Wednesday, February 13th

I think there is a difference in trying to be Allie's father and being a male figure in her life. I think it's healthy for the twins to spend time together as they grow with both sets of parents. EJ taking Allie to the zoo isn't saying he's her father. If Bo took Allie to the zoo that isn't saying he's her father,or whoever else. Lucas is in jail for what is percieved to be many years, it would only be natural that Allie would begin to look at EJ as a father figure, and like it or not Lucas did this to himself and if the shoe were on the other foot I'd be saying the same thing about EJ. It's not an EJ/Lucas issue at all. Plenty of kids have step parents and adopted parents, and can you believe they still get to go to the zoo??? I'm just curious of when Allie gets older and wants to go play with Johnny over at EJ's house for the day, or go to the park with EJ, what is the solution then? "No Allie you can't go, EJ is not your father"? That's really not fair for the twins.

You are absolutely right! Trying to argue who is the lesser of two evils is getting to the point where it's extremely silly. Many people here forget or attempt to justify the horrible actions of some to make light of another. It really does come entirely down to the fact that we love who we love and dislike who we dislike, end of story call it a day. There is no sense it trying to argue between the actions of EJ and Lucas, they are one in the same, regardless of what some might think. The way I see it, I'm watching a show where characters can change like the weather, and some do not seem to be keeping up with the change of course the show is taking. It's amazing what the slightest change in a character can do, I hated Chelsea when she first came on the show, then loved her, and now hate her again. It's the name of the game!!! It's almost like a boring hobby hating EJ, it's grown to be the same old song and dance from the same people time and time again. I don't understand what there is to be so bitter about, if you don't like the storyline with him and Sami hit fast foward, no one is forcing anyone to watch.

OMG! BINGO! I couldnot have said it better my self. It was in my head but I guess I put the wrong words to it. Thank you!:smile:
A BIG THANKS TO POIROT! You are very much appreciated by many, lurkers included! i enjoy this board because of the lack of arguments, instead of just agreeing to disagree and mutual respect of each other's opinions without name-calling, harsh words, etc. And i notice it seems to come in waves when it does happen here, but Poirot handles it well.

i kept waiting for Sami to ask EJ why she should trust him with Allie, since he has already threatened her firstborn's life, who also isn't his.

i figured they stayed in the air so that when the plane does eventually crash or land, there won't be fuel to ignite an explosion. Plus, it gives time for all the passengers to make amends and do the all Soaps things they always do when facing death...make amends, make false promises, profess loves, confess wrongdoings (they're the ones that always seem to live - LOL).

Again, thanks Poirot!
A BIG THANKS TO POIROT! You are very much appreciated by many, lurkers included! i enjoy this board because of the lack of arguments, instead of just agreeing to disagree and mutual respect of each other's opinions without name-calling, harsh words, etc. And i notice it seems to come in waves when it does happen here, but Poirot handles it well.

HAHA Yeah she slaps em and deletes the posts! Loves it.
On another note - I wish that they would stop putting EJ is those silly looking Blues Clues shirts!!!

Seriously you guys all come up with the funniest stuff... I never even noticed his shirt, but now that you mention it you're so right!! I guess I just haven't been noticing EJ at all really... *sigh*