Thursday, February 28th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Episode #10,772 Taped 2/5 Director – Noel Maxam

Everyone from Shawn Brady’s funeral is now gathered together at the Brady Pub, & tho there are a few tears today, just a tissue or two are all we need.
The Pub is packed with mourners, glasses in hand, but instead of the memories being exchanged with laughter, the tone is hushed & somber. There are various little conversations to this effect, with some saying the “Irish wake” has not really started yet. EJ tells Sami he feels very uncomfortable there, Sami tells him he is a DiMera, suck it up. She sits off in a corner by herself the entire time.John talks to Chloe, both mentioning how they did not know Shawn well at all.Hope is concerned about Bo, wanting to take him back to the hospital, but he inists he has to stay for the toast. Finally Kim comes forward, asking for everyone’s attention, and talks of her pop, saying how kind, caring, loving, ( and a lot more positive adjectives) he was besides being bull-headed, stubborn, obstinate, making everyone smile. Shawn knew a lot of Irish toasts, and the family heard them all so often, they can recite them from memory. And she now begins one, a long one, reciting a few lines, with each of the family adding a couple more lines….Roman, Kayla, Bo, Max, Shawn, Belle, Chelsea, Stephanie, Abe, Caroline…all toast & drink.

Now Bo seems to almost collapse. Hope gets Steve to help her get him to the car. Kimberly is talking to Bo, asking how he is, talking of not returning to L.A. Nope, he is fine, insisting he is not going to want his family putting their lives on hold for him. Hope returns from getting the car out front, and Steve helps her get Bo outside. They get Bo into the car, but he is insisting she stay there. She has agreed, but now tells Steve to get him over to the hospital, she will be there in a few minutes. They hug, and a spying Ava snaps a picture of the two of them. Steve leaves with Bo, and Ava confronts Hope, saying she thinks they should finally meet. Hope asks who she is, but Ava only asks “Do you love him”? Love who, asks Hope. Fade to commercial, and when we next see them, Ava again is asking if Hope loves him. Of course I love him, replies Hope, who are you. Ava smiles and walks away. Later, we see Ava sitting at a desk, looking at a picture of Steve, and kissing it. And now she looks thru several pictures……all of passengers on the plane (Pop Shawn is among them) and these pictures appear to be taken aboard the plane. (Do not even ask me how she got them , one of those soap opera things we are just supposed to accept with no questions asked. LOL) She looks at Hope’s picture, saying, so you love Patch! Big Mistake.

Meanwhile, Anna has arrived for her lst day in her huge new office, and immediately gets a call from her boss, Mr. Lumberg, asking if she has gotten any new accounts. He is not put off by the fact she just arrived, and warns her that if she does not bring in any new accounts, the firm will go under. Over at DiMera Advertising, Tony has arrived, greeting his secretary, and going into his new spacious office. He needs more new employees, tells her to see about hiring 3 new ones. He looks over some papers, moaning about wishing Anna was there, he wants her by his side. He jumps up, telling his secretary he is taking Anna to lunch, and will not be back for a couple of hours. He arrives at Anna’s empty office, flowers in hand, sits in her white leather executive chair, and writes her a lovely note. Anna, of course, is over at Tony’s office, making herself at home at his desk. In walks the secretary, and Anna sweetly says you must be his new one, I am his ex, and then babbles on and on about all the assistants Tony has, how many he got pregnant, how he wants them all on the pill, won’t get a vasectomy himself, how she was his secretary, he fired her, then married and divorced her, then asks if she got the birth control talk yet. Anna returns to her office, sees the flowers and the note, crumbles it up. Tony returns to his, finding his secretary packing her things and quitting. He is puzzled, she asks when he was going to give her the birds & bees talk, he says he thought she would have had that in 6th grade. She calls him a pervert and flounces out. Tony asks WHAT did I say? He goes in his office, and we next see him striding into Anna’s office. She immediately is apologetic, saying perhaps she went overboard, but he just grabs her and kisses her long and hard.. (hot stuff, LOL)

Back at the wake, Hope has told Lexie about Bo nearly collapsing and Steve taking him to the hospital. She rushes out. Kimberly is giving emotional good-byes to all of her family, mom, Kayla, Hope, Roman, Max, promising to come back again. She invites Hope out to California, she has an extra bedroom. EJ has come up to her, introducing himself, but Kim gives him the cold shoulder. He says something about the reputation of him family preceding him, but Kim assures him that his own personal reputation of what he has done to Sami and her family is what preceded him. He says he is sorry for his mistakes, Kim replies that it takes a lot for a man to admit his mistakes, she will grant him that. But that doesn’t excuse it all. She continues saying her good-byes, and leaves.
There are little conversations going on everywhere, Victor takes a few moments with Caroline, talking of their past, Caroline admitting she loved two men, but had to build a life with just one, and chose Shawn. Victor agrees it was the right choice, is glad she loved him at one time, and talks of how well Shawn raised Bo, and gave his life for their son, admitting himself that Shawn was much more of a father to Bo, than he was.
Finally, Roman decides to get on with the Irish Wake part, and gives one of his pop’s Irish toasts. Max follows, Kayla, Victor, Nick, Shawn, and really, everyone gets into the act. Some are funny, some serious, but a sip is required after each one. Laughter ensues, even EJ gives a couple (using an Irish brogue). Caroline adds her own, then looks over at Shawn’s picture.

Over at the hospital, Bo is in bed, Steve along side, not leaving. Bo urges him to return to the Pub, be with his wife. Finally Steve agrees, leaves and tells the nurse in the hall to keep an eye on him. She assures him she is going to hook him up to monitors right away. She goes into the room, to find Bo unconscious and not breathing. She pushes buttons, Lexie comes rushing in, they apply CPR and oxygen, and get him back. Later, Hope is at his side, when Shawn & Belle come rushing in. Hope explains their dad went into cardiac arrest, Shawn asks if they know what is wrong with him. Lexie comes in, saying yes, they do. His pancreas is failing, slowly, bit by bit it is not working. And if it shuts down, that is terminal. Camera on Hope’s stricken face.

Thanks Barb sounds like another great show! The Irish wake and all! I love how EJ has somewhat been accepted by the Brady's. Did Kim really brush EJ off like that or does she soften a bit at the end?
Obviously, Kim is not very trusting. She gave Victor what for....and now EJ, too.
Actually, it was pretty good! LOL.
What is odd is that Sami sits off in that corner.......and really has no interchange with her family at all. It almost is as if she is not there. She does not do a toast, and is hardly seen once she sits down.
Kim has good reason not to be trusting; she has been through a lot in her life and doesn't want anyone else to be hurt that way.
It's about time for Sami to break down. Look at all she's had to deal with, in short order, too: Will left for Switzerland (and disowned her, again), gave birth to twins, divorced Lucas and married EJ, EJ was shot at the wedding, John died...and came back, Lucas went to prison, the plane crashed, her grandpa died....

I'd have been in the psych ward a loooooooong time ago.
Actually, it was pretty good! LOL.
What is odd is that Sami sits off in that corner.......and really has no interchange with her family at all. It almost is as if she is not there. She does not do a toast, and is hardly seen once she sits down.

Thanks ...

That's too bad Sami didn't toast she could have dusted off her Colleen accent .. LOL
I wish kim would come back full time. love how she just brushed ej off he was nothing.
Thanks for the update... quick question: were Tony and Anna at the wake or funeral?
What exactly does EJ say?
I am dying to hear.

Please tell us......


As for Kimberly......hellooooooo she married Shane another Brit she could have beenat the very least nice to the guy.

And talk about Shane and her travels to the UK....
tony & Anna are not at funeral or wake.

EJ's one toast is something like....If you drink, you get drunk, if you get drunk you go to sleep, if you are asleep you cannot sin, if you do not sin, you go to heaven. So let's all get drunk and go to heaven.

I have heard better, I assure you. LOL
Omg !!!

He can not die! I love him!! (as a charactor) He can't die like ezibella. That would just be wrong! They (the writers) better do something! Good right up barb. Thanks, this is all I will get since they took the tv away.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the EJ toast.

I laughed and smiled imaging EJ toasting.....i can't wait for tomorrow.
I agree. Look at what she herself went through with Victor. Wish Shane was there also.
Wouldn't it be great if Shane and EJ were both working together!!!!!

Ala 007.....I am a sucker for BRITS.

I loved Shane and think it would be so cool if he came back.

What is it about Salem that the women do not age.

Marlena is 60 and looks almost the same as 20 years ago.
Kimberly from the previews doesn't look any different either, just different hair color.
Patch looks the same

Jennifer Horton looks the same.
Hope is the only one looking her age because of all the wieght she has lost, even her voice is different.

I wonder what the secret is.....Would love to know. They age soooo well.
Love how you said that "women do not age", but then you talked about Patch...he is definitely the more manly type...LOL. :)
I was sooo glad to see Kimber back and I wish she was staying on. The one thing that dissapointed me though was it appeared that she over did the botox! Her cheeks and upper lip barely moved. The women that look natural are more beautiful than then ones that are fighting it. I once heard that "If you get work done to look younger you don't look younger, you just look like you've had work done!" She was always beautiful, she should just let it be.
Okay...I am having a past Days History Issue: Before the funeral they asked Kim what Shane thought about who was behind the crash...Isn't Shane dead? Now, there was a big bulk of time that I didn't watch so I might have missed something but if someone could clarify I would really appreciate...
