The "Time Jump"

Well, they cannot be telling us "what happened last year" forever. I think Ron is probably replying to those who figure the time jump will end in a couple months. i.e. Right now, we are hearing constantly of what happened 6 mos. ago. By the time we get to Thankgiving, Christmas & New will be "last Christmas, etc. But we will then be in 2020, the characters living in 2021, talking of what happened in 2020. From what I understood, we would be seeing Christmas 2020, and conversation about Christmas 2019. Well, next Christmas they cannot be talking of "last Christmas" as we would already have seen it. Somehow, months from now, they will undoubtedly be back in sync with real world. Maybe next fall???
And now am reading that Clyde reneges for some reason, doesn't want to return Mickey, Xander tries to take back his confession?????? This was in a mag.......but not sure of this at all. By the way, Clyde arranges this from prison, as evidently he wants to have Ben set Free. Again.......RUMOR!!!
Speaking of Xander, I'm thinking that Victor put him in charge of Titan as a reward for Xander swapping Kristen and Brady's baby girl with Sarah's dead baby (total speculation on my part), since Brady and Kristen would have no reason to be together if there was no baby. Plus, Victor wouldn't want to see Maggie grieve the loss of her granddaughter, especially since she drank again after Holly's supposed death. Again, all speculation here.
I just read a very long interview with Ron C. (headwriter) ....who talked mostly about this time jump (and he hates spoilers, so there is not even one in the interview, which is several pages long) and how long he has had the idea. Pitched it to the other 2 soaps he worked at, no go there. But when he talked about it to Days, they were intrigued. Originally he was going to do it when Marlena was in her coma, but there were a couple of glitches that made that not feasible.

The thing is, as a writer, you have to know what every single character has done for the year, where they are at the jump, it all has to be in place. Originally he thought with the 2 pregnancies, New Year's would be a good time, clock striking 12, and an entire year has passed. But Ryan Quan came up with the "anniversary" (Days, which was Nov. 8th) which worked out perfect. They wanted a legacy character to be learning everything, along with the viewers, so decided on Jack & Jennifer, who had just had all their happiness back...and bingo.

He also said, thus........some couples are together, some not, few people have died. He said we would slowly learn all that occurred, and there was one thing it was going to take longer to find out. He also mentioned how he had not taken production into account.....mentioning they do 8 shows a week (& we wonder why they are so far ahead), but, when doing flashbacks, there has to be change of hair, clothes, sets, etc. & the production crew has done a fantastic job. He said the cast is very excited by all this, & he hasn't heard anyone saying they were unhappy with whatever their character was doing. He absolutely hates spoilers, feels everyone should be surprised, wanting to see what happens tomorrow. Thus was really glad this time jump was not leaked long ago. He hated when it finally did a month or so ago. LOL
and [Ron Carlivati, current head writer] hates spoilers
Of course he does - his stuff is only worth watching once.

he hasn't heard anyone saying they were unhappy with whatever their character was doing
Aside from me and other people in positions of relative power, who really badmouths their boss that often? LOL

All joking aside - this man has worked in soaps for what - 20 years? And didn't take production details into account? Yeesh. Also I don't trust they mapped everything out. Mistakes a plenty will be seen.
Well, today's ending is a head scratcher......brainwashing again?
So he got Steffy's essence, or personality or something or other before Stefano died. And Steve either has a chip like Hope/Gina, or the memories implanted thing like was done to John years ago, giving him Roman's memories.

Now, if Steve is supposed to go around town as Stefano, he is not going to be all that successful with everyone calling him Steve.

So exactly what does Rolf have in mind as his plans for his 2 creations?