Thursday, June 7th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, June 7, 2007

On the beach, Bo asks Chelsea again what she is doing there. Chelsea at first evades the question, but finally shows her father the hairbrush, and tells him it was hers, and that Nick had taken it. Bo takes her down to the station, where Roman has been interrogating an unresponsive Nick. Roman has told Nick his story does not add up, that he has to be protecting someone, and if he is willing to go to jail, it has to be because he is in love, so what has Chelsea to do with all this? In comes Bo with Chelsea, and the truth all comes out. Chelsea admits she begged Nick to steal the brush, he did it for her, Willow had planted the brush and committed the arson, and that she would never do anything to hurt her little sister or Hope. Roman picks up the brush, and heads out the door. To Bo’s query, he is going home, he believes them, is gonna toss the brush in the dumpster across the street and as far as he is concerned, this all never happened. Everyone is startled, since Roman is such a stickler for “by the book”. But Chelsea wants to know if Bo believes her, and he does, with a big hug. Nick still has to get through the inquest, and Chelsea promises to stand by him all the way.

In the ambulance, we once again see Elvis raising the flap to the oxygen tent, beginning to introduce Sami, but this time Stefano first says, who are you. Then he calls her Colleen, but EJ says no, this is Samantha. Now Sami says she wants the truce between the DiMeras and the Bradys, and will give her baby’s stem cells to him if he will agree. Stefano says no. EJ tells him that he has done what he had asked and Samantha is pregnant, and will give the stem cells. Stefano says the vendetta will never end until all the past wrongs have been righted. Sami wants to know what he is talking about, that family is clueless. Stefano says to ask Shawn. Old Shawn Brady. He knows. He has always known. The EMT’s have gotten a call from an attorney, and have to return Stefano back to the mansion.

At the hospital, John & Marlena arrive with Belle to visit Sami. The guard lets them pass, only to find the room empty. In comes Lucas, who is furious when he finds Sami gone. He had returned to get his cell phone. The guard says no one got in the room, and the only thing happening outside the room, was when he had to take care of Mr. Wells. Lightbulbs go off, as Lucas borrows a cell to call his own. Tony answers it, says Lucas should keep better track of his wife. Lucas hangs up, goes storming off to the mansion, with John following. This leaves Marlena, who uses this opportunity to talk to Belle about moving in with Philip. Evidently, Philip gives Belle a safe and comfortable feeling, and tho Belle loves Shawn, Marlena is aware that he does not yet give her this safe , comfortable, & protected feeling.

Tony has called his attorney to get Stefano back to the mansion, saying he is much too fragile to be taken to the hospital (huh?) He then orders Rolf to beef up the security, and not to rely on Bart, do it himself. (hmmm, never give Rolf Carte Blanche). Lucas has stormed into the DiMera mansion, and Tony is his usual uncooperative self. Lucas goes yelling for Sami, as John comes in. He & Tony trade a few barbs and insults as Lucas returns, unable to find Sami. He begins smashing expensive vases and figurines, (that is soooooo lame!) to get Tony to tell him what happened to Sami. Ding, dong, the doorbell rings, and angry Lucas opens the door to the ambulance drivers with Sami & EJ. Lucas is still having a fit, Sami tries to make him understand that “we had to reach Stefano”, he has more of a fit over the “we” bit. Sami finally gets him calmed down, and he takes her back to the hospital. She promises to try and behave, lol. When they reach her room, she is delighted to see her mom, and rushes to hug Belle.

Back to the mansion, where we see the formerly nearly comatose Stefano in a chair. Hey, no oxygen needed now. John pulls up a chair, as Stefano recognizes John, his favorite pawn! They exchange a few barbs, and John warns him this DiMera vendetta against the Brady’s has to end. That if any blood gets spilled now, it is not going to be Brady blood. He leaves, running into EJ outside. John tells EJ that this is the first time they have been alone since….when??? December? Boathouse?? He tells EJ that he remembers everything about that night, and he owes him one. He then pulls out a big knife, and when EJ asks what he thinks he is doing, John says, well, you took my kidney. So I am going to take yours. If you stay still, it will be much easier. LOLOLOL. EJ walks off, and John puts the knife away. (sorry, loved the scene, but it really made me laugh). Inside, Stefano calls Tony over, telling him that the truth about the reasons for the vendetta against the Bradys must never come out. No one must ever find out the truth, at any cost. Understand… any cost. Tony smiles, he understands….and he leaves.
Stefano looks across at a small table with the brandy decanters on it. He struggles to stand, shuffles over, picks up a decanter. He smiles as he pours out a drink, says something about not being exactly right time, then raises the glass, saying, Salute’ Salem, drinks it down, and, smiling, says, “It’s good to be back” . Freeze frame on his face.

And it is really wonderful to see Joe Mascola back, too. Am guessing he has been drinking that all powerful Salem tea, as his recovery appears to be as miraculous as John’s has been. :shocked:
LOL at John... that does sound like a funny scene "a kidney for a kidney" LOL can't wait to see it. :rotfl:
What was John going to do -- take the kidney, slice himself and put it back in???
Just banter, SSN. John was letting EJ know he was on to him fully and completely, and was not going to do "nothing" about the evil deeds that EJ has perpetrated on him.
Hmmm...Belle saying Philip makes her feel safe and comfortable and Shawn doesn't?
Do I feel another triangle coming?
I think Marlena was trying to analyze Belle, and kinda putting words in Belle's mouth, is the way I took it. I didn't see the episode, just reading here and other places. I sure to goodness Belle doesn't fall back into Philip's trap. I think her "safe" security is money - what Shawn lacks at the moment.
Yes, she start out talking to Belle as if she was a patient, and Belle gets ticked. But Belle is unsure herself why she wants to move into Philip's home, and that is the word Marlena grabs onto....home. Not Philip's house. Belle does say Philip always made her feel safe and secure.
I suppose with all the running she & Shawn have done, that safe and secure feeling is hard to come by. But then again, it was Philip who caused them to be on the run. So this all is hard to fathom. betting they are setting up the old proverbial triangle.
I hope so. Philip at his worst was better than Shawn at his best.The new Shawn been a total jerk all through these series.
Re: Belle and I look into my crystal ball, I see Belle and Philip getting closer and closer as Belle's feelings for him become to flame up....
It has always been my opinion that Belle never loved Shawn as much as she just didn't want anyone else having him....if Shawn wants to keep Belle and Philip from rekindling any feelings, he just needs to do what he has always done...get interested in another has always worked. Belle will come begging on bended knee..... Jan, Mimi, Willow, Gabby...think about it....
Reminds me of my two-year-old. Just because she's not playing with her dolly, it doesn't mean that it's not still hers...the quickest way to find that out is to pick it up yourself. LOL!
Re: Shawn Sr....
Did Stefano just tell Tony to kill Shawn Sr...??? Would be great to see the seniors involved, I mean truly involved, in this s/l....Doug, Julie, Shawn Sr. etc.....After all, Stefano is a senior and have you taken a good look at Tony lately...?? He's gotten right on up there....I remember when Alice used to help Bo in his escapades and also the Jennifer/Lawrence s/l that she was a big part of and so on....(Gosh, I miss Alice. I'm working on a history of her that I hope you guys will find as interesting as I do...)
You can keep the all so phony beach scenes and bad acting, and how many high rollers could there be in Salem that would need a shuttle to Vegas...??? Good grief....Actually when the beach scene came on I thought I was watching that British television show "Queer as Folk".
But that's just me.... :?:
PAllison wrote:
Re: Belle and I look into my crystal ball, I see Belle and Philip getting closer and closer as Belle's feelings for him become to flame up....
It has always been my opinion that Belle never loved Shawn as much as she just didn't want anyone else having him....if Shawn wants to keep Belle and Philip from rekindling any feelings, he just needs to do what he has always done...get interested in another has always worked. Belle will come begging on bended knee..... Jan, Mimi, Willow, Gabby...think about it....

Anyone left that Shawn isn't related to to get involved with? LOL... :rotfl: Seriously more then anything I think they all need time to sort out feelings and get on their feet... consentrate on being good parents for Claire (if and when she comes back) before getting mixed up in a love triangle... but tis soaps!
Re: Roman and the hairbrush....
Did I read that right...??? Roman is going to throw the hairbrush out...??? Holier than Thou Roman...??? Preaching, judgemental Roman...??? Oh about corruption...Salem can rival Los Angeles and New Orleans....
PAllison wrote:
Re: Roman and the hairbrush....
Did I read that right...??? Roman is going to throw the hairbrush out...??? Holier than Thou Roman...??? Preaching, judgemental Roman...??? Oh about corruption...Salem can rival Los Angeles and New Orleans....

Maybe he's not really Roman. Wasn't there a spoiler a long while back that there would be a killer in town that we wouldn't suspect? Maybe they've been so "out there" with Steve because he's a red herring to keep anyone from suspecting the real killer...Roman? may have a point....!!! In this crazy far out show we all love, anything is possible...!!!!
It was a definite about face for Roman, and so unlike him, so I smell rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. (Getting the stupid hairbrush out of the way)
Why didn't they put the hairbrush wherever they put the black glove and that baby the surragote had...and Philip's old face....????
Amazing how all those black gloves disappeared, huh? maybe EJ ran out of them, he left them in so many places.