Twitter week Sept 23

I do get a kick out of the fact that Robin Strasser has been Tweeting like mad since just before she began to appear as Vivian............and recently, tweeted she would not be around for a while, intimating her time with Days was over.
I like her hair...

He talks about in the first video if there will be a Day of Days or not.
They don't know
Haha, they were a great pair that's for sure. Noel, I remember the first time I ever saw Days of our Lives and it was in grade 2 when I stayed home from school due to being sick. I watched this show and I remember a chalk outline of a body on the floor and Roman (played by Wayne Northrop at the time) came in to the room.

But what I remember the most is Eugene stepping into a time machine and the was fog and lights. I had to know what happened so I pretended to be sick the next day to find out what happened but my dad came home from school at lunch, he was a teacher at the same school I attended, and told me I looked better and should go back to school. 30 some odd years later I'm still waiting for Eugene to pop up. Maybe in one of the upcoming storylines he could make an appearance. It certainly would fit. LOL!