Thursday, November 15th

GeorgiaBelle wrote:
Sami is a bad girl at heart, so if she has to lie and pretend to love EJ to protect her family, she will - as ridiculous as that sounds.

If I could change one thing on Days it would be the whole rape thing - it never would have happened. Then EJ and Sami could be together and this might actually be a hot love story instead of the weirdest thing to ever hit daytime.

What about all the other things he did??? Just forget them so they can have hot, passionate lust.......lust soon fades, true love doesn't.....what she and Lucas have is much more real than anything EJ can imagine......
I don't get why any of us sit here and try to argue who Sami really loves. Let it play out, and then we will all see. Many are assuming that what Lucas and Sami have is the "real deal", sorry but having a complicated past together doesn't make a relationship strong or more loving. It has yet to play out fully on the show, what Sami feels is somewhat unknown at this point. We all will have to wait and see.
Jewbacca - that is probably one of the most intelligent posts I have read in awhile.

After watching Sami today, the woman has gone crazy. I think it is in another thread...but she has no clue what she wants or who she loves...and to insist that it is just one person is total speculation.
At this point, we just need to see how this plays out...
Oh, and I always thought Lucas was one of the hottest guys on Days...but after his face off with Philip today...he just dropped a notch.
What happened to Philip? I never thought he was THAT good looking, but today getting all sinister and tough with Lucas, got me looking at him different. The man is gorgeous...even with the dimples...not a big fan of dimples. Great hair, jaw bone, captivating eyes. Why haven't I noticed this before?
Probably because he turned into a whimpering buffoon traipsing around after DumBelle. I like when his backbone appears!...can't wait for EJ's to return. - no pun intended.

I must have some thing for the bad boys on this show.
HeHe. Thank you!
Oh yeah, you are not alone. While I have never found Lucas to be very attractive, I was all over Philip today. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Perhaps they have some kind of subliminal messaging because my thoughts were starting to wander. lol :yum: Belle needs to get with that!!!
Sami and Belle need to go to some sort of self-help retreat together...neither of them knows who or what they want!
Jewbacca and Alligato,

I am happy somebody sees Jay as I always have!! I was disappointed when he left the first time. I could never accept Kyle as Philip (too sweet, I guess). Anyhow, I think Jay as Philip has more range. He can be sweet and charming as well as grounded and "stern". (or as you say - sinister and tough) --That of which is a Kiriakis trait! :smile: