Wednesday, August 8th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Episode #10,629 Taped 7/18 Director – Albert Alarr

At the hospital, outside Roman’s room, Belle is giving Shawn a litany of the medical progress, all the medications, and IVs, etc. Shawn is impressed by her technical jargon, and wants to see Roman. Nope, he has gone off to sleep. She gushes about the wonderful things doctors and nurses do to help people, and announces she wants to go to nursing school. Looonnnggg zzzzzzz conversations now with Shawn against it, Claire needing a home, Belle helping, going to Marlena for financial help (and just why does Belle not mention her dad…..he is the one with all the money!) Shawn taking a 2nd job, stability for Claire, Mom needed for Claire, Dad needed for Claire, yada, yada. Shawn finally agrees, which makes Belle very happy.
Elsewhere, apparently in the hospital, tho why I have no idea, Billie is going over a large envelope that Philip received, noticing the Indianapolis postmark. Philip is having a royal fit, as Billie pulls out the picture inside, and the note saying here is your son, about time you started paying something for his upkeep. Billie notices a prescription bottle in the background and says she will take the picture up to the lab and blow it up to get the name on the bottle. (Boy the hospital lab is sure accommodating to anyone, aren’t they?). She leaves. Later, Phil is in the same spot, talking to his dad (gee, glad the show remembered he has one!) on his cell, explaining he took the day off, and will talk to him. Belle & Shawn come by, and Philip tells them about the envelope and the picture. Cue Billie to come off the elevator, with the information. The name on the bottle is Tyler Kiriakis, she got a cop friend to run a check, has the address in Indianapolis, phone number…..and the kid even has a social security number in that name. Philip calls the number on his cell (WHY do I seem to remember one is not supposed to use cell phones in a hospital?) & when a woman says hello, Phil announces his name, saying he is coming out there with a detective…and bingo. She hangs up. Billie & Philip take off. Belle has been looking at Shawn strangely, mentioning that he looked odd when Billie mentioned Indianapolis. She asks him again where he went on the 4th of July, he repeats his “driving around Salem” alibi, but she pursues it further, asking him if he did, after all, go to Indianapolis.

On the beach, Chelsea is rubbing sun lotion on herself, with Nick seemingly getting a bit turned on. He does her back, and she talks of her conversation with Kate, the money she got for her tuition in spite of the bad things she has done, and how she has been thinking about her mother and decided to forgive her. Nick asks if she is doing that because she wants to or because Kate told her to, saying something about there was not supposed to be any strings attached. Chelsea is puzzled, but he wiggles out saying a gift is supposed to be just that. He tries to kiss her, but Chelsea backs off, wanting first to lay down some ground rules if they are to start fresh. Well, one rule, honesty. They both must always be honest, and she proceeds to tell him how she felt about Jett, but he lied to her and only wanted to use her. No, she did not sleep with him, but might have. Nick lied to her, too, but only to protect her, Jett did to protect his job. Now she wants to know if Nick felt bad when he was lying to Stephanie. (what a dumb question). For the record, yes, he did. More yada back and forth. Nick has lost his job, and has to start searching the want ads. Light banter about chicken farming, or dancing. LOL They are eating, actually eating. Wonders never cease. They finally get into a clinch, and up pops China Lee, tsk, tsking that Nick is only married a month, and already cheating. He jumps up, says he never saw her before in his life. Oh, yes he has, she claims, every single inch of this gorgeous body. LOLOL She pulls out a marriage license. He vows it is fake, and is taking it to his Uncle Mickey, top attorney in Salem. He leaves.Chelsea calls her a liar, and she admits she is a good one, but not this time. She hands Chelsea a video CD telling her to just see for herself.

Outside the Pub, Lexie stares at Abe, then pulls up her hood, and turns away. Abe tells her not to go. Now folks, Abe & Lexie have such a long and heartfelt conversation and I cannot write it all down. But it is wonderful, and James Reynolds proves once again what an absolutely fabulous actor he is. Lexie tries to tell him how bad she is for him, that she is a tramp. No she isn’t, counters Abe. He talks of how he missed her, how he loves her, how he realizes the mistakes that he made. She tells him of that proverb that goes what is bred in the bone is born in the flesh. She is a DiMera. No you are not, counters Abe. You are a Carver. He apologizes to her, because he seemingly was always making her prove herself over and over again. He tells her all the things he has loved about her, and how he did protect her the way he should have. He wants her to take off that hood and stop hiding. Lexie is adamant, but Abe is persistent with his words of love. Lexie seemingly will not budge, Abe is better off without her. He turns away, and she calls out to him. He turns, she drops the hood, and with tears in her eyes, (AND in mine) goes into Abe’s arms and they embrace.


Kudos to James Reynolds and Reneé Jones in these scenes. Very moving.
Nickie boy hasn't learned his lesson about the truth yet. He is lying about the money, and he should atleast go ahead and tell her. I will let him slide about China since he was delirious from the head wound and his drinking, I don't think I would remember either.....Why keep the secret about the money from her????
am looking forward to Abe and Lexie's reunion. Poirot, how many tissues did you use?
Must be that soap amnesia the writers think we get... they figure the characters get it too! :rotfl:
Judith, i agree, where's Sami?? She always makes the shows more interesting. So anyway, I dont think i am going to watch this episode, i might watch the abe and lexi part, but that will be it. the rest sort of sounds boring. How stupid can philip possibly be? anyone agree with that? It's not like he was out sleeping around with anyone on his hunt for claire. Use some common sense Philip.
I am really excited about the Philip storyline. I want him to have his baby and for Shawn to get busted. Shawn is being real jerk after the way he went off on Mimi about not telling him about Claire and now he does the same thing to Philip. I really do not like Shawn. He is always going off on people for their mistakes then he immediately makes the same mistakes he has just took his holier than thou attitude on. I hope he gets his......
What Shawn is doing/did to Philip knowing about Tyler is wrong! But, exactally how do you go about telling someone "oh by the way you have a son... now you can leave my girlfriend and daughter alone"! I think it would have been awesome for Shawn to have gone and got Tyler when he went away on the 4th and brought him back to Philip... but that would have been to easy... then Philip would have wanted DNA and we all know it would have been Belle and Shawns! I think Shawn should have stayed out of this s/l!
I think as soon as Mimi called him and told him he should have said "Hold on Meems, let me get Philip on the phone and you can talk to him." Or, Shawn could have said "hey Philip, Mimi said that your surrogate had the baby you have a son," anything like that, Not "Oh, lets torment Philip because I am afraid Belle is falling for him again because I am such a LOSER....." I mean he is no better than Mimi.
Poirot wrote:
..................He tells her all the things he has loved about her, and how he did protect her the way he should have. He wants her to take off that hood and stop hiding. Lexie is adamant, but Abe is persistent with his words of love. Lexie seemingly will not budge, Abe is better off without her. He turns away, and she calls out to him. He turns, she drops the hood, and with tears in her eyes, (AND in mine) goes into Abe’s arms and they embrace.


Kudos to James Reynolds and Reneé Jones in these scenes. Very moving.

I shed a tear just reading it! :cry: Can't wait until tommorrow! Thanks Barb!
why?? It's great having her off the screen and other people on.

Nick - married? Come on down - Mickey Horton or whoever is the attorney in Salem now as you're going to have some work to do.
@sWEETJESS....I think you are right about what Phil's reaction would have been if Shawn had broken the news, or brought Tyler to him.
@ILoveEJ...Shawn was at his father's house, so could not have gotten Philip when Mimi called. In fact, Philip was no where near the Brady BBQ that day. AND Shawn was ticked that day because he knew Philip was setting him up with this "traveling saleman" job to keep him away from Belle & Claire.
@liso & Judith.....Sami is on tomorrow

I do agree Shawn is wrong for not telling Belle......and Philip what happened, and that Lauren had the baby. What Philip would have done then would have been up to him. He should have at least been honest with Belle as to what he did that day.
I do agree that Shawn should have been totally honest with Belle.
I am still ticked at how they have snapped their fingers and changed the Belle/Shawn/Philip story line - Don't forget that 6 months ago (give or take) Belle and Shawn had to flee the country to keep Claire and everything that they went through since then. Philip was to blame for most of that and now Belle and Shawn are living with Philip, Belle's expecting Shawn to take help from Philip in getting a job and Belle's oohing and aahing over clothes he bought her. HELLO!!! I don't think so.....

Things just aren't flowing right these days in Salem.
I think they should have kept Belle and Shawn teenagers like the Simpsons who never age. Jason and Kirsten were Belle and Shawn. Belle and Shawn are supposed to be young and cute and adorable. Not aging dead beats that whine and don't a have half a brain between them. Kill em off and call it good!! But that's just my opinion. ;) ;) ;)
1daysfan1 wrote:
Nickie boy hasn't learned his lesson about the truth yet. He is lying about the money, and he should atleast go ahead and tell her. I will let him slide about China since he was delirious from the head wound and his drinking, I don't think I would remember either.....Why keep the secret about the money from her????
Nick probably wants to help Chelsea without making it appear that he's trying to but her love. But you're right. This will come back to bite him in the butt like everything else does.
I'm not sure but I think they messed up having the baby's name be Tyler Kiriakis. I don't know about anywhere else but I know in Indiana when I had my daughter, my husband (only my boyfriend at the time) had to sign a paper confirming that he was the father before they would let me give her his last name.
just depends on what state you live in. My hubby didn't have to sign papers.
PAllison wrote:
I think they should have kept Belle and Shawn teenagers like the Simpsons who never age. Jason and Kirsten were Belle and Shawn. Belle and Shawn are supposed to be young and cute and adorable. Not aging dead beats that whine and don't a have half a brain between them. Kill em off and call it good!! But that's just my opinion. ;) ;) ;)

You have know idea how much I freaking agree with you about Jason and Kristen, THEY were Shawn and Belle. I hate what the writers have done to them!! But let's not kill them off just yet..... just sideline them until they can fiqure out a way to quit destroying the characters that Jason and Kristen portrayed and worked so hard to build. (i wish they could get those actors back)