Truth and Consequences

I have to remember to watch the Youtube tonight. I am also blocked at work.

You totally have these characters nailed!!!
Cant wait for tomorrow!! :)Thanks Sparkster.
That was the first time I saw the scenes of Nicole losing the baby.
Made me cry my face off. lol
The Loft

Sami is playing a game with Johnny in the living room.
Sami: Oh, Johnny, you are getting so good at this game. You’re beating me!
Johnny: I know! I used to beat Daddy all the time too.
Sami: Well, he probably just let you win, huh?
Johnny: I miss Daddy.
Sami: Oh, sweetie. I know you do.
Johnny: Is Rafe gonna be my new daddy?
Sami: Well, he’s going to be another daddy to you. Mommy is going to marry Rafe soon and then he will be a daddy to you.
Johnny: But I already have a daddy.
Sami: I know you do, honey. But sometimes people have two daddies or two mommies. Do you know that I have two daddies?
Johnny: Really?
Sami: Uh huh. Grandpa Roman is my dad. But so is Grandpa John because he’s married to my mom.
Johnny: Ohhhhh….I get it.
Johnny gives a little smirk to Sami. Sami laughs. She knows she’s seen that same smirk before…all the sudden there’s a knock at the door. She gets up off the couch and goes to the door. She opens it.
Sami: Oh my God! It’s you!

DiMera Mansion

Kate is pacing around the living room of the mansion. She can’t stop thinking about what Lucas told her about his encounter with Stefano. She eyes the portrait of Stefano on the wall, knowing the safe is behind there, wondering how difficult it would be to break into it.
Kate: Maybe I’m just imagining things. I mean, what could be so big that Stefano is keeping it not only from me but from EJ also? It doesn’t make any sense.
She walks over to the portrait and puts her hand on it, ready to open it. All the sudden she hears a voice behind her.
Voice: What do you think you’re doing?

To be continued....
Cant wait for tomorrow!! :)Thanks Sparkster.
That was the first time I saw the scenes of Nicole losing the baby.
Made me cry my face off. lol

I know! I have watched it several times now in preparation for my story and I still cry every time! :cry2: It makes me want Sydney to be Nicole's for real on the show so bad!

Thanks for all the comments everybody! I truly appreciate it! :) I've never really written anything like this before so it's nice to get compliments from my fellow Spectators. I'm glad you all are enjoying it so far. :cool:
Great chapters Sparky. I can't handle watching that video though. I remember what an amazing job of acting she did.

But I love how, in your story, she dreams she held the baby. Did she? I wonder what Stefano might know about this and if it's all in the safe. Kate has a big ego thinking it odd that Stefano keeps secrets from her. Really?

Nicely done girlfriend! Looking forward to more.
I agree with kpatch... I can't watch those scenes & a great job!!! You have me saying,

Oh my god it's you.... who???? Lucas, Dr Baker???

What do you think you’re doing? Is it Lucas, Stefano, EJ???
I am hoping that it is Lucas as well. He does have a great smirk. I am betting it is Lucas at the door. He was going to see his children so makes sense that he is going to Sami's. I watched the video of Nicole holding the baby after the birth/Misscarriage and the baby she is holding looks like a fullterm baby. (I have seen many fullterm and preterm babies in my life) She was only about 5 to 6 months if I remember.
DiMera Mansion

Kate walks over to the portrait and puts her hand on it, ready to open it. All the sudden she hears a voice behind her.
Stefano: What do you think you’re doing?
Kate: Oh! Darling, you scared me! I was just trying to fix your portrait. It looked crooked.
Stefano: Mm. Yes, well, we have plenty of staff here to handle things of that nature.
Kate: You’re right. So, how was your day?
Stefano: Just fine, darling. I’m sorry Lucas could not join us for dinner last night.
Kate: Yes, well, you know how it is.
Stefano: Are you ok, Katherine? You seem a bit jittery or something.
Kate: Oh, I just have a lot on my mind with the business and getting ready to hand over the reins to Lucas.
Stefano: Are you absolutely sure you want to do that?
Kate: Of course I am. He is fully capable of handling it and I’m looking forward to a semi-retirement.
Stefano: Indeed. Then let’s celebrate.

The Loft

There's a knock at the door. Sami walks over and opens it.
Sami: Oh my God! It’s you!
Lucas: Hi!
Sami: What are you doing here? I didn’t even know you were coming back into town?
Lucas: Well, good to see you too, Sami.
Sami gives Lucas a hug.
Sami: Of course it’s good to see you! It was just a total surprise.
Johnny: Lucas!!
Johnny goes running toward Lucas and gives him a big bear hug.
Lucas: Hey there Johnny! How’s it going, buddy? High five!
Johnny: Are you here to see my sister?
Lucas: I’m here to see everybody. Are they all here? Where’s Allie and Will? And Sydney?
Sami: Well, Will is at school, Allie is playing at her friend’s house, and Sydney is taking a nap.
Lucas: Oh, right, I think I’m still on Hong Kong time.
Johnny: Mommy, can I go play in my room?
Sami: Sure, Johnny.
Lucas: So, how are things going? I heard you and EJ are in for the custody battle of the century.
Sami: Oh, Lucas. It’s horrible. I was able to get a restraining order for awhile but now the hearing is coming up.
Lucas: Shouldn’t you be able to get full custody hands down after what EJ did.
Sami: Under normal circumstances, yes. But you know me, there is no such thing as normal.
Lucas: What have you done now?
Sami: That obvious, huh?
Lucas: You do realize I’m the only person who knows you better than…well, you.
Sami: I know. EJ claims he has evidence that I was the one who tried to kill him.
Lucas: Did you?
Sami: Well, yeah, but…
Lucas: Geez….well, I guess we both got bad aim, huh?
Sami: I know, right. I can’t believe that someone could take a bullet to the head, lie there for hours, barely survive surgery, go into a coma, have the plug pulled, and be perfectly fine a couple weeks later.
Lucas: It’s those damn DiMera’s. They got nine lives or something.
Sami: I just wish I had never met EJ Wells DiMera. I mean, I love Johnny and Sydney but I really wish he wasn’t their father.
Lucas: Well, hopefully you’ve learned your lesson with falling for his cr*p again.
Sami: Oh, believe me. I will NEVER fall for that ba*tard ever again. It’s one thing for him to do stuff to me but once my children were put in the crossfire, something just snapped in me. No one messes with my kids and gets away with it.
Lucas: There’s the Sami I know and love. The fighter.
Sami: So you haven’t told me, what are you doing back in Salem?
Lucas: My mother asked me to come back to town to run Hearth and Home here. I just got in last night and would have come over sooner but it was getting late after I spoke to my mother.
Sami: So you’re back for good?
Lucas: Looks that way.
Sami: Oh, Will and Allie will be so happy to have their father back in town. And me too.
Lucas: Thanks, Sami. It’s probably for the best anyway. That way I can keep an eye on Stefano and try to figure out what he’s keeping from my mother.
Sami: What are you talking about?
Lucas: I’m not sure. I walked in on him fiddling with something in his safe over at the mansion and overheard him talking about some secret. I think it’s something big. And it has to do with EJ too.
Sami: EJ? Hmmm….I wonder what that could be about.

To be continued....

Reminder: I am heading out of town today and will be gone until Friday. I should still have internet access while I am gone and be able to post. If I run into any problems I'll let you all know from my iPhone. I'll give you the spoilers for the week ahead in a new post. Enjoy! :)
Here's what is coming up this week on Truth and Consequences:

Monday: Conjugal Visit
Tuesday: She Hates Broccoli?!
Wednesday: DNA Test
Thursday: Digging For Information
Friday: Catch-22
Saturday: Isn't It Ironic?
Sunday: Paging Dr. Jonas
Sami: I know, right. I can’t believe that someone could take a bullet to the head, lie there for hours, barely survive surgery, go into a coma, have the plug pulled, and be perfectly fine a couple weeks later.

Ain't that the truth? LOL.

I love the titles of your upcoming chapters.

Looking forward to what's next. Thanks Sparky. Have a good trip.

Nicole shows up at the prison waiting room area and takes a seat on one side of the table. Dr. Baker is ushered in by the guard and he takes a seat across from her.
Dr. Baker: What, did you miss this place so much, you wanted to come back for a visit?
Nicole: Actually I was hoping for a conjugal visit. <sarcasm>
Dr. Baker: Should I be flattered or disgusted?
Nicole: Easy there, Dick, keep your jumpsuit on. I’m actually here on official business.
Dr. Baker: I don’t have any official business and certainly none with you.
Nicole: I need information about my baby.
Dr. Baker: Which one? The one you lost, the one you were planning to pass off as your own, or the one you stole from Sami?
Nicole: I want to know about my baby. The one you say I lost.
Dr. Baker: But you DID lose that baby. It died.
Nicole: SHE died. Or so you say. I was never fully convinced of what happened that day. I remember holding my daughter. What happened? What did you do to her?
Dr. Baker: Your baby was stillborn. You know that.
Nicole: But I remember holding her. I remember her cooing and crying. Where is she? Where is my little girl?
Dr. Baker: Look, lady, you came into the clinic in labor. You gave birth to a dead baby. You were delirious afterwards insisting that you hold your baby. We put the baby in your arms for a moment then took her away to be cremated. You were so distraught after that. We gave you a sedative and then your boyfriend Brady told you what happened. The end.
Nicole: No, I don’t think so. I overheard EJ yesterday telling Sami that Sydney wasn’t even hers. How do you explain that? Are you and EJ in cahoots about this?
Dr. Baker: I don’t know what you’re talking about. And maybe you shouldn’t walk in on other people’s conversations. You probably misunderstood.
Nicole: I know what I heard.
Dr. Baker: You’re reaching out for something that just isn’t there. Get over it.
The guard walks in and tells them time is up. Dr. Baker stands up.
Dr. Baker: See you later. Or never.
Nicole: This isn’t over Dick. I will get to the truth.
Nicole walks out of the room and the guard starts to lead Dr. Baker back to his cell.
Dr. Baker: Wait, I’d like to make a phone call.
Guard: Nope. You’re going back to your cell.
Dr. Baker: Come on, one little call. It’ll take just a couple minutes.
Guard: Not right now. When I return from my lunch break I’ll see if I’m feeling nice enough to allow you that call.
The guard slams the cell door shut and walks off. Dr. Baker starts pacing around his cell.
Dr. Baker: Why are you asking questions now, Nicole? Damn it! I am dead for sure if the truth comes out. I hope that guard gets back soon so I can make that call.
He sits on the bed and waits. Soon he hears the guard’s footsteps coming up. He rushes over to the door.
Guard: Alright, Baker. It’s your lucky day. You got two minutes.
The guard ushers Dr. Baker over to the pay phone. Dr. Baker inserts a quarter and dials a number.
Dr. Baker: Hey, it’s Baker. We got a problem. Nicole is snooping around for answers about her baby.

To be continued....
"Lucas: It’s those damn DiMera’s. They got nine lives or something."
haha...more like 13 or 14...or 15!!

Great chapters Sparkster! Can't wait for more!
Me too Red...

I love that Lucas is home. Thanks for making that dream come true. Now it's time for him to work on Kate...