Time jump answers

How is it that all of the viewers want Sarah and Xander together with him the father and we are getting a completely different story? The little we've seen of them together has been enjoyable and yet now we're preparing for the inevitable betrayal breakup. And if it drives her back to Eric I'll scream. Not sure why I'm shocked since not one person thought to call out the Gabi/Lani stuff and say um wait a sec, Lani is a cop and should have just arrested Gabi on the spot.
That is what happens when story is written a year in advance, and filming is 8 mos. ahead of airing. By the time the show sees the reaction from viewers, it is too late to change anything. So we are stuck with whatever they thought was going to go over.

(As an aside, I was reading something about GL, which went off the air in 2009. It was decided to end the show in mid-Aug. and Sept. 18th, was their last episode. I was watching then. From story going on in Aug. one would not have thought it could end on happy or satisfactory notes. Yet it did. So they managed to write and film the remaining shows in a month (am guessing the last week).

Days cannot do that. I did think the cast & crew would be taking a longer hiatus....but evidently not.
Clearly, the viewers are not happy with much of what is going on..

But the show already has several months already filmed, so it matters not. They really need to slow down their filming.
I thought that the long filming delay was one of the reasons they were going to take a longer break - to catch up. But, it appears that they are now filming even farther ahead than in the past, when they realized that stories were not working the way they had planned. The whole thing is just so frustrating and I am pretty sure that since the show seems to be hanging on by a thread, that many people will just tune out permanently, since, as @Poirot said, it doesn't matter what we like/don't like.

@Just Samantha, OK - how is this for SPECULATION - Nicole felt so guilty that she denied Eric his daughter for a year and wanted make it up to him that SHE did switch the babies.
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Yeah, the long stretch between when it tapes to when it airs has ruined potential stories. Gabi and Stefan is one case. Brandon Barash was brought on with the intention to finish Stefan's story after Tyler Christopher left. The ending had already been filmed by the time Brandon Barash came on, but Gabi and Stefan with the recast turned out to be extremely popular with the fans and so Stefan was killed off, but now the writers realized their mistake which is why Brandon Barash is returning to the show in a few months(either as a return from the dead or a twin). If Days taped closer to the air date, they would have been able to fix the story so that Stefan's character was never killed off.
Ok, now I have several questions or comments:
1. WHY are we still watching this show?
2. Why ARE we still watching this show?
3. Why are we STILL watching this show?
4. Why are we still WATCHING this show?
5. I really think TPTB read our site, look at our guesses and do ANYTHING to not go that way! When they see comments like "they wouldn't do that storyline AGAIN, would they? They wouldn't bring HIM, HER, or THEM back again, would they. They will do exactly that. That's how we help them decide storylines. Haven't we figured that out yet?!?
5. Now, WHY ARE WE STILL WATCHING THIS SHOW?!?:sarcasm: Unfortunately/fortunately I'm afraid I'll just keep watching!
If Days taped closer to the air date, they would have been able to fix the story so that Stefan's character was never killed off.
So true. I don't know about GH, but Y&R and B&B only tape 4-6 weeks ahead. You can literally see them changing storylines, midstream, when they're not working. Or really going full-tilt on a story that caught on with the viewers. Over the years, they've both released spoilers that were actually never shown because they changed the direction of the storyline.

Remember how much buzz was generated by Abby and EJ's unexpected hookup? Had Days only been 4-6 weeks ahead, they could've really capitalized on it. But by the time we saw it, they were months and months beyond that storyline (in terms of writing).
1. WHY are we still watching this show?
I liken it to sportsball - the main team in this area just lost so my local social media is abuzz with "love them in the good & bad" memes - Days is my team, all my other teams are out of the league for good, and I root for it to get better even when the head coach makes a boneheaded move that costs us big time. I threaten to stop watching, but I can't....

Because some bad sportsball is better than a world without. Just my 2¢.
Remember how much buzz was generated by Abby and EJ's unexpected hookup?
Yes, I also remember the reaction to Paul/Sonny and Paul/Will, both of which had been moved away from when the episodes/stories aired. After months of Will/Sonny and Sonny putting Paul off, suddenly he was back sniffing around and they were exchanging puppy dog looks. It was dreadful. Those are the 3 biggest examples in my opinion: Abby/EJ, Sonny/Will/Paul, and Stefan/Gabi.

You can literally see them changing storylines, midstream, when they're not working.
As an ultra-nerd, I watch Dark Shadows, a show that aired from 1966-1971. It taped anywhere from two days (yes, two days) to about 3 weeks before air. Talk about quick changes! And the entire series is preserved on DVD/now streaming, so you can go back easily and watch the switching happen. A character came on as a baddie, did HORRIBLE things, then was softened slowly because wow s/he's popular we need to Streeetch this out!.

Soaps aren't like primetime shows (which also for the record do respond to what viewers like/dislike - why do you think JR got shot so many times?) - their audience is smaller, their budgets are slimmer, and they must react quickly because of the time they're asking viewers to give them. (Reliable sources say a show expects 2-3 regular weekly viewings at a minimum...that's the balance of the writers/network wishes.)

Big Bang Theory asks for 30 minutes 22 times a year. Days is asking, at a conservative minimum, for 60 minutes 156 times a year. Those aren't even in the same ballpark.

Sorry, soap box of mine. Basically - I agree with what all have said. Frankly I'm amazed they keep getting renewed.
And...let's see........Eric was driving drunk, Daniel & Brady in another car, while Jen was in a 3rd one. All got involved. Gee, now Maggie driving drunk, Why is that........with Adrienne driving Sarah to the hospital???? How did Xander get involved, or was he in the car,too?? And there is Will, looking at his phone.

I do wish that Rolf was around with his handy dandy hypo in the hospital when this all hit the fan. How was Vic at hospital, or did he order over the phone. Xander could have called to say Maggie drunk in car. How come Sarah doesn't know this?? Or did convenient cases of amnesia come over everyone?
i.e. Why doesn't Will know Maggie was there, drunk and passed out or something? What about Sarah? Same thing.
Or do these "answers" just lead to more questions, to be answered at a later date?
How could it have been Maggie? She was heading to the hospital so she would have been behind them, plus the truth always comes out, so this would send Maggie to prison plus she could never live with the guilt..
That is true, and we have questioned that as well. In fact, when Xander comes along, also from the mansion, he finds Maggie's car first.....in a ditch off the road. Xander knew there was an accident up ahead just a bit. I have no idea how Maggie could have passed them, then turned around to shine headlights in their lanes. However, Will was going home, so WAS facing the opposite way from Adrienne. However, there COULD have been another car, one that forced Adrienne to swerve, Maggie, too...her car perhaps flipping around, that car having passed the distracted Will who did not notice.
That's the one thing I don't get. Initially I could see Xander being concerned but especially once Will took the blame I don't get it. I'm guessing something will happen to put it into question. I guess it could be the issue of the paint color of the car and when that comes up again the framing starts.
But Maggie wasn't following them yet. We didn't see when she left and they were slow getting to the hospital because they got a flat tire that Adrienne had to change because they had no cell service. Now the opposite direction makes me think somehow that Summer was also involved in this whole thing. I am hoping the writers wouldn't do this terrible thing to Maggie.
Everyone (meaning the viewers) seems to be certain that there is something very off about the accident. Everyone, that is, except the Salem PD. It was never really investigated (that we know of) and the police just took Will's word for it. Summer must be involved somehow and that's why she was brought back. It can't be Maggie! I would hope that TPTB would not put a legacy character in such a position. Victor's messing around in everyone's business is causing more problems for him and everyone else. I can understand him wanting to protect his family but it's really getting out of hand! I wonder how he gets all of this done while he is grumping in his chair and sipping a drink. Oh, yeah...Xander.
So what year is it now on Days? I missed so many episodes during the impeachment that I don’t have any idea where we are in Day’s days!
We don't know what year it might be in Salem. On New Year's Eve there wasn't a year
shown for the New Year.
It was real time before the time jump, November 2019. After the jump it was November 2020. The babies were born and Adrienne was killed May 2020 (Mother's Day). It is now February 2021.
Yep! But they make sure they do not mention it, so I have a hunch at some point later on, they are going to more or less have time stand still, or jump backwards or something like that. Heck, they film 8 mos. ahead, time jumped the show, has to be confusing to the writers and actors! After all, at this rate, they would be writing, then filming 2022 in Salem, while real world is spring/summer of 2020. No wonder viewers get confused, the entire cast & crew are as well. :)