Tuesday, Aug. 26th - NO SHOW


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry, folks, no feed this morning. All there is on the tape is snow, or static, or whatever you want to call it when there is no picture. No idea if they have changed the time of the feed, the channel, or what. Maybe Days is going to be pre-empted on Tuesday. No clue at this point.

A Blizzard hits Salem!!! thats why there was only snow that you saw lol!!!!:D:):cool:
Maybe Stephano messed with the tape. :) Thanks for all you do keeping us informed
ohhhhh now Lucas and Chloe are gonna be caught in a blizzard and will be visited by the Abominable Snowman... I KNEW it!
stefano started the blizzard...its actually filled with the same gas the was in the hospital:smile::D
They are definitely the ones....well, actually, it is Days itself who sends the feed to Canada. And today they did not do so. I will really be interested to know if Canada will be televising the show. I hope Days is not using a different method of sending the show out, or a different satellite. They did that once before, and there was no way I could get the show then. Keep your collective fingers crossed.
They are definitely the ones....well, actually, it is Days itself who sends the feed to Canada. And today they did not do so. I will really be interested to know if Canada will be televising the show. I hope Days is not using a different method of sending the show out, or a different satellite. They did that once before, and there was no way I could get the show then. Keep your collective fingers crossed.
Bite you tongue...!!!! Say it ain't so Joe....!!! NO WAY JOSE...!!!! AAAGGGGHHHH...!!!
I saw the show today. I just spent 1 hour typing it up. ( I am not a very fast typer) and then it would not let me post because It had been too long since I logged on. I am going out for supper and don't have the time to redo it.
Maybe John Black lost his memory again...with or without the disk.

Does anyone remember when John used to beat his head against the wall (literally) and shout "who am I" (like 10+ years ago). That was funny!!
You never have to say you're sorry

You guys are soooooooooo funny :rotfl: That's OK Barb; I never get it on Tuesdays......I tape both NBC and the Soap Channel and for some reason the Soap Channel has quit taping on Tuesdays as well - just Tuesdays, mind you. Maybe Stephano is up to something - LOL!!!! I'll try and watch live tomorrow, and if by chance I get it; I'll be glad to post it. However, I am sure is it runs someone on the Pacific Coast will get it before me and will be glad to post as well.

Barb, remember "When you love someone or (vice versa), you never have to say you're sorry." I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say we definitely love you and love what you do for us each and every day in all the forums. It's still a mystery to me how you keep up w/it all. Therefore, never feel bad especially when something happens completely out of your control; and you can't post the "Day Ahead" or any other thing out of your control or that you are not aware of at the time to nip it in the bud. :hug:

THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DJ that was very nice of you. Too bad you did not save it to an e-mail draft, or WP . That is what I do when I type up the show.......before I come here to post it.

That was very kind of you. I just wish I knew what happened to the feed. They could possibly have changed the time. The odd thing is, the Y&R feed comes on right afterDays, and that came on, and was fine.
awww, Dominque...:).......
Actually, SoapNet does not run Days either on Tuesday or thursdays....weird.