Thursday, October 25th

Yes Belle, please don't get pregnant! Hasn't any of the men or women heard of using protection or birth control on this show???? I mean the whole population of Salem is made up of only 2-3 families it seems! I can see another Who's The Daddy story with this and its going to make me sick if there is.
Yes, Hope is a hypocrite if she says that to Belle. But, at the same time, she is reacting like a future mother in law would.

I know if my son's fiancee did what Belle did, I would go after her with both barrels.

Belle can only use her vulnerable excuse to a certain extent. Philip told her he would leave, opened the door, but she, she is the one who made a conscious decision to close the door and have sex with him. She may have been vulnerable at the time, but boy, if she really, really truly loves Shawn, then she would have and should have said "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
Oh come on... if EJ turns up dead are we really supposed to believe that the Salem PD wouldn't just gloss over that investigation? :)
I have never been more furious with a character as I am with Hope right now. Some nerve it takes to walk into someone's apartment without being invited in, and then start with the third degree as to why she's crying, why is the bed unmade...AFTER HER FATHER JUST DIED! The death of a parent is not an excuse, it is a life changing tragic event. For Hope to have the nerve to then start accusing Belle of sleeping with Philip, regardless of the fact we know she did, shows how she raised her son. No wonder Shawn is the most self absorbed character on the show, he had a mother that wasn't able to teach him how to be a caring individual. It seems the only thing Shawn is good for is destroying lives and objects. Can they not see how lonely Belle is, and that she has been alone for months now? Shawn has no one to blame but himself, he has made Belle miserable, and a child is no reason to stay with someone that has ruined your life.
Oh no, you think Belle will get pregnant and then the same stuff over and over, who is the father. They won't let EJ go unless he wants to leave Days. So sick of all this DNA stuff too. I say Marlena is in mourning so she can go off and shoot anyone that is making trouble including Stefano, EJ, Rolf and burn down the mansion and plead insanity over losing John and get off and everyone in Salem can live happily ever after.
AMEN Jewbacca!!!!!!!!

I think by Lucas spouting off in front of witnesses that he will kill EJ is foreshawdowing. I bet someone attempts to kill EJ and Lucas gets the blame. But, I think it would more likely be Marlena than Lucas at this point she knocked the crap out of EJ today.
And as you all haven't heard me rant enough about Holy Hope, but here goes again; When she found out the Mimi did not tell Shawn that Claire was his daughter (although Mimi had no conclusive proof that she was)that was unforgivable but when Belle sleeps with her ex in Shawn's bed, in Shawn's room in Shawn's grandparents pub with Shawn and his entire family downstairs, that is not even important enough to clue Shawn in on. HOLY HYPOCRITE HOPE!!!!!!!! She is pitiful.
Wow, I can't believe anyone would NOT do what Hope did by questioning Belle. But whatever, to each their own!

However I DO agree that Hope should tell Shawn. I love Hope but she is totally blinded by what she wants for Shelle. She wants them to have the happy ending and that's spawned her to give Shawn stupid advice in the past, be less then forgiving to Mimi who was her daughter in law, and now keep a secret which is NOT one she should keep!

Hope should give Belle 24 hours to tell Shawn or she will. I understand the bad spot this puts Hope in but this is her son!

And lastly Belle is not lonely. She's got two men chasing her around constantly. Belle may be vulnerable due to her father's death but she's WILLINGLY been coming to this point for a long time.
I agree Jade, Belle is not lonely she has 2 men fighting over her and she was giving into Philip long before John died so that is not excuse for getting it on with Philip. I mean I think she has been dying for a piece of Philip for a while now and she thought she had an excuse so she took it. I do think she is miserable in her relationship with Shawn though, I mean you never see them showing any passion all they ever do is fight but of course when she was married to Philip that is what she did also.
Jade, it really isn't Hope's place to be getting involved in any of this. I understand she loves her son, but he isn't a little boy anymore and both her and Bo keep insisting on constantly trying to rule his life, no wonder he acts like a spoiled child that just got his toys taken away! If the circumstances were different, then I could agree with you. If Hope just came upon this information, then by all means tell Shawn, but she practically had to beat it out of Belle, and not to mention Hope did the very same thing as Belle not long ago (after Zack died she had an affair with Patrick). Who the heck is she to judge? Everyone just seems to be taking advantage of Belle and the death of her father.

Belle isn't lonely? Her husband to be is never ever around....never!!! Even after the death of her father he is still not around. As if the death of her father wasn't bad enough, she's running on empty. School, raising a baby alone, fighting off Philip, trying to track down Shawn, Sami's gone nuts again, she's jobless/homeless without any money, and her dead beat husband to be can't seem to find the 'want ads'. Man, it makes me depressed just trying to imagine what she must be going through.
Hmmm. Let's see. My son has come in, telling me how he suddenly has a problem with getting into the Police Academy, and suspects it was Philip. He is surprised his fiancee is not there because she said she would meet him, and I have seen Philip's car in the parking lot. I know she has been chasing around the country with Philip, leaving her DAUGHTER behind and really not worrying about her or my son. And suddenly, Philip appears, obviously coming down from upstairs, where he clearly does not belong.

Hmm, what to do. o.k. I leave my son to deal with his so called friend alone. That is as it should be. And I go up to Belle's to show her the jack-o-lantern for Claire. And I find my future daughter in law in a robe, crying, the room a big mess with all the bedding pulled off the bed. And so...what do I do. Pretend to see nothing? Or ask what is the matter, what happened here?
And yes, I agree, Hope left Bo to go to some island for some time alone. (Remember, this was Chelsea's manipulations). And also remember that Chelsea had forged e-mails, destroyed notes, and caused Hope to believe that Bo was sleeping with Billie. Chelsea knew Patrick would be on that island, and certainly Hope did not know. And this was some time after Zack died. Not quite the same thing with Belle here.
Unfortunately, Hope got involved thru no fault of her own.
She has, for now, agreed to keep quiet. Not for Belle, but for her son's sake.
That has to be very difficult for her. It certainly would for me. Sometimes, we get involved in spite of our best efforts to stay out of whatever. Hope & Bo have done so, thus far. Philip has an agenda, made no bones about it, and has taken advantage when and where he can.

Let me say here......I could care less about all 3 of them. And all 3 should end up being alone. LOLOL
First of all Hope DID stumble into this. As Poirot said the writing was on the wall (or the bed) the moment Hope came in the door. Hope is the grandmother of Claire and Shawn’s mom. How many mom’s and grandmothers do you know that butt out of their kids lives? :) And in a case like this I find it hard to believe any mother would butt out. And if Shawn found out later his mom knew and said nothing do you really think her saying “It wasn’t my place to get involved” would fly with him?! Come on. Lets me realistic… the world doesn’t work that way. And Hope having been in Shawn’s shoes with Bo and Billie should know how it feels.

And I’m sorry but your comparing Hope and Patrick to this is reaching. Hope filed for divorce, thought Bo was sleeping with Billie, AND was angry that her son had been killed by her husband’s love-child. That’s a bit different to say the least. I’m not excusing Hope, but saying what she did is the same as what Belle did is like comparing stealing a candy bar to stealing the hope diamond! If we find out Belle thought Shawn was sleeping with someone else, had called off the wedding, and found out Shawn killed John then okay you can compair them. :)

I’m not a fan of Shelle’s relationship and don’t disagree with you that Shawn’s not really being there. But Belle is not lost in the woods here. She has more family around her then anyone! She’s NOT homeless or penniless. Her mom is rich, I’d be amazed if she didn’t now have an inheritance, and yes… raising a kid is hard… harder when you’re running around the country with your ex to find his lost kid.

I’m sorry but I don’t see Belle as the victim here. The only mess she’s in is the one she made for herself.
Ej being shot BUT NOT KILLED is a good storyline. My guess is that its Tony/Andre or another dimera. I hope it happens because they feel EJ has betrayed them by putting Sami and the babies first. Of course it will be a great turn about for the high and mighty to be blamed for crimes they didn't commit. Maybe the truth about John's shooting will come out and EJ and the Brady's will be in the same place. Lucas and or Marlena being a suspect, yet being least I think they are innocent. Marlena is obviously going to be unhinged after losing John so she could do it under the right circumstances but I doubt it as she is a Brady and they are suppose to be above alittle murder. Lucas could actually do it but then he would be written off the show and I find that highly unlikely. So it will be a Dimera. Ej will not die or DOOL will lose alot of viewers who returned to days because they were smittenwith his character the good and the bad...he fascinates me, makes me laugh, makes me want to smack him, then hug him....he is too smart for the hapless Brady's and I love him for being so smug...just like I have always loved Sami for being so antibrady.
It is really sad that viewers leave because a character leaves. Leaving because the show no longer has stories that interest a person is one thing. Leaving because one character is not longer on the is hard for me to comprehend.

I adored Patch, as many know. I still love him. Just a glimpse of him while flipping channels one day started me watching the show. He was gone for 15 years, but I never left the show. Peter Reckell (Bo) has left, Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has left, Deidre Hall (Marlena) has left...all returning on their own, eventually. Days is an ensemble show. No one character or actor makes or breaks the show.

Yep, there are times the stories are boring, times they are wayyy too out there. But as many here have stated, thru thick and thin, they are still watching. Are loyal viewers. Yep, everyone has favs, who can aggravate the blazes out of us at times. And then there are those we dislike a lot. ANd those that cause us to vacillate back and forth. I can remember liking Kate years ago. LOLOL And not much caring for Nick when he first arrived. And liking EJ when he first came on board, and never liking Stefano, tho I adore the way Joe Mascolo (Stefano) plays him.
I don't think I would ever leave because a character leaves. Like you Poirot, I have been there through Diedre leaving, Peter Reckell leaving, Kristian leaving. Heck, not see Doug, Julie, Robert, Neil and so many others.

For that fact, the staple of this show, Frances Reid is on so rarely it is like she left. And when McDonald Carey died, that was huge.

So if we weren't to see John again, or E.J., life does go on.
I love and hate EJ's character which is what makes him so appealing. Do we really think Days would let him go right now? He may end up "soap opera dead" but not really dead. I am thinking that someone (most likely Lucas) will be framed for attempted murder of EJ.

I enjoy reading all the posts. Some of you should write for the show!
I don't think Hope's affair is far reaching at all. How many years had her and Bo been married, and trusted and loved eachother? Countless. Then with the death of her son it sent her into a sandstorm. She refused to believe a word that came out of Bo's mouth, when he had never lied or cheated her in the past. Come on, using Chelsea as an excuse is the easy way out. Chelsea simply played on Hope's weakness of the moment, and Hope was insecure enough to believe it. The death of a close family member is enough to make the best of us do the craziest things. I would never for a second doubt my husband, because like Bo he has never given me a reason to think otherwise. Thing is, Hope is married, and Belle is not. She's as free as a bird to do what she wants when she wants. And Hope getting involved in this Shawn/Belle/Philip love triangle is only going to end very badly on her part when Shawn finds out she knew all along. It would be wise of her to butt out, and let them work it out for what is best for them, they are not in high school anymore. After all, it's not like Shawn left Belle for a prostitute or anything. lol. Oh wait, he did.

I'm honestly sitting here trying to understand why what Belle did was so bad. She's made it crystal clear she is extremely unhappy with Shawn, and the only thing binding them is Claire. That's not much of a relationship if you ask me. I used to be the biggest Belle and Shawn fan, I cut my college classes early just to get home in time to watch the two of them. But seriously, they are done and have been for the past year or so. If you would've asked me 6 months ago if I could even stand the sight of Philip it would've been a big "NO!", but he has really been growing on me. I hope that the two of them can finally mend their broken marriage and raise a nice stable family together. Philip is exactly what Belle needs, and thank goodness she is starting to realize it.
So how many of you think that this DNA test will turn out to be untrustworthy?? The only way they could make sure would be to just have Marlena HERSELF run the test...or at least be present while the tests are being done. These people are soo rediculous sometimes.

I wonder what EJ was doing when Lucas and Kate were talking. The way he said to Lucas that he thought Samantha was going to have another DNA test leads me to believe that he has already spoken to the Lab Tech. Oh boy Oh we go again.

They can't kill off EJ. I would be the most unhappy viewer EVER.

I think that somehow, EJ will set up his own attack..or attempted murder on himself, and then somehow fix it for Lucas to be set up for attempted murder and have him sent to jail, thus leaving he and Samantha alone and uninterupted by Lucas.

THanks for the posts BARB, you are the best!!! I don't know what I would do without my FAVORITE Days site.!!!
So how many of you think that this DNA test will turn out to be untrustworthy?? The only way they could make sure would be to just have Marlena HERSELF run the test...or at least be present while the tests are being done. These people are soo rediculous sometimes.

I wonder what EJ was doing when Lucas and Kate were talking. The way he said to Lucas that he thought Samantha was going to have another DNA test leads me to believe that he has already spoken to the Lab Tech. Oh boy Oh we go again.

They can't kill off EJ. I would be the most unhappy viewer EVER.

I think that somehow, EJ will set up his own attack..or attempted murder on himself, and then somehow fix it for Lucas to be set up for attempted murder and have him sent to jail, thus leaving he and Samantha alone and uninterupted by Lucas.

THanks for the posts BARB, you are the best!!! I don't know what I would do without my FAVORITE Days site.!!!