Thursday, September 6th

EJ is trying to win Sami by being manipulative and trying to force it to happen, instead of backing off if it was meant to be. he refuses to do that. he thinks he is going to make her love him. it doesn't work that way.
if Sami really wants EJ so much why is it that he always seeks her out? he has not given her a moments peace with her husband. i think what he has been succesful at doing thus far is manipulating her. i am truly not saying this as a Lumi fan. if i thought or think in the near future that sami really wants EJ because she actually wants to be with him, then i'll accept that the writers are going that route. i won't think it's right but that's jmo. i simply don't see it right now. i see EJ as the interloper who can't take no for an answer at this moment in time.
I don't think EJ is manipulating Sami into loving him, I think Sami already loves him, EJ is just trying to get her to admit to her feelings. Like I already said, it's very obvious that Sami has feelings for EJ and she is trying to do the noble thing and fight them off b/c she is married. Of course, EJ knows she is fighting her feelings and he's trying to help her overcome her fears and follow her heart. Hmmm... let's see, where else have we seen this exact situation? Oh yeah, Santo trying to encourage Colleen to overcome her fears and follow her heart and admit that becoming a nun is not her destiny. Both Santo and EJ are not planting thoughts in Colleen and Sami's heads. They have already sensed their true feelings and are only encouraging them to act on those feelings. Well, that's the way I see it. But you are right, we are all totally entitled to our opinions, it's so funny how different they can be!
we are and i can see why anyone would think a parallell is being drawn between santeen & ejami. personally, i think it's a red herring. Lumi is a true love story not something Sami is settling for because she shouldn't be with EJ, imho.
The writers are just playing with all of us, I believe. Some think that EJ and Sami are gonna be together, I just don't see that. I believe in the coming months EJ is going to make many mistakes that will be costly to having any relationship with Sami. Sami will find out his dirty deeds and she probably will not want anything to do with him. We shall see how this plays out.
I've even wondered if EJ might die to complete the mirroring of the two couples, Colleen dies in one couple, EJ dies in this couple. JUST A THEORY, I don't really think it will happen!! lol. But then again, James Scott has said he isn't going anywhere right now and Days would be crazy to write him off b/c he is so popular. I think I would honestly cry if he died, and I'm not the crying type!!!
nicpat wrote: When Sami was reading the letters with her family a few weeks ago, she said how romantic they were and how they were fated to be together. She only started this defensiveness since EJ started reading them b/c she has to to protect herself.
I think many of us initially thought the Santo/Colleen story was or could be romantic. Then as more was revealed, we changed our opinion. Sami could feel the same as we do.
Thank you Barb for the 411 on today's episode! I love this website. I became a member over the weekend and it's awesome! As a ejami fan I look forward to their tender moments if you will and by the sounds of it Collen & Santo will do it for me! Thank goodness I tape it everyday!

The kiss between Sami and Ej was HOTT even if he's unconscious. Hell If I were her I'd do alot more than just kiss the good ol' chap.. LOL
Hi- this is my first post here and I just want to say that I love this sight! I came over from reading the early editions and I really appreciate being able to read day aheads. thanks Poriot!

I have been a long time Sami and Lucas fan. I was thrilled when they were first together and really wanted them to get married. Then when we went through all of that rediculous Carrie and Austin business again - I was just annoyed- I really wanted Sami and Lucas to realize their feelings for each other. When EJ came in to the picture I thought, no don't pair her with him (instead of Autin) but rather break up Carrie and Lucas.

However, I really began to like Sami and EJ- the actors have a lot of great chemistry I think. Although maybe James would be good with anyone! (the rape scene should never have been written imo)

Now I'm basically torn- I like my Sami and EJ, but I also like my Sami and Lucas (I was happy when they married). So I for one am enjoying this triangle since I get to see her with both men. It's the first time I wish a soap opera triangle would just keep going....

I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way- or are people really just divided into sami/lucas or sami/EJ camps.
As far as EJ manipulating Sami, I think that is bogus.She is the QUEEN of manipulation and should be able to spot that in a second. And it is Sami in my opinion that keeps EJ in her life. She does not have to go running after him every time he calls. She has the power to get him out of her life for good if she wanted to. He is nothing to her but she still keeps him on a string. She wants him around and her protesting is so weak. If you really wanted someone to leave, all you would have to do is get a restraining order, and considering their past, she could do that easily, but she doesn't because she wants him around. I personally wished he would find someone else but even then Sami would not leave him alone. She wants him and she wants Lucas too.
I have to disagree with you. This is the first time EJ has even seen the letters. Sami has been caught up in the Santo/Colleen love affair long before reading the letters with EJ.
Erisa - I am with you girl! I was the biggest Lucas/Sami fan for so long and I couldn't wait for them to get together...mostly because I was a huge Austin/Carrie fan and so sick of Sami trying to break them up.

When EJ came on, I really didn't like him that much, but after their dates and kisses, I was just floored. Soap couples are so cheesy and contrived, but EJ and Sami were passionate and beautiful and James Scott can go from evil to sweet and make it so believable that I became a big EJami fan. I just love them together.

I wonder if James could have that chemistry with someone else. Like John Black was steamy with Marlena, Isabella, Princess Gina (hot!), so I don't know if it is just Sami and EJ, but I think they are so alike in their ways that they would be an excellent couple. Lots of drama, lots of passion, just a perfect couple.

And I always liked when Lucas was a bit of a bad boy myself, so get him vengeful.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I LOVE Santo and Colleen. Totally romantic for me. And I love EJ and Sami so this is my show to watch!
ILOVE EJ - you are right. Sami is the queen of manipulation, so she is well aware of what EJ is doing. I can see her pulling a gun on him and threatening to kill him if he doesn't leave her alone. That is her style. That is Sami getting what she wants. Not this constant "i love my husband crap".
She knows how she can get through to EJ if she wanted. She just doesn't want to.
Poirot, thanks for making a point that it is romantic! I can't tell you how much I love the romance and seduction! If I wanted to see a quickie, I would call my husband of 10 years! I just want all the flowery words and romantic gestures that comes with watching a soap and so far, Days has come up empty handed.

Yay for romance in the afternoon!
Some other canadian viewers are saying the Santeen scene was amazing! Very very well done and very very Romantic!
ILoveEJ wrote:
As far as EJ manipulating Sami, I think that is bogus.She is the QUEEN of manipulation and should be able to spot that in a second. And it is Sami in my opinion that keeps EJ in her life. She does not have to go running after him every time he calls. She has the power to get him out of her life for good if she wanted to. He is nothing to her but she still keeps him on a string. She wants him around and her protesting is so weak. If you really wanted someone to leave, all you would have to do is get a restraining order, and considering their past, she could do that easily, but she doesn't because she wants him around.

ITA!!!! And HELLO if she wanted him out of the room and out of her bed, all she needed to do was lift one little finger and push the nurse call botton and tell nurse to have him removed from her room. She is telling him to go, but not doing much about it!!
You know, when I write up Days Ahead, I try very hard to tell you what I see. Sure I throw in a few asides, but it is what I see. I do not make up scenarios, conversations......others do that quite well. I do have opinions about the Ej/Lucas/Sami thing, but I try to keep it out of my summaries.
Thank you to all who note and appreciate my efforts.
I am personally against an EJ/Sami pairing. But the scene between Santo and Colleen in this episode was terrific. I hope I did it justice.
And just let me say this about Sami/EJ. As I was watching the scenes, the bickering, I just was talking to the TV, saying, Sami, push the call button, and get him out of there. But EJ is a master at manipulation. Always has been. Sure he does not use the flowery words of his grandfather, but it is there, nevertheless.
I do not at all like that she lied to her husband about EJ coming back. I know it was so as not to set him off....but Sami should be tossing EJ out of his ear.

That is neither here nor there. I have been gone all day...and this thread should tell the tale. There is not a word about Jett being shot, Jeremy running off, or Rawlins taking over the plane full of his "girls". Should say something about that storyline. LOL
Poirot, just in case I don't say it enough. Thank you for doing the Days Ahead. It is the first thing I read in the morning and I really appreciate you giving me something to look forward to during the long day!
ps- i like your comments and little observations that you might throw in there. Thanks for taking the time for us!
I just had a thought reading all the posts....if EJ had not forced Sami to have sex with him back on that fateful night, would there still be all this interest in the EJ/Sami thing? I doubt it. I'm sure by now they would have run their course and she would be back with Lucas (if indeed she ever left him) and he would be on to someone else, Kate, Billie, who knows. Or possibly we would be complaining about them like we do about Shawn and Belle. Isn't it strange that once a taboo is introduced, the interest level skyrockets! Maybe the writers did know what they were doing....