the writers just go all out and have the mighty Rafe pursue the Phoenix to the top of a smoking volcano and then have the arch-villain plunge into the lava-filled crater? I'm also not on board with the SORASed Ciara, Chase, and Theo. The writers already had delinquent Joey to build a troubled teen group around. The younger children were always a refreshing break from the often sordid doings of their elders. Finally, let's get Rory and T back on screen. A few decent, cheerful young guys never hurt any episode.
Bo's return is beyond stupid. I have to mention that when he and Steve were talking while trying to get out of their chains Bo said something to the effect of "it's always been just Hope and I". Did that arrogant cheating jerk forget about Carly and Billie?

I also am totally loving that while he has all those blow ups, yelling "nooo", as he has visions of breaking through the front door and then as Hope kisses Aiden at the altar and Hope has not a thought of Bo. I don't think Aiden is going to try and kill Hope and as far as I'm concerned he is not the villain the new writers turned him into. Anything they have written is just something I'm gonna sit through.
Just my opinion but Aiden was shady back with that whole "did he or didn't he" kill his wife". I know it's supposedly been proven that he didn't, but I would say he did and blamed Chase IF I were the writers. If you're gonna make him a maniac like Ben, make it good. :wink:
I have to say that today's conclusion to Bo's return, (November 6th) has been the most disappointing episode for me since I began watching again a few weeks ago. Although I hadn't watched the Aiden and Hope story, even I could feel how implausible the sudden changes to his character were.
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