SPOILER !! Week April 29

Any chance that Xander kidnaps Holly to protect her from the cartel? The comments about him not being all bad, being her step-dad (technically) and with his connections with the cartel and Ted, he tries to take her to keep her away from the mess? He's always doing twisted stuff to be seen as a good guy.
Hmmm, a possibility.....however, more likely he wants to get back at Nicole for some reason, so may even pretend Holly is no longer among the living. (Sound like EJ/Sydney/Sami tale from some years ago? )
…there's those spoilers about Nicole and a tragedy.
Nicole's whole life has been a tragedy. The writers have always given Nicole (and Lucas) the poopie end of the stick, and I don't think it will ever change. If they do stick her with that downtrodden sourpuss, Eric, it will just be another hit with that stick.