Truth and Consequences

Noooo. Not sweet funny Johnny. Great chapter. I could just picture all the tumult. Thanks for the adventure Sparky!
OMG Noooooo Johnny don't die. Please don't die. EJ almost told that Lucas was Johnny's father. I bet the blood tests at the hospital will show that EJ could not be the father. Thanks for the story Sparkster.
OMG now why couldn't we get something like this from TPTB. I'm loving this story Sparkster and "he's a freakin lunatic" is so something Lucas would say to himself. Perfect.
augh!!!! Poor Johnny. I'm loving this story and I vote that you start writing for TPTB. I can't wait to hear what happenes next. You have me on the edge of my seat.
Thanks for the comments everyone! I know some might be a little upset that I had Johnny be the one to get shot. I contemplated that one for awhile not sure if I should do it or not. Next week I'll do a post-script explaining my reasoning for the way I wrote this story. :)
I'm not upset that Johnny got shot ... I know, I know, I just confessed to liking Stephanie in another thread so I guess this a day for scandals ... I think I've just watched too many soap operas. All I keep thinking is perfect, now Johnny will be in need of medical care and the truth can come out.

I agree with Luving, the "freakin' lunatic" line was great and I can even picture the exact facial expression on Lucas' face when he says it. I also think it is interesting that he blames himself for Johnny being shot even though it's not and that EJ blamed Lucas for Johnny being shot even though EJ is the one who shot the kid.... what can I say, you've captured the characters perfectly.
Yes it's upsetting that Johnny got shot but that sad stuff like that happens in real life & on soaps... I am sure this will have a happy ending!

This is freakin' fantastic so far!!! Be very proud of yourself!!
I'm woth Rioks. As much as it hurts my heart that a child was shot, I am happy it was him cause now that Daniel said have pints of blood on standby, everyone else is going to find out Johnny is Lucas's while Ew-J is in the slammer!
Whoooo hoo!
Thanks Sparkster for a great chapter!
Hopefully you will be writing some more stories for us once this story is all said and done next week!!
University Hospital

Johnny is wheeled in on a gurney and immediately taken into surgery. Sami is pacing around the waiting area. Roman walks in. Sami runs over and throws herself in his arms.
Sami: Oh, Daddy! I’m so glad you are here.
Roman: Oh, sweetheart. I am so sorry. Bo called me from the scene. EJ is currently sitting in a jail cell. That son of a b*tch ain’t going anywhere and he’s going to pay bigtime for this.
Sami: He was aiming for me. I should be the one in the OR right now. Or maybe in a body bag.
Roman: Hey, hey, hey. Don’t you dare talk like that, alright? Johnny is going to be ok, you have to believe that.
Daniel comes walking out of the OR and into the waiting room. Sami rushes over to him.
Sami: Daniel, how’s Johnny? Is he ok? Were you able to remove the bullet?
Daniel: We’ve been able to stabilize him for now. But he’s lost a lot of blood. He’s still going to be critical until we can transfuse him. He seems to have a relatively rare marker in his blood typing making it difficult for us to replace that blood.
Kate has walked up.
Sami: So what are you saying? I’ll give you blood, whatever you need. Just save my little boy.
Daniel: Our best chance is blood from a parent or full sibling. We’ll keep checking the local supply of blood here in town. We may find a match that way from a non-relative but it’s not as likely. We’ll need you to get tested right away.
Sami: Of course. I’ll go right now.
Rafe: Me too. Come on, let’s go down to the lab.
Lucas and Will walk in. They spot Roman and Kate.
Lucas: What’s going on? How’s Johnny? He’s going to be ok, right?
Roman: They’re trying to stabilize him but he needs blood. He apparently has a rare marker making the transfusion difficult. Sami and Rafe just headed down to the lab to give blood. I need to head to the station and see about getting a blood sample from EJ.
Will: What?! He tried to kill my mother and brother. Do you really think he’s going to be able to save Johnny now? That b*stard deserves to die! I’ll kill him myself if I have to!
Lucas: Come on, Will. Calm down. If EJ’s blood can help save Johnny’s life then that’s a good thing.
Will: Leave me alone! I need some air.
Kate: Let him go. He needs to blow off some steam. He’ll calm down. How are you doing? Are you alright?
Lucas: No, mom, I’m not alright. Because of me Johnny was shot.
Kate: Don’t say that Lucas. You were trying to stop EJ from shooting someone.
Lucas: I just feel so helpless, like there’s nothing I can do.
Kate: Maybe there is something you can do.
Lucas: Like what, go back to China?
Kate: Why don’t you go down to the lab and give some blood.
Lucas: What’s the point? We’re not related.
Kate: Well, you never know. Daniel said that everyone should give blood because there’s always a chance a non-relative could be a match. Maybe you could be that match, help save Johnny’s life.
Lucas: Alright, fine. I’ll go give blood.

To be continued...
Run Lucas Run!

I love this story Sparkster!
Thank you for another grrrrrrr-eat chapter!
Run Lucas Run. What a way for him to find out that he is Johnny's father. Just love it. Thanks so much Starkster. Have a great Thanksgiving.
University Hospital

Later on, Sami and Rafe are sitting in the waiting room. Will is pacing back and forth. Kate and Lucas are off to the side talking. Roman comes walking back into the room.
Sami: Daddy, did you get blood from EJ?
Roman: No, Sami, I did not. Seems the b*stard is unwilling to offer his help to save his own son.
Sami: I swear to God, if anything happens to Johnny I will personally go down to that jail and kill EJ with my bare hands!!
Daniel comes walking through the OR doors as several nurses wheel Johnny into one of the rooms.
Sami: Daniel, is he ok? Can I see him?
Daniel: We were able to remove the bullet and we found a good match for blood so we were able to stabilize him.
Sami: Oh thank God. So you only needed my blood, since EJ was unwilling to give his.
Daniel: Well, actually, no, Sami, it wasn’t your blood that saved Johnny’s life. It was Lucas’.
Lucas: What? Really? How is that possible?
Kate: Because he’s your son.
Everyone whips their heads around and stares at Kate.
Lucas: What did you just say?
Kate: Johnny, he’s your son. Not EJ’s.
Sami: Oh my God. I think I’m going to faint.
Lucas: Where is this coming from, mom? What the hell are you trying to pull?
Kate: It’s the truth.
Lucas: How long have you known about this?
Kate: I just found out. It was all Stefano’s doing. He altered the DNA tests done on the twins shortly after they were born. It was all part of his twisted plan against the Brady’s. He had hoped that one or both of the twins were really EJ’s but when that turned out not to be true he switched the results.
Roman: That son of a b*tch! So, EJ must know about this, since he was unwilling to give his blood.
Kate: Yes, he just found out earlier today. He must have gone out on a drinking binge and then showed up to the pier with a gun.
Lucas: It all makes sense now.
Kate: What makes sense?
Lucas: Earlier. After I tackled EJ to the ground he was laughing like he had gone completely mad and mumbled something about if I knew what I had just done and that I may have just killed my…and then he trailed off. He must have been talking about Johnny being my son. I can’t believe it.
Daniel: Would you guys like to see him?
Sami: Yes, of course.
She turns to Lucas and gives him a smile through a few tears.
Sami: Let’s go see our son.
Lucas puts his arm around Sami and they head into Johnny’s hospital room.

To be continued...
Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucas and Sami know that Johnny is their's. I am so happy. It was even better then I thought it would be. Thanks for the super chapter and for making sure Johnny was going to be ok.
I am so thankful to see the "to be continued" at the end.... Great story Sparkster!!!! I am thrilled, thrilled to have Johnny freed of that THAT and back with his real daddy Lucas!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap:
I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes. LOL
Thanks Sparkster!:) (Goodness, I am such a sap sometimes...)