The "Time Jump"

LOL, probably a poll within a private group......Since the time jump began Nov. 8th, did not get into it til the 10th or could only have gone on at the most a week or week and 1/2, figuring the article has to be written up, and then posted online (that is not in the published mag, is it.

And yes, folks were liking the first week or so......but then everything began to drag, and drag, including telling how/why some died, so, the enthusiasm has waned. In MY opinion!
What I'm liking or given that it is American Thanksgiving about what I'm thankful for, wink, nudge, nudge.......Happy Thanksgiving neighbours.......... is that Days is still on the air.

With regardst the time jump I love that characters are being given the opportunity to work with other actor/tress they normally wouldn't have gotten to play off of, I like that we as viewers were left wondering how something happened or led up to, I'm still intrigued by where some storylines are going to go, I like that it has opened the door for the characters to interact differently, I kinda like that Steve is going to be playing Stefano or thinking he is.

I guess I'm liking the time jump because it's different and this is Days. Kristen as a nun.......COME ON!!!!! Stupid but fun. I'm still on board.