The Ultimate Revenge

Chapter 9


Nicole and Sami are lying on the floor with cuffs and chains around their wrists and ankles. Nicole groggily starts to wake up.
NICOLE: Oh…what…happened? Where…am I? Ow! My head is killing me. Oh my God! Where the hell am I?
She starts freaking out, struggling with her chains, frantically looking around her. She sees Sami still out a few yards away across the room. She gasps.
NICOLE: Sami! SAMI!! Wake up! Come on, wake up, Sami!!
Sami starts to come to, slowly opening her eyes. She looks around her and then sits up with a jolt and starts screaming.
NICOLE: Ow! My head! Shut up Sami! Stop screaming!
SAMI: Oh my God! What happened?! What is going on? Why are we here? Where are we?
NICOLE: I don’t know what happened. Why can’t I remember anything?
SAMI: Yeah, I don’t know. Wait, the last thing I remember…were we at the bridal shop? Oh no, where are the kids?!
NICOLE: Oh my God! Sydney! Where’s Sydney?!
SAMI: Help! Help!! HELP!!!
NICOLE: Help! Somebody help us! We’re trapped in here!!!
All the sudden they hear a latch open on the door at the other end of the room.
SAMI: Oh thank God.
A dark figure slowly walks toward them. As he gets closer to them in the dim light they see a familiar face.
NICOLE: Oh cr*p.
SAMI: You b*stard! What the hell have you done with the kids?
EJ starts to laugh at them.
EJ: Johnny and Sydney are no longer any of your concern.
SAMI: What about Allie?
EJ: Oh, I’m sure that little brat is just fine with her daddy.
NICOLE: EJ what have you done with the kids? What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let us out of here!!
EJ: Don’t worry. The children are fine and being well taken care of. They will soon find out about their mothers’ horrible deaths and that you both insisted they live with me.
SAMI: There’s no way you’re getting away with this! Johnny will never believe you. He hates you! And Rafe, Lucas, Brady, my dad…they’ll never stop looking for us. They’ll find us and kill you! Your plan won’t work.
EJ: Oh, Samantha, shut up! There will be no heroes saving the day this time. They have no idea where in the world we are. In fact, Fatha’s got them on a wild goose chase in some place far away from here.
NICOLE: Just where exactly is “here”?
EJ: <giving them a devilish grin> I guess I can tell you since you’re not going anywhere and will both be dead soon. We’re in northern Italy.
SAMI: Northern Italy?! Jeez, how long were we knocked out?!
EJ: Not long enough, apparently. Time to go check on the children.
He turns and starts walking back toward the door.
NICOLE: EJ! Don’t do this! Those kids need their mothers! Please, I’m begging you!
EJ: You are so pathetic when you beg. Ciao, b*tches!
He slams the door and they hear the latch close.
SAMI: Oh my God, Nicole, what are we going to do?
NICOLE: <starting to cry> I don’t know, Sami, I don’t know.


The Titan jet lands and taxis down the runway. John is waiting for the guys to exit the plane. Brady steps out of the plane and walks over to his father giving him a big hug.
JOHN: Good to see you, son.
BRADY: You too, Dad.
ROMAN: Nice to see you, partner.
JOHN: Wish it was under better circumstances.
RAFE: <shaking John’s hand> It’s good to finally meet you, John.
JOHN: Yes. You too, Rafe. I’ve heard a lot about you. Lucas, how’s it going, man?
LUCAS: Hey, John. I’m worried about my son and Sami but I’m really glad you’re helping us out to find them.
JOHN: You bet. Taking on the DiMera’s is old hat to me. We’ll find them. Old man DiMera must be getting senile thinking that Como would be safe and we wouldn’t figure it out. Must have slipped his mind that Marlena and I are in Switzerland. Alright, let’s head back to the house and prepare for our mission. Doc’s waiting for us.
They all get in the SUV and head to John and Marlena’s chateau in the Lugano Hills.

to be cont'd.....
Oh, wow, Sparkster, this gets better and better. I could just hear EJ saying "Johnny & Sydney are no longer any of your concern". Exactly how he talks. Good job.
Yeah - John to the rescue. Loving how EJ is soooooooooooooo delusional that he doesn't think anyone is going to figure out where they are.
Chapter 10


Stefano is sitting in the living room of the villa enjoying a brandy. EJ walks in and joins him in having a drink.
STEFANO: So, Elvis, how are your prisoners doing?
EJ: Just fine, fatha. They are as screechy and annoying as ever.
STEFANO: So what do you plan to do? You can’t keep them there forever.
EJ: I know. I just haven’t decided how to handle the situation yet.
STEFANO: You could drop them off on an island somewhere?
EJ: Nah, that’s way overdone. Besides, I think I want to toy with them a bit.
STEFANO: Ah, I see the wheels turning in your head, Elvis. What do you have in mind?
EJ: I’ll let you know once I take care of a few things.
With that, EJ gets up and leaves the room to go speak to the goons Marcello and Dante about his plan for Nicole and Sami.


MARLENA: Oh, I’m so glad you guys are all here!
ROMAN: Hey, Doc. It’s good to see you. And I promise you we will find our daughter and grandson.
MARLENA: I just wish it hadn’t come to this. The DiMera’s are now hurting our grandchildren. They should have been stopped a long time ago. <she starts to get emotional> I should have done more. We all should have! Dammit Roman, this is all our fault isn’t it?
Roman puts his arms around Marlena comforting her.
ROMAN: Shhhh…I know what you mean, Doc, but this all goes on the DiMera’s and believe me they will pay for this.
JOHN: Damn right they will. They’re not going to know what hit them. Alright let’s get the plan together.
BRADY: What kind of arsenal do you got here, Dad?
JOHN: Come on, I’ll show you.
John leads Roman, Brady, and Rafe to his gun room where they start packing up weapons and ammunition. Meanwhile, Marlena and Lucas gather other supplies like food, flashlights, walky-talkies, GPS, and other various items they will need for their trip into Italy.
MARLENA: I’m glad you’re here, Lucas.
LUCAS: Yeah, I’m just so worried about Johnny and Sami, ya know. I mean what if….I’ve only had a short time to really bond with my son, ya know. I already missed out on so much of his life…to have him taken away again….that poor boy has been through so much at the hands of the DiMera’s. I should have known something was up. I should have known EJ and Stefano would pull something like this!
MARLENA: No one could have known. But when it comes to the DiMera’s you always have to keep your guard up or they will get you. I despise them for what they’ve done to this family. They need to pay permanently for what they’ve done.
LUCAS: What do you think is going to happen when we find them?
MARLENA: I’m not sure. But I am sure that Sami, Nicole, and the kids are ok. Stefano and EJ wouldn’t go to all the trouble of kidnapping them just to kill them. They enjoy torturing people way too much.


Marcello and Dante enter the room, one wheeling in a laptop computer on a cart and the other with a tray of food for the prisoners.
NICOLE: What is that?
Marcello ignores Nicole’s question and turns the computer on. He starts pressing a few keys. Meanwhile, Dante sets the tray of food in between Sami and Nicole.
SAMI: I’m not eating that cr*p. It’s probably poisoned.
MARCELLO: It’s time for…how do you say…movie time?
DANTE: Showtime, stupido!
MARCELLO: Va bene.
He presses enter on the computer. Johnny and Sydney appear on the screen sitting on a bed.
SAMI: Johnny!
NICOLE: Sydney!
Then they see EJ appear. He sits on the edge of the bed and begins speaking to the children.
EJ: Hey, you two. I know it’s been a rough couple of days but everything is going to be fine now and Daddy is going to take care of you from now on.
JOHNNY: You’re not my daddy! I want my real daddy! Where’s Mommy?
EJ: Your mommies aren’t here anymore. They’ve gone bye-bye and they aren’t coming back. But they wanted me to have you so they sent you here.
SYDNEY: Where’s Mommy?
EJ: Sweetheart, I just told you. She’s gone. Both of your mothers died and they wanted you to live with me from now on.
JOHNNY: No, they didn’t! You’re a liar! Don’t believe him Sydney!
Nicole and Sami are watching this, seething, both with tears in their eyes.
SAMI: Good boy, Johnny! Don’t you believe a word he says!
NICOLE: Oh Sydney, baby…
Back to the video feed:
EJ: Johnny, you are not to speak to me that way ever again, you hear me? Now, your mothers are dead, you live here with me and Nonno and that’s final!
JOHNNY: NO! I hate you! I hate you!
Now the feed goes to black.
Sami starts to sob now.

SAMI: You b*stard. Oh my God….I swear I am going to kill you EJ!!!
Marcello and Dante take the laptop and leave the room.

to be cont'd....
My gosh, how can a man who claims to love his children be so heartless. Die, EJ, Die!

Thanks, Sparks. Terrific.
I sure wouldn't want to be Stefano or EJ when the Salem crew catches up with them.

After all, we have Roman and Marlene, the parents and grandparents of Sami and Johnny, Lucas, Sami's ex-husband (and true love IMHO) and Johnny's father, Rafe (Sami's current husband) John (who thought he was Sami's father for a long time), Brady (Nicole's honey, Sami's stepbrother, and soon-to-be father of little Sydney). Nope, wouldn't want to get on their bad side.

This is going to be a fun ride, I can tell.
Chapter 11


It is nighttime. In a large black SUV John is driving the crew down to Como. Apparently, he and Marlena know of some back roads that allow them to cross the border without being checked by border patrol. They cross into Italy. John drives down the street where the DiMera Villa is. It’s a large gated mansion secluded from the other houses on the street. They decide to drive around to the other side of Lake Como. There is a public park located diagonally across from the DiMera Villa. They park the car and unload their gear.
JOHN: Alright, we got three rafts here that should hold two people each. Lucas, why don’t you start blowing those up.
ROMAN: Rafe, let’s check the guns again and make sure they’re in working order.
BRADY: Here’s the bag with the other supplies we may need.
MARLENA: Ok, are we ready to go?
LUCAS: Let’s do this. I’ll be there soon, Sami. Please God, keep them safe.
RAFE: Ok, here we go.
And with that, they all head across the lake in the rafts. Once they reach the other side they ditch the rafts under the dock. They all head up the hill toward the house. They crouch down by some bushes a couple hundred feet from the house. Roman pulls out the satellite photos they got of the villa and its grounds.
ROMAN: Alright, from here we’re going to split up. Me, John, and Marlena are going through the east entrance. You guys are going to go to the northwest corner of the house. There’s a basement entrance there. Now, knowing the DiMera’s they’re going to have some goons guarding these doors. So let’s be careful, let’s be smart, and let’s bring home the girls and the kids.


STEFANO: So did Samantha and Nicole enjoy your little video presentation?
EJ: Yes, from what Marcello and Dante told me, they were both crying like little babies. Stupid b*tches!
STEFANO: Are you having second thoughts about torturing them like this? It does get old you know.
EJ: I know. I still haven’t decided what to do with them yet.
STEFANO: There’s always mind control if you don’t want to leave them on an island. I know a doctor…
EJ: Oh, Fatha, you old bugger, you. You really are the king of evil, aren’t you?
STEFANO: I suppose. I’m getting old though, you know.
EJ: But you’re the phoenix. You always rise.
STEFANO: Indeed. So how did the children take the news of their mothers’ deaths?
EJ: Sydney seems confused but she’s so young, she’ll never remember this or her wretched mother. Johnny’s going to be tougher to convince. He doesn’t seem to believe me and is pretty angry. He’ll come around.
STEFANO: Good. Just give them time. They’ll get used to their new life soon.
EJ: Fatha, I just wanted to thank you again for what you did for me. Breaking me out of prison, getting my children back. It means the world to me that you would go to those lengths for me. I know you weren’t exactly happy with some of my choices.
STEFANO: It was all for the children. I love those kids dearly. I couldn’t stand not being able to see them. Samantha and Nicole both filed restraining orders against me barring me from having contact with Giovanni and Sydney after you were arrested.
EJ: Selfish b*tches. So do you really think we’re safe here? No one is going to find us?
STEFANO: Don’t worry, Elvis. Everything is fine. My contact in Argentina called earlier to tell me that the Titan jet had landed in Buenos Aires. So, you see? The nitwits of the Salem PD are on a wild goose chase and have no clue where we are!

to be cont'd.....
Can't wait for the safe return of Sami and Nicole and Sydney and Johnny. This story gets better and better everyday.

Thank goodness this crew has it together unlike they are written on the show.
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of mystery and adventure stories. Sparkster, this is getting more exciting than Jack Ryan or Jason Bourne(heroic characters) ever were. LOL You are giving Tom Clancy & Robert Ludlum (authors) a run for the money. Love it. Agatha Christie would be proud. :D
I don't post much .. just LOVE to READ everything ! I just have to let you know that I am loving this story ! It has all the right "stuff" characters, suspense, drama, locations. It's better than watching the real show...
they should hire "Sparkster" as the main writer for the show.
looking forward to more :)
Gosh, you guys are making me blush! :hug: Thanks for the wonderful accolades! I don't know about Clancy, Ludlum, and Christie.....those are some talented authors! And WestieLady, thanks so much for reading and the nice compliments. I don't know if I'd like to do this for a living but it's fun to be able to create your own story about existing characters on a soap. And to be honest, with some of the storylines going on for real on the show, I'm sure many of us out there could write them better! :clap:
Chapter 12


Roman, John, and Marlena are hiding amongst some trees a few yards from the house. They see one of the goons guarding the side entrance.
JOHN: <whispering> We need to distract him.
ROMAN: <whispering> I got an idea.
Roman reaches down and grabs a rock off the ground. He heaves it in the opposite direction, which gets the guard’s attention. The guard, with his back to them, starts to walk toward the sound of the noise he heard. John quickly and quietly runs up behind him and levels him to the ground unconscious after a swift blow to the back of the head.
ROMAN: Nicely done, partner.
MARLENA: Ok, you cuff him, Roman. I’ll check his pockets for keys and a phone.
JOHN: Looks like he’s got an earpiece too, probably to stay in contact with other guards or DiMera.
MARLENA: <ripping the earpiece out of the goon’s ear and stomping on it with her boot> Not anymore!
ROMAN: Alright, let’s go inside and kick some DiMera a**.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the house, Rafe, Brady, and Lucas spot the basement entrance.
RAFE: Over there, there’s some concrete steps that go down. Follow me. Stay close and be on guard.
As they get closer they see there is no one guarding the door. There is a pad lock on the door.
BRADY: Looks like this is our lucky day, fellas.
LUCAS: So how do we plan on breaking in with the least amount of noise possible?
RAFE: Don’t worry, I got this.
Rafe reaches into his bag and puts a silencer attachment on his gun. Brady and Lucas stand back as Rafe shoots the lock off the door. They enter.


NICOLE: Sami, you gonna eat any of that food they brought us?
SAMI: Hell, no. Are you crazy?
She grabs one of the sandwiches and smears the mayonnaise on one of wrists.
SAMI: Ew! What the hell are you doing? That’s gross!
NICOLE: I’m trying to break out of my cuffs you twit.
She starts sliding her wrist back and forth and finally slides one of her hands out. She slathers the mayo on the other wrist and is able to pull the cuff off with her free hand.
SAMI: Wow, Nicole. I’m impressed.
NICOLE: Well, don’t just sit back in awe of me. Get to work girl!
Sami starts doing the same to her wrist cuffs while Nicole begins working on her ankle cuffs.
NICOLE: These are going to be more difficult. Pass me that fork.
Nicole starts picking the lock on the cuffs with the fork. All the sudden they hear the muffled sound of a door closing.
SAMI: Did you hear that?
NICOLE: Someone might be coming! Quick, make it look like we never touched the food and are still in our cuffs.

to be cont'd.....
Oh, I agree, too. And love all this "edge of my seat" stuff. Fantabulous!
Chapter 13


Brady, Rafe, and Lucas have entered the basement of the villa and start creeping down a dim, damp corridor.
RAFE: <in a low voice> Alright, stay close and keep your eyes and ears open.
He slowly leads them down the corridor, gun in front of him scoping the place out.
LUCAS: Man, it stinks in here.
BRADY: Oh, sorry. That’s me. Too much Swiss cheese at Dad and Marlena’s.
LUCAS: Aw, cut it out, dude! That’s disgusting!
RAFE: Shhhh! I think I hear voices.
LUCAS: I always thought you were a little paranoid.
They hold up for a second. They hear muffled voices behind one of the doors.
LUCAS: That’s Sami. I’d know that voice anywhere.
RAFE: Alright, back up. I’m gonna blow this door off too.


Roman, John, and Marlena have quietly entered the villa. It appears to be the pantry off the kitchen that they have entered. Roman and John flank the door to the kitchen. They open the door a crack and peer in. It’s clear. They open the door and walk through the kitchen to a service corridor at the other end of the room. They start making their way down the corridor. It’s dim but they see the brighter lights up ahead of the living room. There’s a small dark alcove up ahead. Roman motions for them to sneak in there. Meanwhile, they can hear Stefano and EJ talking from the living room.
EJ: I just had Maria check on the kids. She said they’re both sound asleep. She had to take off to be with her mother who is ill but will be back in the morning.
STEFANO: Good. Maybe tomorrow you can take the children around the grounds here. Get them some fresh air.
EJ: Yeah, sure. Whatever. Everything good with security?
STEFANO: Yes, yes, of course. In fact, I was just about to check in with Dante and Marcello.
EJ: Great. I’m going downstairs to see how Samantha and Nicole are getting along. Maybe with a little luck they’ll just kill themselves and we won’t have to worry about them.
STEFANO: <chuckles> That would be fun to watch!
EJ leaves the room. Stefano gets out his walkie-talkie.
STEFANO: Dante, come va? Dante. How’s it going? Dante! Damn it. Marcello, come in. Marcello?
MARCELLO: Si, signore.
STEFANO: Where is Dante? He’s not answering. I need you to check his location.
MARCELLO: Si, signore.
A few minutes pass and then Marcello comes on the walkie-talkie with the news that Dante has been knocked out outside the east entrance.
STEFANO: Oh, Dio mio. What the hell is going on?
Roman and John come out of hiding.
JOHN: I’ll give you one guess, old man. <pointing his gun directly at Stefano>
Marlena heads for the stairs up to the bedrooms to look for the kids.

to be cont'd Monday....
Oh, my gosh, Brady & swiss cheese had me laughing so hard.

Loving this, just loving it! Great that Stefano & EJ are split up now.......yayyy for the good guys.
This is GREAT!!!! I love reading your stories more than watching the show! Brady and the swiss cheese had me cracking up. Your the best.:clap: