The "twist"........


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Nov 23, 2006
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And we are not referring to the dance! LOL.

It has been bugging me that there are so many different "official" words on what is upcoming. Was told this time jump is to begin around Thanksgiving, with the "big" whatever happening New Year's Eve. Then Wally Kurth (Justin) did an interview, intimating the "jump" will begin in mid-November. He has been recurring for years, working on another soap as well as Days, but.......he is now on contract! Says Justin has big story coming up.

Now I know Julie survives, as the actress has posted her appearance dates up to next Feb. (and Doug's) but is it Stefan's heart? Or Shah's? So it was supposed to be Stefan's....and could be what we get told. But evidently the actor is currently filming. Is he Stefan, a twin, or a look alike. Rumor is perhaps Stefan's heart is intended to be given to Julie, but Rolf switches it with Shah's?

This is what is soooooooo hard with Days filming so far in advance. Wally Kurth (Justin), in his interview, mentioned being 6 mos ahead, 7 mos. actually close to 8. (his words)

So....did the show kill Stefan off so long ago in filming, only to not know how much the fans would like him, how much the viewers embraced the Gabi/Stefan coupling? And then decided to "fix" it? Who knows?

And supposedly, this time jump will be exactly one year, so holidays will all remain the same, seasons, etc. But there will be 2021 life going on, while WE are in 2020, and things told in flashbacks. All I can think of is how they do "This Is Us"........& we manage to keep up, understand.

So......both Sarah & Kristen will no longer be pregnant. They will have given birth, or suffered a loss. Will Xander & Sarah marry, him claiming to have fathered her child? Will Rex prove to be the father? (I honestly do not fathom it being Eric)

What about Kristen........does she go full term.......will Brady cave to her wiles? Will Ciara finally go to work, & have a life without being attached to Ben. Same for him.

So how would you do the future for our Salemites?
Well, all I can say is I am confused as all get out by all the conflicting rumors. First of all, I thought Dr. Shah was dead. Jennifer checked and said he had no pulse. Of course, we all know a pulse isn't a prerequisite for being alive in Salem. Could Dr. Rolf bring him back? Sure, he could but why would they bring him back and donate his heart. When Stefan leaps in front of Vivian, does she take a bullet too? Not sure she has a heart so let's eliminate her. Back to square one, I guess. All I know is someone has to die so Julie can live and it has to be someone close to her and her family.

Now, for the babies. I am pretty sure that Sarah's baby is Xander's. Salem's time warp just isn't good enough for Eric to be the Daddy. I am willing to bet that Kristen isn't really pregnant. She should have been through menopause years ago. When she either loses the baby or finds out she was never pregnant, she will go ballistic. Brady is the poster child for gullibility so he can be easily convinced that any baby she steals is his. Watch out Sarah! I think Kristen will steal Sarah's baby and pass it off as Brady's.

Ciara will most likely stay with Ben and they will become Bo and Hope Jr.
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The rumor I heard that I hate is that Steve and Kayla will not be together and he will be with Kate???? Supposedly there is a picture of her doctor coat that says Dr. Brady instead of Johnson. Also, pretty sure that we will see Princess Gina, and also there are rumors that Hope/Princess Gina will sleep with Ben! Good times ahead!

I guess that makes sense about Rolf switching Stefan's heart and using Shah's, even though if he was really dead, his heart wouldn't be viable, but who cares about that? And then when they bring Stefan back, he can have his own heart or be his own twin/doppelganger.

I still think that Gabi will be pregnant with Stefan's baby somehow. So, I guess that baby will have been born, too? I can see her going back to Eli if Stefan is really dead, especially if Lani was the one who shot him. You know how Gabi loves her revenge plots.

What I really don't like is the fact that Kristen is still there. She serves no purpose, except to annoy us. At least I haven't seen anything about Eve, so I am hoping she is going going gone. But, I agree that Kristen will not have a baby and will kidnap one of the others. And, having Dr. Rolf on her payroll, he will make sure the baby tests positive for Kristen/Brady.

I hope that we don't get the Chad/Abby show again.
There was a troll on Twitter, making up all kinds of outrageous lies, claiming they were spoilers. Among them was that Steve/Kate item, plus Hope/Ben. Steve will be back....but it could be Kayla got tired of waiting...or just decided to use her maiden name. (as Marlena does) That troll was expelled from twitter.
Heck, we have stuck around thru some absolutely horrible storylines......This is Us jumps back 30 years, 15 years, then into the present, and even forward 20 years. We manage there. If we do not have to live thru 7 mos. of pregnancy pads on a couple of females, then, yayyyy. LOLOL
Thanks, @Poirot. I am glad those rumors are false because I really couldn't see the Steve/Kate thing AT ALL. We have waited so long for him to come back and then to not have him with Kayla is cruel. (Not that the writers would ever do anything like keep people apart forever, see Jack and Jennifer). Some of the other rumors seem to be still floating around as having some truth and none of them are good. I agree that the only good part of this is NOT having to see Sarah and Kristen being pregnant.

Also, many of you are used to the This is Us format, but some of us do not watch and don't like the back and forth storylines. I don't want to have to work that hard to enjoy a silly soap opera. Plus, those writers are much better and have a pre-thought out story planned and we don't.
You know what I want with this "Big Never Before In Daytime Last Chance To Save this Show"
I want families to remember they are families, it was stupid to have Hope not acknowledge Claire as her granddaughter. It isn't our the viewers fault that you've aged the character so that Grandma can't romance the town hunky cop.

I want FRIENDSHIP between people. I want the run into someone in the HTS brief chat next scene is them sheet flapping.

But mainly, I want them to be writing only 4 weeks ahead of what we see...
Well, Kate does not want to be known as a great-grandmother, & evidently Hope doesn't want any "Grand" or "great" attached to her titles either.

LOL, I was thinking about my grandfather, and what a large family he came from, and realized that all my aunts and uncles, were really "greats" since they were his brothers and sisters. Sheesh, just never thought about it.
But there will be 2021 life going on, while WE are in 2020, and things told in flashbacks
Don't worry. With Days glacial pace, they'll be telling 2021 stories in 2060.
So how would you do the future for our Salemites?
Normally I'm all in for this type of post, but I dislike so much, I'm afraid I can't even think of how to fix it. I like the idea of friendships mentioned above.

One thing I do not want to see is couples broken up. Chad and Justin on contract without Adrienne and Abby on contract just seems like a cheap way to break up couples just to put them back together. There are plenty of new characters they could develop.

Here's a shortlist:
Ben & Ciara sail away on Fancy Face XV and are nary mentioned
Hope is working as a PI for Black Patch and is constantly in the hair of Eli (not literally obviously) and Rafe
Sarah and Xander are dating, a youthful analogue to Maggie and Victor
Sarah's infant is being raised by Xander (à la Shane raising Andrew) who will be revealed bio dad, too
Eric and Nicole are married and Holly is revealed to be his daughter (bonus points if Daniel is erased from history)

I would be OK with a Kristen/Brady baby but not with a babyswitching storyline. Especially since bio parents in Salem can "feel" who their kids are.

I want Lucas to be around. I don't care if Kate is.

I'd like it if Sonny and Will are fostering or adopting or, since this is a soap, if they have an extra kid already. I'd also like Gabi to have a very small infant by Stefan.

Honestly the best thing about the time jump is it gives us some mystery and spares us, as Poirot notes, pregnancy pads. I think it would have been bolder to do 2-3 years, have a bunch of characters leave town and then return in bursts after the reset. Give everyone new secrets and new mysteries.

We shall see.
I don't think it has been confirmed that the time jump is a year? That's also a rumor.

I attended a fan event this weekend and it was mentioned by an actor on the show that the show is shutting down production for a few months on November 27. They are already filming May so the goal is to catch up a little and be able to adjust things if needed. Keep in mind there is always a long holiday break but this one sounds like it will be extra long. He/She also mentioned that they hoped the time jump wouldn't be too confusing for fans.

Personally I'm not a fan of the approach at all.
we have not seen it yet, and won't for a couple months...speculation we all have, but no use dwelling on it.....we don't know what is coming, so tis fun to imagine. I love This Is Us...which goes back and forth in time, and not just a year. They are in the present then back 30yrs forward 10...and it is not confusing ...but great storytelling. Who knows what REALLY is in store for us? And the Salemites! .
Well, I am hearing in different places about the show taking a very long "filming break". I know they would take a week-10 days around Thanksgiving, and a couple weeks at Christmas........but this one is to stretch way into Feb. One or two of the actors have referenced it in interviews........Nothing official from the show so far, at least I have not read anything to that effect. (Even they have to realize they are toooo far ahead). Is that the big twist never before done in daytime?? LOL