Time jump answers

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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The latest batch of spoilers reveal the answers to most of the time jump "mysteries":

It appears Maggie was driving drunk and caused the accident in which Adrienne died.

Sarah was also in the car and Xander delivered her baby after the accident, beside the wrecked car.

Will was looking at his phone and driving, so he thinks he caused the accident. (which is a rehash of Chelsea hitting/killing Zack while she was texting)

Sarah's baby apparently died once they got to the hospital and somehow Xander switched her with Kristen and Brady's baby girl, under Victor's order.

When Kristen found out her baby had supposedly died, out of shock/anger/grief, she accidentally pushed Haley down the steps, causing her to die.

The only one we don't have an answer for is who killed Jordan. Although many suspect Evan is baby David's father and he's the one who killed Jordan. The upside to this is that Rafe will definitely be able to formally adopt David, if his real daddy is a murderer. Poor kid got a double dose of crazy genes.

So, we had all this big build-up to answers that most of us guessed from the beginning (other than Maggie being responsible for the accident, which was surprising).

Now, how do they move forward with Maggie being the one responsible for Adrienne's death? Unless there's a double twist and it was really Summer-the-psycho-mermaid who caused the accident, then it would seem Maggie will have to go to prison, too. Can't see them putting Maggie in prison.

Sarah will grieve the death of her real baby, as well as grieving the loss of Mickey, the child she's loved for nearly a year (just like Nicole did with Sydney). Eric will just continue to be a sourpuss. Wish there was a double twist in that Rolf saw the dying/dead Horton baby, thought she was Kristen's baby, gave her the "DiMera-poke" and she's secretly being taken care of somewhere, alive and well, and that she's Xander's biological daughter. (Since Sarah's baby died, that will make 3 Horton ornaments on the tree for deceased babies/children: Zack, David Abraham and now the real Mackenzie)

Will we get a double twist in that Bonnie was really killed in the accident and Adrienne is out there on a book tour, brainwashed into thinking she's Bonnie? There had to be a reason for mentioning that Bonnie had been released, wrote a book and was traveling the world to promote it.

And the whole Princess Gina and Steve-aNO storyline needs to be scrapped, immediately.

What do you think of the answers to the time jump questions?

How would you like to see these storylines play out?
And...let's see........Eric was driving drunk, Daniel & Brady in another car, while Jen was in a 3rd one. All got involved. Gee, now Maggie driving drunk, Why is that........with Adrienne driving Sarah to the hospital???? How did Xander get involved, or was he in the car,too?? And there is Will, looking at his phone.

I do wish that Rolf was around with his handy dandy hypo in the hospital when this all hit the fan. How was Vic at hospital, or did he order over the phone. Xander could have called to say Maggie drunk in car. How come Sarah doesn't know this?? Or did convenient cases of amnesia come over everyone?
i.e. Why doesn't Will know Maggie was there, drunk and passed out or something? What about Sarah? Same thing.
Or do these "answers" just lead to more questions, to be answered at a later date?
I'd like to have Sarah's baby be alive, Xander be the father and somewhere else, and the baby that passed was Brady and Kristen's.

But I bet that won't happen for another year or two, if the show survives this horrible story telling garbage. So what will Brady and Kristen rename Mickey???? What horror will they impose upon their child?
I hate the possibility of Brady and Kristen reuniting over their baby!!!!!!!! Shouldn't she be in prison? Manslaughter?

I hope Eric doesn't now go back to Nicole -- and I REALLY hope that if he does, she pushes him away!
If creepy Kristen deliberately pushed Haley down some steps, it was not accident. She ought to be doing time for manslaughter especially since this is a new crime not covered by Mayor Jack's absurd general absolution for all her other horrible acts.

Killing off two babies is twice as bad as killing one, which is totally objectionable. If they want to kill off somebody in a ghastly manner, how about having Kristen ending up in a woodchipper like one of the kidnappers in the old film, Fargo.

If the writers want to have another auto accident, how about one involving Steve-ano and Princess Gina? The force of the collision could undo Rolf's transformative work, bringing an quick end to this truly awful story line.

As for Will, why not have the old fixer himself, Victor, get him out of prison while pulling strings to protect Maggie from prosecution? After all, Chelsea and her friends escaped homicide charges after the death of date-rapist Ford Decker thanks to Victor's legal machinations.

As for Adrienne, all things are possible since she has a double, Bonnie. It could easily have been Bonnie in the car who died. Meanwhile, Adrienne is a Jane Doe in a coma after getting involved in some disaster that separated her from her forms of identification.

Finally, Nicole should never, ever go back to Eric under any circumstances. As I said in another post, this weepy, gloomy, blob self-righteousness should join an order of monks where he can't inflict himself on society.
Personally, I would pay the big bucks to watch Rolf trying to put the pieces back together after Kristen exits the woodchipper. But, since I only have little bucks I won't have the pleasure of watching that. Anything would be better than what we have been watching.
I want pretty much what others have already mentioned. No Brady and Kristen as parents. Sarah's baby alive, only with Xander the daddy. Bonnie to be the one who died, and Adrienne to be somewhere alive. At this point I don't much care what Nicole and Eric do, which is a shame because she's always been one of my favorites and for the longest time I wanted her and Eric to get back together, but such a mess has been made of the characters, I've lost interest.
So Ben is still on death row for Jordan's murder as this coming week's events will not reveal Jordan's real killer (which makes sense because she was killed right before the time jump over a year ago and the events for next week took place the following May). I have a bad feeling that we are going to be witnessing Ben on the point of being executed as Sami was when she was on death row before being exonerated.

We also still have Stevano and Gina running around town. I hope the story with Gina is about over with Shawn coming to town and hopefully he possesses the Salem brain and figures out that his mother is actually Princess Gina. It will then be interesting to see how they bring Hope back. However, we will probably be stuck with Stevano for awhile longer before people realize he's Stefano and not Steve :sick:.

Also, a lot of the reveal next week might clear things up for us as the audience, but will the citizens of Salem be able to put all of the pieces together and solve these issues on screen? Ciara knows what happened to Adrienne and that Will is innocent, but she doesn't know about the baby switch that Victor and Xander did. Somehow, I think the bone marrow test will prove that Mickey is Brady and Kristen's daughter, but will everyone know it was a switch or think it was just a mistake at the hospital since both Sarah and Kristen gave birth the same night? Victor and Xander might still get away with that for now and have it come out later they were involved.

All of this is my speculation.
So what will Brady and Kristen rename Mickey???? What horror will they impose upon their child?
My guess is that they'll keep her name as Mackenzie and call her that, instead of Mickey. Sami didn't change Sydney's name, which is surprising, since Nicole named her, and Sami once made fun of Sydney's name saying Nicole named her after a place (Sydney, Australia).

Bo and Hope slightly changed Zack's name. Abe and Lexie had named him Isaac Theo Carver, calling him Isaac. Bo and Hope changed his name to Beauregard Isaac Theo Brady, but called him Zack for short.
The upside to this is that Rafe will definitely be able to formally adopt David, if his real daddy is a murderer.
Nah, just give Evan some therapy and meds and he'll be A-OK to become the next romantic lead for the show.
No Brady and Kristen as parents. Sarah's baby alive, only with Xander the daddy.
Really this is all I want, too. Everything else will work itself out, but I don't want Sarah screeching at Xander for a year or even a minute. He's the only character that makes her likable.
I hate the whole baby switch crap. It has been way over done on Days.

Have Mickey be the bio daughter of Sarah and Xander.

Both Will and Ben need to be exonerated, released, and receive huge settlements from the inept DA and police departments.

I really don't care about anything else going on in Salem. Heck, even the storylines I just mentioned aren't that interesting.
I wonder how Maggie will react when she finds out what she did and that Will was sacrificed for her? I am sure she doesn't remember and she would never have gone along with that plan - even if it was to frame someone she didn't know. Why is Vic getting all Godfathery and demanding that Xander do all these awful things to people he knows?? Xander can say he was just following Vic's orders, but he did some terrible things and Sarah will be furious, even though he did it for her.

I was wondering why Kayla said that the parents are not necessarily a good bone marrow match, which didn't make sense to me. So, I found this: The optimal donor is a histocompatible (HLA) matched relative who is usually a sibling or, in rare cases, a parent or grandparent with identical HLA tissue typing. Everyone inherits two sets of chromosomes containing HLA genes, four genes per set. One set comes from their father and one from their mother, for a total of eight genes. There is a one in four, or 25 percent, chance that any brother or sister will have inherited the same two sets of HLA genes as the patient. For a parent to be "matched" with his or her child, both parents must by chance have some HLA genes in common with each other. It is very unlikely, about a one in a million chance, for two unrelated individuals to have the same HLA genes in common, and there is only a one in 200 chance that a parent and child will be HLA matched. Source: University of California san Francisco

So, since the bio parents usually are NOT compatible, that means that Kristen/Brady won't be either, so they are going to have to do more tests to find the real parents. I am having another thought - we know that Xander switched the babies. What we do not know is if someone switched them back? Does Sami have an alibi?