warning........big rant


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I love Days, make no mistake. I have since I began........the good, the bad, the ugly. I stick thru it all, I watch every days (mostly) but that doesn't mean I like it all. Just that I stick with the bad, cause I know the coming good will make it worth it.

It has been difficult at times, especially the last few years. Corday really fell down on his job, (and trust me, I do not believe he pays attention to what does on)...but at last, he realized he had to get rid of the writing team and hired a new one. I was so happy about Josh Griffith, and yes, Dena Higley. I had, in the past, felt she had been meligned in re: her writing. It all sounded so good. And really, I was not disappointed in the return of Bo (except for the overly done torture scenes). The story was eventually very well done, and while the 50th left a bit to be desired, it was o.k.

And the big BUT.........NO need to ruin Aiden in order to boost Bo. Travesty. Horrible idea & story.
I don't care if Aiden needed $$$$ to take care of gambling, it could have been done without the DiMera interference, which has not been mentioned since.

So Aiden snapped, just as Hope did. That was a bit much so close together. Both acting out of their ordinary personalites. And then, Ciara gets kidnapped, held hostage, but really has NO after effects. (I still have nightmares about an auto accident 15 years ago), lost her father, but is pushing for her mom & Rafe??? Hey, I love Rafe, but this is asinine.

Joey's crush on Ava? O.K. she tried to push him away. What the blazes is she thinking about meeting him then in the park, talking all cutesy, flirty. but "it can never be"

And yes, despite the fact that I have admired Dena Higley, I realize only too well that her extended "leave of absence" has to be due to whatever stories she has written that don't set well with the suits, (as well as the viewers) so there had to be some sort of conflict, since Beth Milstein was brought over to Days from Y&R to "help" out. (Her work is yet to show)

There have been a lot of scene cutting, as direction of story is being changed, a bit disconcerting as we watch. But I truly am hating Ava's appearance in town, despite loving Tamara Braun, who plays her. I hate Joey's inability to grow up, but his age is the factor here. Does a 16 yr. old really crush so bad on a 35-40 yr old in this way? Guess so. JJ /Eve debacle comes to mind.
Is that woman really John's mother? Hope not, but don't care. Hope he doesn't either.
Why is marlena just being a listener ? To All?
And........Kate Roberts.......enough bed hopping. Enough trying to control your children's lives, and refuse to realize you have partners in your new business, where you were supposed to be a silent partner.
Finally........Lucas......I miss you, you re needed desperately.
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Joey/Ava :sick: You are correct about him not growing up. It's making him look rather, well, I don't want to say simple-minded, but that's the only word that comes to mind. Now today, she was "returning the feelings" clearly playing him or she has a bigger mental problem than we thought. I don't like what they have done to her. I liked her before.
Joey,Joey, good grief.:beat: He looks pathetic. :cry: I had high hopes for him as Stephanie was, well, an AirHo Stewardess, racecar driver (I'd rather have racer girl one back, I think) and that did not work out.
Kate Roberts needs to go and join Carrie, Austin and Baby No Name in Europe. That or she needs to open a European division of Basic Black and stay there. Talk about a character that has run her course in Salem. There are plenty of other actresses in her age range that deserve a storyline and love interest. TPTB seem to have an infatuation with certain actors and she is one of them.

Agree about needing more Lucas. He should be impacted by the stolen money storyline too. And I'll tolerate him with Adrienne if it gives him airtime.

Hope and Rafe have become FF material.

Ava and Joey just yuck.

Too many cut scenes and too many missed beats as well. Steve has been on since August 28 and has not had one scene with his sister or his nephew JJ!!! Belle was never introduced to Paul. We never saw the Bo/Shawn reunion. Etc.

Eve has been written into a corner.

No need for all the deaths and violence.

I will say that IF Dena Higley was replaced and not really on a leave of absence, I will give Corday kudos for figuring that out so quickly and nipping it in the bud.
NO need to ruin Aiden in order to boost Bo. Travesty. Horrible idea & story. I don't care if Aiden needed $$$$ to take care of gambling, it could have been done without the DiMera interference, which has not been mentioned since.... Joey's crush on Ava? O.K. she tried to push him away. What the blazes is she thinking about meeting him then in the park, talking all cutesy, flirty. but "it can never be." ...disconcerting as we watch. But I truly am hating Ava's appearance in town, despite loving Tamara Braun, who plays her. I hate Joey's inability to grow up, but his age is the factor here. Does a 16 yr. old really crush so bad on a 35-40 yr old in this way? ... And........Kate Roberts.......enough bed hopping. Enough trying to control your children's lives, and refuse to realize you have partners in your new
Finally........Lucas......I miss you, you re needed desperately. '
Agree on all points. Aiden was one of the few positive things to come from the last writing regime. The Bo return could have been handled more intelligently without throwing Aiden to the wolves. And Aiden did a rather decent job of playing a lawyer. In contrast, Belle looks as though her law degree was printed up at Kinko's. God help her future clients -- if she gets any. Joey-Ava is beyond ridiculous and even worse coming relatively soon after viewers were "treated" to Eve and JJ panting with lust in a Salem Inn room. As for Kate, she's always been over the top, but this sleazeball-of-the-month tour has to stop. Finally, when will TPTB realize that viewers simply love Lucas and want him to have a decent storyline???
Is it too late to un-SORAS Ciara?? :)
Great idea. Image Lauren Boles as Ciara telling Hope, "Mom, last night, I dreamt that I turned into a teenager, and it was awful!"
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I, too, am pretty annoyed with some of the ridiculous stories they're coming up with:
  • I really didn't like Aiden from day one, so not sorry he's gone. However, the way in which they chose to get rid of him was sloppy. It was like, "Hey, we need to find a way to lose Aiden, so maybe he can become so desperate about gambling debts that he lets the DiMeras talk him into murdering Hope?" It's ludicrous!
  • Ava needs to leave. I didn't like her the first time, and her story is even more annoying this time around.
  • Poor Joey walks around like he's got sawdust for brains.
  • Huge mistake SORAS-ing Ciara and Theo. Just inane. Lauren Boles was doing just fine.
  • Kate, Kate, Kate! I love Kate, but the writers are turning her into the Salem "community chest". She is supposed to be a high-powered businesswoman, so why are they passing her around to every unattached man in Salem? Clyde was the last straw for me. Someone like Kate would never have given that hayseed the time of day.
I could go on, but I'm on lunch, so that's it for now. :confused:
Agree completely, Poirot! I was thinking today as I logged on that the board seems quieter than normal. I think there are usually more posts in Daily Days. I have last Wednesday through today recorded on my DVR. When I start looking at shows to watch, I skip over Days. I am just not interested in any of the current storylines.
I agree!!

If this is the stories they do allow, makes me wonder if Dena Higley had amazing stories and they aren't allowing those.

I don't like how Kate is like a horny toad on the prowl. I mean good grief woman, quit acting like you're in heat and calm down!

I don't like how condescending Kate is to Nicole and Theresa. Dear Kate, remember when you were their age? Oh, probably not, you were busy doing drugs and getting paid for your "services" so you may not remember, but leave them the heck alone! YOU are a silent partner for a reason, now shut up and get to the silent part.

And Joey, honey, EWWW! I mean, good grief, go to school and find a girl that hasn't slept with your dad. Seriously, WHY is this the popular repeat storyline? Eve and JJ was ewww, and Joey and Ava is double ewww. Seriously gross stuff, not good drama, not even for a soap, just nasty. Makes me want to wash all of the "suits" mouths out with soap. Something potent so they never repeat this bologna again.

If they must force this Hope and Rafe thing on me, let Lauren Boles (former Ciara) come back and play their love child. LOL. (kidding, well maybe. I love Lauren Boles. If we can't unSORAS Ciara, let her have a little sister. I miss Lauren Boles' little face).

Is Caroline still living with Victor? Get her out of there. I mean really? That is just wrong. Maggie gets on my nerves but even she deserves better than this storyline.

Philip, oh Philip, you're just a warm-blooded male. Belle running around town, in heat, no wonder you jumped in.

Shawn, she's not going to quit sleeping around anytime soon, go ahead and just walk away.
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There is no Ava & Joey love story!!! She used Joey to get to Kayla & Steve. She plays him like a fool and he goes with it as a young hormonal teenager would. She is really trying to get him to go away without being mean. I am guessing she still wants to be nice to him just in case she can use him again for her needs. It is not the same as JJ and Eve!!

Now my mini-rant is over!!!
I agree!!

If this is the stories they do allow, makes me wonder if Dena Higley had amazing stories and they aren't allowing those.
Au contraire. I think perhaps Ms. Higley's leave of absence is due to these stories. And that perhaps this is why so many scenes have been cut as they try to change story direction.
This Ava/Steve story is a repeat of one she wrote several years ago, just a few changes. That one featured Ava, Steve, Kayla, Bo, Hope and only them. Sort of an isolated story, just as this one is. And Daniel was her creation, so...lots of Dr. Dan love even in his death.....right?
I was happy when the old writers were fired thinking the new ones would right many wrongs made. Now I see it only got worse. I was hoping Will would be reconciled. If they wanted to fire Guy Wilson (Will) they could have had Will go off to somewhere; they didn't need to murder him. I understand that Freddie Smith (Sonny) decided to leave because he probably saw were things were headed. They killed off Aiden just to bring back Bo and then kill him off. Paige could have went to Stanford. The new has only brought death and misery to Salem. If it continues this route they might as well rename the show the Death of our Days.
I agree with all of the above for the most part. But my biggest complaint/rant is that we haven't seen ANY reactions to completed stories. No Hope finding out Aiden isn't the necktie killer. No Chase finding out his father wasn't a mass killer. No clue as to what happened to Ben, he just left.

The lack of grieving by anyone over Will (well Lucas was grieving but we don't get to see him anymore), and Bo is just amazing. No phone call from his sister Kimberly??? No interaction of Theresa with the family.

NO FAMILY. The Hernandez family has spent more time together than the Bradys. That is insane.
I'm going to go ahead and admit that I've only watched sporadically since the holidays. And I haven't missed much, according to what I see when I do watch a day or two a week. And that makes me sad, because I had high hopes and things were excellent when the regime first changed hands.

However, Daniel has been gone for dang near a month now, and he's still in the morgue? Let's say a week has gone by in Salem time. Eric, who was a candidate for a heart transplant is already just about fully recovered, enough that Roman is now focusing on what he'll be charged with and potential punishment. It's ridiculous.

I hate this Ava/Johnson family crap (it's crap, in the most raw form). I think there are plenty of other ways she could have been used (mix her in with Andre, who is also worthless, give them both value).

I hate Belle. I like Philip well enough, but I can't stand Belle. She is boring, she's easier to land in bed than her brother (and that's saying something). I just don't like anything she's part of.

Ciara pushing Hope/Rafe is beyond disgusting. Hope/Rafe in general is a terrible idea, it makes me nauseous. Sorry, but no daughter who loved her daddy as much as Ciara loved Bo is going to try to hook Mom up with someone literally 3 months after Dad's been gone. Nope, nope, nope.

The only positive thing I can say about the show at this point is I like the different sets, the better wardrobe choices. Daniel should have been buried two weeks ago. The only thing I can think of as to why they aren't is because he and Nicole had chosen Valentine's Day to marry, they're holding off on the funeral so it's closer to that time so we can see Nicole really, really grieving. If that's the case, it's a little more understandable.
Ok, I'm so glad someone finally said it! I was excited for like 2 weeks for the new writers, and now I hate them. I won't get into the I miss Lucas rant, but come on already, even if I have to watch him with Adrienne I'll take what I can get. Which at this point is nothing.:cry:

To the other points mentioned repeatedly. I AGREE! I DVR it every day just hoping the Rafe and Hope nonsense will end. I can't comment on Johnson family and Ava because I don't know the story. Oh yeah, and put Dr. Dan in the ground already.

Will's character, who had been driving story since he was in utero, was ruined, but they did not have to kill him.

OK I guess that's enough now. Sorry I said I wasnt going to and then I did:beat:
Absolutely agree with everything. The only thing I have to add is that Dena Higley was headwriter on OLTL during a serial killer story (which also got rid of a few characters from the previous writers), so I don't believe that was forced on her. And although she seems like a reasonably nice person, I hope she was shown the door if she was responsible for the unnecessary and non-plot-accelerating deaths of Aiden, Will, Serena, Paige, and Wendy.
I also agree with what everyone's said so far. I had high hopes for these new writers, but it's fallen flat. Too much death & doom, no funeral, barely any mourning or family interactions. We got SORAS and veteran characters, but with silly and meaningless storylines, or repeated plots from yesteryear. I used to make excuses for the new team, thinking they had to fix a lot from the old regime, but I can't do that anymore. It's been almost 6 months of the same crap. Normally I'd try to see the show live or record it, but now I just read the summaries instead.