Wayne's Day


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Wayne posted this on Facebook....I could not stop laughing.. He said

"Today I provide the perfect example of why you never leave the house when it's early, it's dark, and you are late for work" (he also said one sock is black, the lighting makes it look different. LOL)
Hahaha... The socks matched, the shoes were -- outside of being loafers -- completely different. The one of the left was a black dress, the right is a brown casual. :)

Some days are like that. The benefit being the trip home at lunch to change allowed me to make Crab Cake sandwiches for lunch... :)

I have trouble differentiating between navy and black, brown and taupe, and some shades of red and purple. Luckily, gone are the days of "matchy matchy," and mixing color patterns and styles is commonplaceand sanctioned by "What Not To Wear." But I DO feel your pain, Wayne. :eek:
Have to say, tho I love "What Not to Wear", I really am not fond of the mixing patterns thing. And was totally upset when one gal lost all her turtle necks. LOL. In this cold country, they definitely help keep the neck warm. (Tho I prefer mock turtle necks).
I love that Wayne's shoes were at least similar....not bad for a hurry up job.

I think the only time I did something similar were with sneakers..and fortunately caught the error before leaving home.
Its okay Wayne. I did the same thing one morning and did not realize it until the admin pointed it out on my way to a job interview. Needless to say I had a hard time keeping a straight face while answering a question about attentiin to detai. I told my boss the story years later when we were talking about old times. he said he didt notice, but the guy notices everything and the shoes were ckmpletely different except being pumps and black. one shoe was pointed and one round even.the admin and i made it agame to see if anyone noticed or had the nerve to speak up as i lived about a hour away.
Sorry, Wayne. These things can be embarrassing but at the same time we just have to laugh about them. A year or so ago I went out to town--ate out and grocery shopped--with one sandal and one casual flat. Yes, they were both white but they were so absolutely different, it was almost unbelievable I could have gone out that way and didn't even realize it until I was walking around in Wal-Mart. I had put one of each on at home to try to decide which to wear, then got distracted and forgot to ever pick one and change.
@Old Cowgirl,

Oh, I wasn't embarrassed at all. I've been known to habit the workplace in a kilt when the mood struck, so what's a mismatched shoe? The only reason I came home at lunch to change was because I couldn't stop laughing about it all day and "showing off" to everyone who walked near my bullpen.. :)

Great stuff, you guys ! But embarrassing ? I would say funny more than embarrassing. But if you want embarrassing, I've got one for you. In fact, I was like "should I tell that story ?" and I figured, heck, why not ? You see, I sometimes wear those stockings, you know, the Dim Up kinds, that stick to the thighs. Well, no matter what I do, I always find them a bit too tight. (One size fits all my "/$%"$/*&*&) So I cut them a little. But one day, I had pants on (fortunately), I cut them a little too much. I'm on my way to a book fair, I'm crossing the street, and wouldn't you know it ? The stocking is now all the way down to my ankle, forming a grotesque ball of silk and lace. And I'm thinking, all right, I have to walk all the way to a washroom, cause there's no way for me to pull it back up underneath my pants !!! Embarrassing ? Indeed ! :eek: :rotfl:
I used to get my purple, black, navy and brown socks mixed up all the time. I'd grab them out of the drawer with just the light from the bathroom since I was up an hour before my hubby. I'd get to work, look down and realize black suit and purple socks or brown or navy. Yep all you can do is laugh a that point.