Thursday, November 15th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Episode #10,699 Taped 10/18 Director – Phil Sogard

Another slow moving episode, as Sami has this long argument with Colleen throughout the show. Colleen is urging Sami to help EJ, with her asking why she should. Colleen says she is still wearing his ring, which Sami tries to remove, but it will not come off. Colleen claims she would not be there if Sami did not really want her to, and they just go back and forth, with Colleen trying to talk Sami into helping EJ even if she has to lie. Yawwnnnnn. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Philip arrives at the door, and Lucas goes out in the hall to talk to him, leaving the Sami/Colleen conversation to continue. Lucas wants Kate’s gun, Philip claims he threw it in the lake. They go back and forth a bit about Kate, with Philip asking why Lucas wants that gun so bad. Lucas finally tells him that there was a bullet hole in Sami’s dress and he wants to know if that gun of Kate’s was fired at all. He also tells Philip that he would never do anything to purposely harm their mother, but if she fired that gun at Sami, all bets are off. Sami has come out, leaving to run some errands, asking Lucas to keep an eye on the twins. Lucas goes back inside, as Philip, who is alone in the hall, pulls “the” gun from his pocket, looks at it, and puts it back in his pocket.

Outside the Dean’s office, Cordy is telling her fellow sorority sisters that she just cannot go through with testifying against Ford. Dean Lachlan comes out, seeing Miss Han and asking her to come in. Billie asks for 5 more minutes, the Dean is reluctant, but goes back in his office. Everyone tries to convince Cordy to testify, but she talks of her father working 3 jobs and her mom cleaning houses just to send her to this school, and they would not have the money to fight this case in court. She tells them they do not know what it was like, what she was going thru, and Stephanie, who has been having more flashbacks says she does. Oh, not her, but years ago, her mother, who told her about it recently. She recites how ashamed her mother felt, like it was her fault, but she did end up reporting it. Chelsea has already recited what happened to her with Dr. Rebert in the car, and Nick rescuing her. Cordy has been convinced, and agrees to go forth, when Ford appears in the doorway, staring her down. She cannot do it now. The Dean comes out again, Billie tries to buy more time, to no avail. Then Morgan says she will testify, but the Dean says she can only bring in 4 friends. Chelsea, Stephanie, Sloan & Carmen are chosen, but Stephanie stays outside with Cordy. Morgan tries her best, but Crawford Decker manages to discredit all she has to say. She has no proof that Ford is the one who spiked her soda, he asked her to drive him home, but her claims he was faking being drunk are unable to be proven. The girls all leave, and Chelsea decides that they should make sure every single person on campus knows about Ford Decker and what he did. She proposes a web site, flyers all over campus. A couple of gals are hesitant, especially Stephanie….but solidarity in the sorority sisterhood has them all agreeing to participate.

The doctors are working feverishly on EJ, and Stefano has to be dragged out the door. Out in the hall, Tony arrives, wondering why Stefano called him. He chastises Stefano for not being the kind of father EJ needed, instead showering him with Italian sport cars and places on the Coté D’Azur. Tony mentions the vendetta, but Stefano damn’s the vendetta, saying that if EJ dies, whoever did this will pay. He makes a crack about Tony not even being a DiMera, but Tony laughs and says he thanks his lucky stars for that. He asks Stef how it feels to know his entire life has been a fiasco. Stefano claims EJ has to get better in order to run the empire. Blah, Blah. Blah. Dr. Berman comes out saying EJ has an infection, they are giving him massive doses of anti-biotics and doing all they can for him. Kate arrives, and Stefano begs her to go talk to his son. He is dying, losing the will to live. Kate is hesitant, being the last time she saw him, she was pointing a gun at him, but finally agrees. She goes in, EJ is more or less staring off into space. She tells him she is sorry she came over to the house ranting, had gotten a bit emotional, but assures him she did not put him here. He is mostly silent, but finally, in a low and resigned voice, says that his father always taught him to take whatever he wants. And so he did. He wanted Samantha, so he took her. He knows she loves Lucas, and it did not matter. He then just asks her to get his father. When Stefano comes in, EJ tells him he loves him. Stefano replies he loves EJ, too. Then EJ asks for a favor. Anything, replies Stefano. I want you to get me a gun, says EJ.

Stefano appears out in the hall, telling Kate & Tony what EJ asked. He is upset. Kate calls Sami, telling her she should get down to the hospital, EJ is dying. Stefano becomes exasperated with Tony, telling him to get out of his sight, and Tony leaves. Sami arrives, and goes into EJ’s room. He appears to be sleeping. She picks up the picture of her & little Johnny (Still cannot believe the little girl has no name!), and softly calls EJ’s name, saying it’s me. He opens his eyes, asking why she is there. She should be home with Lucas, she loves him. Sami replies, “And what if that is not true”. EJ opens his eyes wide, and looks at her.

Yay! Sami may finally fess up! I say may bc I know how slowly it takes these things to actually play out. I know this has got to be wearing her down. I have to give it to the writers for paralyzing EJ. I think this s/l is great for the character & for James. He is really getting a great opportunity to show the audience how talented he is. Going off yesterday I can tell todays (wed.) epi will be awesome. You just look at his face & you want to go thru the screen & hold him.
Looks can be deceiving on a soap, you know. Remember in Poirot's post it says Colleen tells Sami to help EJ - even if she has to LIE.............. :woo:
Ahh, yes. That is a good point. I forgot about that. But I'm still gonna hope. We know she's got feelings for him regardless ;)
Sami may have some feelings for EJ but I think that they are not true love feelings like she has for Lucas. I think she feels that EJ loves her for what she is but not for what she could be or has been since she and Lucas married and that is a good person who finely cares about her family instead of herself only. EJ loves Sami who is hateful and out to hurt others. Lucas loves Sami all the way no matter what she has done and can forgive her and love the person she can be a caring one. Sorry so long winded but I love Sami and Lucas together. I like EJ when he is good but he is bad to the bone just like his daddy.
I agree with Fran.........I love Sami and Lucas together. Especially everything they've been through together. IMO I think EJ was just a facination at first. He can be very "Hot" as some fans say and then he can be "dirty and low" just like his Father..........Please give Sami and Lucas a chance to raise "their" twins..........
Frankly, I have no idea why Colleen is doing all this urging to save EJ. Sami even tells her to get lost a couple of times. lol. However, perhaps this is supposed to be Sami's conscience tugging at her, not to let a person die when she can perhaps do or say something that might help the person turn the corner.
EJ again admits to Kate that he raped Sami, knows it was wrong, and that she loves Lucas.

And now, let me say I have no sympathy at all for his pity party. There are entirely too many wheelchair bound people in this country who are mothers, fathers, and are good parents, who love and care for their children. Who have served our country in the military, who are victims of accidents or illnesses, who play basketball, bowl, golf, fish, coach kids, tutor, and lead productive lives. EJ's current attitude is a real slap in the face to all of them. And yes, I realize it is early on, and he will undoubtably recover just fine, and walk among the Salemites again. Everyone should be so lucky.
Sami loves Lucas and not EJ. she does care for EJ but when he was shot there was no desperation like there would be with Lucas. she went home to Lucas too because she couldn't stand to be away from him. i think all this Colleen garbage will probably be put to rest when it is discovered Colleen is alive.
It is such a pleasure to see Great Acting ... Writing not so much ... But Great Acting.

James and Joe are just brilliant. James Scott deserves an Emmy nomination if not an EMMY.
I too think it is Sami's conscious. I believe we will find out that Colleen is alive at some point.
Oh please. Comparing EJ to the brave men and women returning from war with missing limbs is an insult. Not even on the same plane of reality. I wouldn't even try to go there.

EJ, the character, is reacting as someone would if they learned they were paralyzed due to spinal cord injury. It is a pity party all around...and I wouldn't even call it that. It is reality setting in...which is sad and spirit-crumbling.
And using my experience with someone who kept his legs, but limps and has pain, suicide is a constant thought. And what keeps someone from committing suicide? Hope. Hope in whatever they have going for them. I understand what Stefano and Sami are trying to do.

Regardless of what the character EJ did, sympathy is humane. He has a soul.

However, this is just a soap. So maybe he doesn't.

I don't care who Sami ends up with...I don't really think she loves either one...especially not TRUE love. Haven't seen Sami selfless enough to know what TRUE love is. She has declared with a passion that she has hated both men...many it is hard to say who she loves. Certainly she doesn't ACT like she loves both men. Still pretty selfish and concerned only for herself...otherwise she would have named her child by now.
Poirot wrote:

And now, let me say I have no sympathy at all for his pity party. There are entirely too many wheelchair bound people in this country who are mothers, fathers, and are good parents, who love and care for their children. Who have served our country in the military, who are victims of accidents or illnesses, who play basketball, bowl, golf, fish, coach kids, tutor, and lead productive lives. EJ's current attitude is a real slap in the face to all of them. And yes, I realize it is early on, and he will undoubtably recover just fine, and walk among the Salemites again. Everyone should be so lucky.

I agree there are many wheelchair bound people that function quite well. As a registered nurse, I do have to say that if these people BECOME paralyzed through an accident or whatever, there's not a single one who doesn't have a 'pity party' as you called it at some point. It's part of the grief process. NO ONE opens their eyes, realizes they are paralyzed, and is automatically well adjusted. To condemn EJ for that seems very unsympathetic and unrealistic and even hard-hearted. It seems like that reaction is based on people's dislike of EJ as a person rather than how he is reacting, because his reaction is very realistic and, in light of the circumstances of the perceived loss, quite appropriate.

What bothers me the most is that this disallowance of EJ to feel sorry for himself seems like a personal attack on the character rather than a reflection of what he is going through. I can pretty much guarantee that if one of the more "favored" characters on DOOL were going through the same thing there would be a lot more sympathy shown here. Imagine if Hope or Bo or Roman or even Lucas were in EJ's situation - would you automatically condemn them for "throwing a pity party" or would the sympathy cards rush in?
In the last years of my mom's life she was wheel chair bound and she became so depressed. My mom was so active, loved to dance, loved to go visit people, loved to travel. When she was confined to a wheelchair it got to her. I would have loved to say that my mom faced the challenge straight on and that she didn't complain. But that would be a lie. It got her down. She would tell me as she wept that she was the one that always did for others and now she has to rely on everyone else to care for her to help her. I would walk in and she would announce that she was at her Pity Party today (a forewarning). I would just listen. And I would try to take her mind off her situation.
CJ, thank you for sharing. It sounds like you were really there for your Mom. Sometimes, all we can do is listen and hold a hand.
The statement made by an earlier poster that E.J. only loves the bad Sami is 100%. He has made it clear to her repeatedly that he loves the good and the bad in her - he loves the whole Sami, not just the good parts of her the way that Lucas does.
Sami is a bad girl at heart, so if she has to lie and pretend to love EJ to protect her family, she will - as ridiculous as that sounds.

If I could change one thing on Days it would be the whole rape thing - it never would have happened. Then EJ and Sami could be together and this might actually be a hot love story instead of the weirdest thing to ever hit daytime.
cj- thanks for sharing. I know that must have been a rough period for you and your mom. It was good she had you there. :)
I think James Scott is doing a real good job in his acting the part of a paralyzed person. It shows us that they are trying to write abit about real life and being human. So yes he has a right to have a pity party it is part of the healing that they must go through to except what their life will be like. So hats off for the writer who wrote this part for EJ.