Thursday, October 25th

Come on!! There is absolutely no comparison to what happened to Hope and this fiasco with Belle. Please remember that Hope went to a motel room and saw her husband in bed with Billie, She had no way of knowing that Billie & Chelsea set it up. Not to mention all of the other manipulations from Chelsea and Patrick. Belle is engaged to Shawn, flying all over the country with another man, who just happens to be her ex-husband, leaving her fiance and daughter at the drop of a hat, now has willingly had sex with him, and people are saying that Shawn has deserted her!! Not buying it.
Ok, I am still getting use to this board, so if this shows up twice, please forgive me.
I can't believe how EJ is always sneaking around just the right corner at just the right time. And how did he and Kate just walk into Marlena's apartment when Sami was having the babies. I think he is beautiful, but don't like "EJ".
I think that now we are being set up for a new story line. Since Belle and Philip had there time between the sheets, I just bet Belle is going to end up preg. in the next few weeks, and it will be Philips. What do you all think?
I am new on here also, but have been watching DOOL since back in the very beginning.
I posted almost the same thing on another thread about Belle getting pregnant. with Philip's baby. I really believe that is where the writers are taking us with this story line. Couldn't agree more.

I don't know if I believe Sami and EJ will marry or not. To many threats being thrown at him now. I think he will stage his own attempt on his life, to frame Luaus. Maybe after they do marry, to get him out of the picture.

I just wish they would send all the "kids" off to a University somewhere. I don't like the parts with them, very boring.
Watch out notyamss, you'll get scolded for not staying on topic, the above episode only. They are pretty strict around here, no room for speculation!
Mae Mae wrote:
Oh no, you think Belle will get pregnant and then the same stuff over and over, who is the father. They won't let EJ go unless he wants to leave Days. So sick of all this DNA stuff too. I say Marlena is in mourning so she can go off and shoot anyone that is making trouble including Stefano, EJ, Rolf and burn down the mansion and plead insanity over losing John and get off and everyone in Salem can live happily ever after.

YEAH!!! I totally that would be a s/l I could watch and get into. Love a murder mystery!!!
It's just.....hope it's EJ...and "it takes"!!! :rotfl:

We need something like that....the rest of the storylines are "going to he** in a hand basket"...... :shocked:

Give us something John... BACK!!!!!!!

:woohoo: :evillaugh: :clap: :shocked:
Poirot wrote:
It is really sad that viewers leave because a character leaves. Leaving because the show no longer has stories that interest a person is one thing. Leaving because one character is not longer on the is hard for me to comprehend.
I adored Patch, as many know. I still love him. Just a glimpse of him while flipping channels one day started me watching the show. He was gone for 15 years, but I never left the show. Peter Reckell (Bo) has left, Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has left, Deidre Hall (Marlena) has left...all returning on their own, eventually. Days is an ensemble show. No one character or actor makes or breaks the show.
Yep, there are times the stories are boring, times they are wayyy too out there. But as many here have stated, thru thick and thin, they are still watching. Are loyal viewers. Yep, everyone has favs, who can aggravate the blazes out of us at times. And then there are those we dislike a lot. ANd those that cause us to vacillate back and forth. I can remember liking Kate years ago. LOLOL And not much caring for Nick when he first arrived. And liking EJ when he first came on board, and never liking Stefano, tho I adore the way Joe Mascolo (Stefano) plays him.

Well I think the thng about leaving if a character leaves is about ALL the storylines one person (like myself) may like being tied to that ONE individual (James Scott) or character (EJ Wells). And while I wouldn't say it with any kind of certainty, I do predict that if EJ were to be killed off, I probably WOULD stop watching altogether because even though there are other semi-interesting characters on the show, EJ Wells is the ONLY character that NEVER bores me!

Like others, sometimes I want to smack him, sometimes I want to hug to him but I'm never wanting to usher him off the screen to see someone else! Same went for Sami too, when I think about it...except for times when she's with Lucas and/or repeating something she's said for the BILLIONTH time with Lucas in a scene, from my POV he kinds of ruins her character by bringing her down to his level
smoody wrote:
Come on!! There is absolutely no comparison to what happened to Hope and this fiasco with Belle. Please remember that Hope went to a motel room and saw her husband in bed with Billie, She had no way of knowing that Billie & Chelsea set it up. Not to mention all of the other manipulations from Chelsea and Patrick. Belle is engaged to Shawn, flying all over the country with another man, who just happens to be her ex-husband, leaving her fiance and daughter at the drop of a hat, now has willingly had sex with him, and people are saying that Shawn has deserted her!! Not buying it.

You are soooo right!!!

Shawn might spend more time with her---IF he could find her, because she's ALWAYS with Phil.

Same way with Lucas & Sami---they are NEVER without EJ tagging who knows how they would act!!

You talk about old viewers leaving the show...if we do it won't be because of ONE will be the WRITING!!
Oh come on! Bo had betrayed Hope’s trust and love with Billie countless times prior to this! This wasn’t a first and only thing. Hope had every right to doubt him and would have been a fool to have listened to him. And you say “then with the death of her son it sent her into a sandstorm” like that’s silly minor thing that she was stupid to get all upset about! The loss of a child is about the most horrific thing a person can go through, and to add salt in the wound her son was killed by the daughter of her husband and his ex. AND he lied to her about it!

And what are you talking about Bo never lied or cheated? He’s done both? I’m willing to debate with you but only if we are watching the same show. :)

Chelsea did play on Hope’s weaknesses but she only had those insecurities because Bo had given her cause to have them since she returned from being dead.

Belle is engaged. I think anyone who is engaged counts as being in a serious, monogamist relationship. If she is unhappy with Shawn then she should break off the engagement and leave him. Hope left Bo and filed for divorce before sleeping with Patrick. She made it clear TO BO that she wanted out of the marriage. Belle is still playing house with Shawn. And while I TOTALLY agree with you about Shawn’s stupid behavior with Willow… no matter how unfair he has been to Belle, if she is still claiming to him to love him and want to be with him then she has no business sleeping with Philip… or anyone else.

I’m not a Shawn and Belle fan. I have never gotten their greatness. They were cute in high school but I’ve not seen the love since Jan happened. I don’t think they should be together at this point. Not after how horrible they have BOTH been to each other. BUT, that doesn’t excuse cheating. Belle needs to end one relationship before starting another it is as simple as that.
I know I asked this before, but can anyone tell me why Victor is "out of the picture" for now. Also, what was this point of what he said at the funeral. I guess I missed something.

Just a thought: Maybe we need Jan back in the show as nicer than she left (her injuries could have changed her) and have a Shawn/Jan thing again--only a "good" one. That would really get to Belle, especially if Philip starts in on Chloe when she returns. Poor, Poor Belle would be left out in the cold.