Visiting cemetaries on vacation

Puddle Duck

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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I didn't want to keep going off topic on the other thread but wanted to reply to medrel about this topic. I like visiting them on vacations too, the really old ones of course. We are going to Charleston, SC for vacation this summer and plan to tour those and I'm planning a trip to Savannah, GA in the fall for our anniversary and can't wait to see those. :)
I went on a field trip last year to New Orleans with my grade to help Habitat for Humanity. We visited a cool cemetary on Halloween there, with a tour guide who called herself "Bloody Mary" and said she can talk to the ghosts.
It's been a few years since I saw it, but Double Jeopardy, the one with Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones, is a good movie. (According to IMDB there was another Double Jeopardy, with a different plot line, released 7 years before that one, which I have not seen.)

Edited to add: :back: I have not visited cemetaries on vacation, but would if I happened to be near a really cool one.
Well, hey, I have been to both the really old one in Charleston, and also one in Savannah. It truly is neat to read the headstones. Some are from late 1700s.

I was at one in Tombstone, AZ. and that truly was amazing. One tombstone said persons' ashes arrived at the post office COLLECT! LOL.

Lots of the markers say HOW the person died,(shot, hanged, cholera, bad water,) but another I remember.....Here lies Lester More, 4 slugs from a 44, No Les, No More. LOLOL
I also enjoy seeing old cemetaries. Some of my favourite ones are the old country cemetaries that are not used very much anymore except for the families of the pioneers and I have visited some very old and interesting cemetaries in Europe. I don't know why, but I find them fascinating, too.
I like to visit cemeteries also. Have never had a chance to visit them while traveling. Would love to go to places where some of my ancestors are buried (south Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Alabama and South Carolina) and see those cemeteries. I have visited the current ones and the pioneer ones in my area. Most of my family for the past several generations are buried in my county, in the public cemeteries, but there are also two family plots on private property.

I'd also like to see the old ones all of you have mentioned. Cemeteries usually have more sad tombstones than funny ones--especially the old ones with so many babies and children, but the one in Tombstone, Arizona sounds good for the laughs.
Good to know I'm not the only one that visits cemeteries. I have been to cemeteries in Savannah, Charleston, Beaufort SC, New Orleans - really just about anywhere I travel. One of my favorites was Aruba. We hired a taxi to take us on a tour of the island. At the cemetery I was traipsing around taking pictures and the taxi driver ran over to me yelling and waving his arms telling me to get out as there were numerous poisonous spiders and snakes in the tall grass. :D I hightailed it out once I got a couple of pictures. Arlington cemetery is one that tears at your heart as well as Gettysburg. While Gettysburg isn't a cemetery per se, the loss of life makes it feel like one to me.

You get a real sense of the history of an area by visiting the cemeteries.
Yes, I used to live in DC and my mom worked right by the Arlington Cemetary. It's really sad. I also went to a military cemetary here in San Diego (forgot the name), and it was sad. But they had some headstones from the Spanish-American War! I couldn't believe some were that old!