Wednesday, November 28th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Episode #10,707 Taped 10/30 Director – Herb Stein

Marlena stirs up the blazing fire in the fireplace with a poker, as she hears a voice calling her name. She opens the door to Belle, they hug, exchange “How are you doing”s, and talk of missing John. Marlena inquires as to how married life is treating her, Belle is all smiles and “wonderfuls”. Now Marlena tries to get Belle to tell her about Philip, to no avail, as she is being very evasive. Belle eventually realizes Hope has talked to her, and starts yammering at how Hope got the wrong impression, thought something was going on with her and Philip, but it wasn’t, tho she confessed it was, and promised it would not happen again. Marlena is wise to this convoluted statement, presses some more, Belle outright lies. She finally admits that yes, she did sleep with Philip, and talks of how Philip makes her feel, even though she loves Shawn. Marlena tells her she cannot have both men, and if she wants to make her marriage work, she cannot have Philip for a friend, cannot be around him, cannot see him, etc. Belle understands and agrees she will follow that advice. (yeah, right)

At the shack crime scene, Bo is reaming out Shawn for disturbing the crime scene, Shawn claims he did not cross the yellow tape, but admits he did damage the footprint. Bo lectures about owning up, shutting up, and sucking up getting reprimanded. He reminds Shawn he is a clerical worker, that he had to pull all kinds of strings to get him to be even allowed there, he should just keep his eyes open, and mouth closed. He makes some remark about getting into the Police academy next January, & Shawn replies that he’d already be there if Belle hadn’t written that letter, oops, he means Philip. Bo catches on, Shawn admits Belle is the one who wrote it. Bo asks if he trusts Belle, of course he does. Roman comes up, saying Ma called, Dad is feeling poorly again, and can Shawn go tend the Pub. Sure, and Shawn leaves. Roman had been listening, Bo talks of Shawn getting written up, Roman says he will talk to the detective. Bo says no, as it will go badly for Shawn if the rest of the force hears they are shielding Shawn.
Some cop comes up with a bag of shell casings they found. (amazing cops, those Salem P.D. fellows, lolol. Found all those shell casings that were right out in plain view.!) Now they are inside this shack, which is full of empty fast food containers, They figure someone was using the place for target practice, and doubt it was Kate (cuz of the fast food) and figure it was someone young

At the Pub, Cordy, Stephanie, Chelsea & Nick sit in a booth, with Cordy talking of how Ford came to the Johnson apartment, beating on the door. She is frightened, thinks the flyers were a bad idea. Nick agrees, saying a guy like Ford would want to retaliate. Chelsea goes on and on about stopping him, Cordy gets more upset. Finally, Stephanie says she will drive her back to the house, and they leave. Chelsea gets the bright idea of breaking into Ford’s room, wants Nick to help her. Nick seems to have grown a spine and says NO. He works for the college, and if he got caught, could lose his job. Chelsea remarks “so much for being there for me”. Nick reminds her that he lost his last job because of being there for her, and this time he could go to jail. Chelsea apologizes, then says she has to leave. Seems she is going to stake out Ford’s room, and when he leaves, break in, yes, all by herself. No, her mother cannot help, she has done all she can, Ford’s dad has the dean in his hip pocket, she needs to find some evidence. Nick caves, says he is coming along, will get sandwiches, and perhaps a camera. He says if they took evidence, it would be inadmissible, so they can just take pictures. Chelsea decides she has something even better. Her cell phone takes pics. We see them in the car, waiting outside the dorm for Ford to leave. Finally his light goes out. Chelsea wonders if Nick knows how to pick a lock. He asks if she can climb a tree….as there is a very convenient one growing right up to Ford’s window.

Shawn is at the Pub, when Belle returns. He tells her about being at the crime scene, that he screwed up, his dad read him the riot act. Belle is sure things will smooth over, Shawn tells her Grampa is feeling poorly, and Claire is upstairs with Gramma, Belle should go up & see her. In a minute, replies Belle, who seems to have left something in her car. She goes outside, calls Philip, and tells him that if he will help Shawn get into the Academy, she will give him what he wants, one night alone with her.

UGH, Belle's become such a lying little {bleep}, hasn't she? Geez, she's giving Sami a run for her money for most unlikeable female.

UGH, Belle's become such a lying little whore, hasn't she? Geez, she's giving Sami a run for her money for most unlikeable female.

This thing with Belle/Philip is really getting boring. Can't wait for Chloe's return.

And what's up with the shack?? Someone young . . target practice . . hey, didn't WILL just leave town ??? Hmmmm ...
Hmmm, for some reason I was thinking of the college crowd. But who knows?
Belle, Belle, Belle....when will she learn?? I'm sure she will say she did it for Shawn, but PLEASE! This story is getting old, hopefully Chloe will help shake things up!

I don't think, the target practice at the shed was Will. Perhaps the college crowd? Maybe that's how Ford meets his demise? Well, I guess not with the police all around. Then again it is the Salem police. :rotfl:
You have SUCH a good point there!! I was thinking the same thing!!
OMG, belle is such a {bleep}!!! but she is kinda sounding alot like her mother!lol, marlena couldn'tkeep her pants on tilshe met john. :?:
They really need to close the door on Belle & Philip now. I really do not like Belle she is a "blank" and really needs to learn a lesson. And that is not to lie to your mother its Sami all over again. I think now that Chloe is back they will have Philip running after her. I wish that they would get the original actors back to play Shawn and Belle, I really have never liked these two. They just don't have the power the original actors that played Shawn & Belle.
If they had the original Shawn and Belle, those two wouldn't be playing these scenes.......They were honest with each other. I just can't see Kirsten Storms (Belle) playing this role model at all. Going from Philip to Shawn and back again..........Heck, bring Mimi back.............
The trouble with Shawn & Belle is it does not seem as though they really love each other. Shawn rarely smiles, and tho they hug, they rarely kiss.....whereas.....well, look at Bo & Hope, John & Marlena, Sami & Lucas, even quick kisses as they say good-bye, see you later, etc.

But this wishy-washy Belle who wants her cake sitting there, but wants to eat it too, is not the Belle of yore.

She tells her mother she loves Shawn, meant every word of her vows, and 5 minutes later is calling Philip, promising to give him this night alone with her. Ugh.
Now they are inside this shack, which is full of empty fast food containers, They figure someone was using the place for target practice, and doubt it was Kate (cuz of the fast food) and figure it was someone young.

:laughing: I love how the salem PD automatically comes to the conclusion that it was someone young based on fast food wrappers! Come on, my 75 year old grandpa likes McDonald's more than my 7 year old! :rotfl: What police work!

Now that they have the "fast food containers", why not have them dusted for prints? :thinking: That may be going a little too fast for good ol' Salem PD, though! :shocked: It will be after Christmas before they think of that! :roll:

When Shawn was reprimanded, Roman told Bo that he would talk to the detective for him, then Bo told him not to do it because if he did, people would think Shawn was being given special treatment. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Bo is cute, but clueless. What does he think people already think about Shawn, when he is at that scene all over evidence, but he only does clerical work for the Samlem PD? :duh: Sounds like special treatment to me.

:OT: I dont like what belle is doing, but please put Hope in her place. Nobody likes a meddling mother in law!!!
mikkala wrote:
OMG, belle is such a {bleep}!!! but she is kinda sounding alot like her mother!lol, marlena couldn'tkeep her pants on tilshe met john. :?:

actually, even after marlena met john she still couldn't choose which man,(roman or john), she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. like mother like daughters. whenever i watch sami with ejucas or bell with shawlip or marlena with jomanafo i always hear that song
"Torn Between Two Lovers" and i HATE that song!

so are the days of their lying-cheating days! :evillaugh:
I wish they would bring Mimi back! I loved Shimi! I would love to see that thrown in Belle's face! You can't make up your mind? Put Mimi back into the equation and i get she would be allover Shawn!

Marlena refers to herself as having gone thru a similar quandary in her life, when she is trying to advise Belle as to what she has to do. She tells her she cannot be friends with Philip, cannot be around him.....if she wants to stay in her marriage.
Poirot wrote:
The trouble with Shawn & Belle is it does not seem as though they really love each other. Shawn rarely smiles, and tho they hug, they rarely kiss.....whereas.....well, look at Bo & Hope, John & Marlena, Sami & Lucas, even quick kisses as they say good-bye, see you later, etc.

But this wishy-washy Belle who wants her cake sitting there, but wants to eat it too, is not the Belle of yore.

She tells her mother she loves Shawn, meant every word of her vows, and 5 minutes later is calling Philip, promising to give him this night alone with her. Ugh.
Shawn and Belle do love each other...but they are not in love. They have been conditioned...almost from the be the next great couple; every single member of both of their families have always assumed that they would grow up, fall in love, and get married. They grew up believing it! Consequently, they never really allowed themselves to entertain feelings for anyone else; they had to immediately stamp out any of those feelings because they were Meant To Be. If they don't get married and endure, look how many people they will disappoint. That's a lot of pressure to put on two relatively young people. Everyone needs to just butt out and let the two of them sort out their own feelings. I believe that Belle could have that kind of passionate, forever love with Philip...and I believe that Shawn could find that kind of love with someone else too...if he would take off his Belle-blinders and open himself up to other possibilities.
Marlena has admitted being the Lady in Black, and shooting her gun. I speculated in another thread that Diedre was in Australia (that is a fact) and so perhaps the show needed someone to stand in for her. Thus Caroline B. was chosen
Still while she was telling Hope what happend the day EJ got shot Marlena had no flashback?..I still think this was very strange.has any of the other suspects had no flashbacks?....I still think Johns alive.something just does not seem right.