Upcoming 2 week break


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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With no shows scheduled beginning Fri. July 23, until Monday, Aug. 9th........going to be hard to keep folks interested here, lol, so I have been trying to come up with ideas to keep us all posting. One item I thought of is........how would YOU have written/handled/ended some past storylines. And I do mean past. Some of us go wayyy back, some only halfway, some of us are viewers/fans for only a few years. Makes no difference. Think about some stories that did not go the way you hoped, think would have been better, etc.

Ordinarily I would not be posting this yet, but, I can see summer weekends are not when many visit, so just doing a heads up.

Also, if YOU have an idea for something that might interest others, speak up. Historical, future, present, children, adults, careers, backgrounds, etc.

Back several years ago, when Days was pre-empted for 2 weeks, Days did black & white old 40s/50s movie plots with our Days actors. It was wonderful, loved it. Alas, they no longer have budget for that sort of thing. But there is another idea. Remaking classic movie with our Days actors in the character roles.

O.K., what do you all think?
We could also watch & describe old episodes, whatever is available online in various places, knowing that at any moment some of them might get pulled.

Another fun thing might be describing an episode and seeing if we can guess when it happened (like year and month).

Concentration could be fun, too. Probably too easy with actors, though.
Those are some fun ideas. How about a whatever happened to about characters that are off the canvas, especially the ones who just sort of faded away. For example, what happened to Don Craig after he left to mail the letter or Cassie Brady after she went upstairs in the pub?
Brown_Eyed_Girl, do you mean we should write our own stories of what happened to characters after
they disappeared from Salem?

I think it would be fun to do the game that we're doing in game section of items if we did it with
things in Salem.

Example: DiMera DEN, then something in Salem with den. It might get too complicated.
Yes katmouse. What did they do after they left Salem. I don't think they need to be long stories just a few lines on what we think the characters may have done. It could even be about recent characters like what is Sarah doing on the island or what is Maggie doing with Summer.
I like your idea. We might have to make a special category for this time since we have fan fiction
already. Or maybe we can do a run-on story where one person starts and the next one continues.