Tuesday, February 5th


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
February 5, 2008

Episode #10,755 Taped 1/16 Director – Kathryn Foster

Shawn is talking to a sleeping Claire, so glad to have her back. And now we have about 5 minutes of flashbacks, from Rob escaping with Claire on the pier, Belle falling in the water, Shawn going after Rob, returning to tell Bo he was unable to rescue Claire, talking with Philip, and then at Belle’s bedside in the hospital. Belle comes in, they exchange a few “how happy we are to have her back” words, agree that having a child in danger puts everything in perspective, another flashback to sitting downstairs in St. Alban’s bar, glad to have Claire back. Shawn paces, thinking something else is wrong, wonders why Kayla & Steve came. Belle assures him it was only to bring Pop Shawn to meet his sister, but Shawn is not sure that is all. He thinks something else is up. Claire wakes up, both her parents go for the hug, as Claire tells them she had a nice nap and a happy dream.

Downstairs, Kayla is beating around the bush, as she haltingly tells Bo that his test results from the physical he just took before he came to Ireland showed some irregularities. Bo insists she just tell him (and I agree! Sheesh!). She finally says that there were “elevated bilirubin and high levels of alkaline phosphates”. Bo asks what that means, Kayla just says they need to do further testing, Steve says they have to go home.
Hope returns, realizes something is going on, but they all say they were just talking about getting Claire back and finding Colleen alive. Steve wants to go for a walk, Bo declines, wanting to catch up with his sis, he invites Hope. They go outside, enjoying the view and all the green (yeah, all I see is white, white snow, lol). She wants to know what is up, Steve only reminds her that when Bo first learned he was Victor’s son, and they were living with him, who did Hope turn to for advice. You, she replies. And did I give you good advice. Yes. Then just listen again. Give Bo some space for a while. They go back inside.

Back in Salem, Kate, Billie & Chelsea are talking with Victor, who is assuring them all is well, that Crawford Decker will not be a problem, has had a change of heart. Roman arrives with the autopsy report, which clearly shows Ford died from the fall down the stairs. The women are happy to hear that, but Roman says Crawford thinks Chelsea pushed Ford. Victor assures him that Decker has changed his mind. Cue the doorbell, Victor lets Decker in, telling him the autopsy report has arrived, and shows his son died from the fall. Chelsea says it clearly shows it was an accident, but Decker huffs ….”Accident, hah”. He says something about none of them knowing what it is like to lose a child. Billie replies she thought she lost one…and Kate replies she lost two. Ah, but they got them back, didn’t they. Victor excuses them, wanting to talk to Decker privately, & coldly informs Decker that he HAS lost a child, Isabella, and knows exactly what it is like, and his remarks to granddaughter Chelsea were inappropriate, so what is he going to do about it. Decker promises to apologize. Victor tells him to go wait in his study, then calls Philip, learns they found Claire, the woman who took her is Colleen Brady, Pop Shawn’s sister, and that tho she tried to save Brady, too, he was gone by the time her people got to him. Philip explains she wanted to protect them from Stefano Dimera, who Victor calls an SOB, sorry that he ever did business with him years ago. He tells Phil he needs the plane for Decker, and to send it back. Phil says no problem, he will hitch a ride with John’s plane, or else get a ticket on a commercial flight. He needs to stay and dig around a bit more to see if he can learn anything about Brady.
Now Victor calls Bo, tells him the autopsy report is back, Ford died from the fall, Chelsea is off the hook, as well as Stephanie & the girls, Decker had a change of mind about pursuing anything. Bo does not even want to know what Victor did, but thanks him for whatever. Victor returns to the ladies, Decker comes in and apologizes, Victor tells him he will see him later. All the women are thanking him, no problem says Victor. Billie announces she was fired from the university, and will be job hunting. Victor tell hers any company would be happy to have her, when can she start? Huh? He offers her a job at the London office of Titan, knowing she previously lived there when in the ISA. She is thrilled, accepts, then asks Chelsea if it will be o.k. Of course. Hugs all around.

Back in Ireland, John has his knife out, ready to attack Colleen. She tells him he cannot do this, he says he was “designed” to kill her, it is his mission. He checks on the unconscious Marlena, then comes closer. Colleen tells him he is not a killer, and he will suffer a fate worse than hell if he kills her. God has other plans for her. Marlena is coming to, and calls to John, saying you do not want to do this. He goes for Colleen, as Marlena grabs his leg, screaming, no, no, no. (and no one downstairs hears a thing!) He shakes Marlena off, but Colleen stops him cold, when she blurts out that if he kills her, he would be killing his own mother!!!!! Both John & Marlena are dumbfounded, stare at her is disbelief. And the story comes tumbling out. Shortly after she ran away, she realized she was pregnant. Yes, Santo is John’s father, she was only with one man in all her life, and he was it. But he belonged with his wife and family, and he could never know, so she left Ireland, sailing to Argentina. She found refuge in a small convent, where she gave birth to John, and stayed until he was about 2 years old. The Mother Superior could no longer keep them, telling her the convent was no place to raise a boy. They gave her some money, which soon ran out. She made arrangements with an orphanage to keep John (who she named Ryan) in exchange for her mending socks & clothes, and she could spend every Sunday with her boy. As soon as she got back on her feet, she would be taking him back. She got seamstress work in a factory, and lived for those Sundays with her boy. Then she had an accident in the factory, got tetanus, was in the hospital delirious for two months. When she got out, and went to the orphanage, her boy was gone, the headmaster had been fired, and no one knew where he was. She never, ever stopped looking for him. She finally discovered he had been adopted by a powerful and ruthless family…..the Alamaines. Thank heavens they never knew he was a half brother to Stefano DiMera.
Half-brother. Those words send a chill thru John AND Marlena, but she assures John Stefano is no longer a threat, he can harm no one for the rest of his life. She has seen to that. John is not sure Colleen is being truthful, so she shows him the medallion, which Marlena recognizes immediately from the picture. She pulls it out, showing it to John, telling him she found it in his jacket pocket. Colleen assures him that is him, 2 years old, in the picture, sitting on his mother’s lap. John is silent, then turns, and walks out the door. Marlena runs out after him.

Bo is getting off the phone with Victor, telling Steve, Kayla, Hope about Chelsea & Stephanie being off the hook, all is o.k. Bo thinks he & Hope should get back to Salem, Steve says don’t worry, they will take care of Pop, and bring him back. Shawn has just come in, when Marlena comes rushing through the door, calling Bo, and telling him that John has run off.


Siunds like another outstanding epi! Thanks for write up Barb.:smile:
Ahh "elevated bilirubin and high levels of alkaline phosphates", looks like Bo is going to have some sort of liver/gall bladder disease or bone disease..... or (and I'm going for the best case, Lexie didn't have the Salem brain that day -- as if she ever does possibility here) he's taking some meds that Lexie didn't know about and it's a false reading because of them. :)
Ahh "elevated bilirubin and high levels of alkaline phosphates", looks like Bo is going to have some sort of liver/gall bladder disease or bone disease..... or (and I'm going for the best case, Lexie didn't have the Salem brain that day -- as if she ever does possibility here) he's taking some meds that Lexie didn't know about and it's a false reading because of them. :)

Thanks for the post, Poirot!

Elusive, I'm going with the bone disease since he been getting "back pain"....
How old is John?

I am confused! Grampa Sean was just a little boy when Colleen disappeared. Wouldn't this make John only 10 years younger than Sean and Stephano?
I am confused! Grampa Sean was just a little boy when Colleen disappeared. Wouldn't this make John only 10 years younger than Sean and Stephano?

yep!:smile: But he looks good for his age doesn't he:evillaugh:.
I did some research on the info that Kayla gave to Bo....this is what I found.

Extremely high elevations of alkaline phosphatase are most frequently seen in patients with sepsis, malignant obstruction, and AIDS. Patients with sepsis can have an extremely high alkaline phosphatase level and a normal bilirubin. A variety of other causes were also noted.

I doubting that any of the above are wrong with Bo...I am curious to see what they are going to come up with.
Sorry, I forgot the other part.

In adults or older children, bilirubin is measured to diagnose and/or monitor liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or gallstones. Patients with sickle cell disease or other causes of hemolytic anemia may have episodes where excessive RBC destruction takes place, raising bilirubin levels.
I am confused! Grampa Sean was just a little boy when Colleen disappeared. Wouldn't this make John only 10 years younger than Sean and Stephano?

Yes, this could be true. Stefano did brainwash and do other things to John. So yes he could appear to be younger looking, when he really isn't.:hot:

Holy moly this sounds like a hell of a good show! I can't wait!~
I am confused! Grampa Sean was just a little boy when Colleen disappeared. Wouldn't this make John only 10 years younger than Sean and Stephano?

Yea he should be about 8 to 10 years younger then Shawn. I still find it hard to accept the timeline that they are giving. It would have worked if Colleen met up again with Santo after his wife died and then they had John. Oh well age is not important in a soap
It is so nice to have episodes that move along and are exciting again. The writers strike is supposed to be ending soon and I hope the show doesn't go back to dragging along. I can't wait to see what twist is going to happen with Bo's illness.
I think that if we can accept that John's memories are stored on a disk, Lexie can be appointed Chief of Staff, noone ever gets caught for a crime - unless they confess, and that anyone can die and come back to life many times over (I loved Sami's comment about how Stefano has died so many times he must have his own drawer at the morgue!), then I can accept their mess up on this age thing.
I don't think we should sweat this too much because for the most part Days has gotten soooooooo much better lately!
Take it from a nurse who is now in med school - those symptoms together definitely mean liver disease - at least here in the REAL world. On Days, it probably means he has a broken finger.
Yikes......So Bo just may need a liver transplant??? Gad I hope not, they have already stolen John's kidney and Benji's liver for Stefano.

He also could have blockage of the bile ducts.....my friend has that.

Maybe Shawn will give his liver to Bo.......Although aren't they suppose to get lost on an island somewhere? Hmmmm. I remember reading that somewhere.
Trust me when the real writers come back it will be boring again....They love to drag story line's for a very long time.
Ok ttyl
The former writers of Days will not be returning when the strike ends. See other forums here for news about that.
i love bo!

Take it from a nurse who is now in med school - those symptoms together definitely mean liver disease - at least here in the REAL world. On Days, it probably means he has a broken finger.

i was so close, i kinda thought kidney because of his aching back, but the liver could do that, too, is spose. so? did i read somewhere, poirot, that granpa shawn is "taking his last breath"? does that mean they are going to kill off gp shawn? bo isn't a brady, so shawn's liver won't do him any good. dammit!
In 2006 i was in the hospital for over a month with septsiscimea I hope this is spelled right, if i hann't had severe pain in my back and diaphram I would have never went to the hospital and would have died..... Had a pick line into my heart so the antibiotics could move thru my body.. no liver transplant HAHAHA

This could be Bo's problem, and with the plane going down it will be a race to get him the medical attention, that he desperately needs.
Sepsis could be the problem.....That is one of the reasons for part of his test results, I think.