SPOILER !! Week Feb 27

TinaY, great ideas! I would like to see strong women who don't flit from man to man. Actually, I would love to see women who aren't afraid to be single and wait for the "right" man. I am so tired of seeing someone loose "the love of their life" and find a new one 15 minutes later.
More from the ReRon interview in Soap Opera Digest (in re: Feb. Sweeps)

Leo/Gwen/Xander/Jack/Jennifer: “With Sarah divorcing Xander, he doesn’t have that angel on his shoulder, so we wanted to explore the dark side of Xander a bit and have him play a little more hardball than he normally does. Gwen and Xander have a friendship and can be kind of bad together, so we have this story where Xander and Gwen scheme to steal The Spectator out from under Jack and Jennifer, which is really a horrible thing to do. And then, just for fun, we throw Leo into the mix and he becomes the new gossip columnist. As you’ll see, a lot of Salem citizens end up with their dirty laundry aired in Leo’s new column.”

Chad/Stephanie/Alex: “We’ve had the slow burn with Chad and Stephanie, and we’re finally in a place where they are starting to get romantically involved. You’ll see that they’re still very cautious because he’s not really totally over Abigail, and Alex still hopes that maybe he can get Stephanie to forgive him, so he’s not completely out of the mix there yet.”

Talia/Jada/Rafe: “We brought on Jada to help round out the police station and gave her this past connection to Salem being the daughter of Marcus Hunter. We wanted to round out her character and her family a little bit so we bring on her little sister Talia, who, despite having a medical degree, applies for a job at the bakery. So there’s a little mystery that remains to be unraveled. As for Jada and Rafe, we’ve started to move them toward each other and we wanted to not have it be so smooth. The city council has a new policy that prevents a person in city agencies and departments from dating their superior. So while there’s an attraction between Rafe and Jada, they find that workplace guidelines forbid them from being romantically involved, and that becomes a little bit of a challenge.”

EJ/Stefan: “They both are used to being in charge, and they want to be the top dog at DiMera, so despite their being brothers, we kind of pit them against each other, and there’s a lot of one-upmanship that starts to happen and it escalates and becomes a little more dangerous as time goes on.”

Johnny/Wendy/Tripp: “We talked about the Johnny/Chanel/Allie triangle with a little bit of Alex in there. Now it’s even more complicated because we have Wendy in there, as well. Johnny has this burgeoning relationship with Wendy but just to make it even more complicated, we threw Tripp into the mix. We know from BEYOND SALEM that Tripp was attracted to Wendy right away, as was Joey, but Joey tells Tripp he’s seeing somebody else and urges his brother to go after Wendy, which puts Tripp and Johnny against each other.”

Li/Gabi: “We saw Gabi’s relationship with Li blow up, and she wants nothing to do with him, but we see that Li is sort of down but not out. Li doesn’t have that many cards to play, but she does want a divorce and he can make that either easy or difficult for her. So he’s trying to play that card in a way that maybe scores some points with Gabi or keeps him in her orbit.”
Ah, yes, ReRon thinks he is so clever, wonder who reads the boards to see what the viewers think.

I agree a rather odd remark about "slow burn".......Chad & Stephanie, like any other twosome on Days, fell into bed before you could blink.

I have no idea what he was getting at about "rounding out" the police dept. Heck, what about a nurse for the hospital? Plenty of doctors there, but no nurses!

And the cops are mostly seen at a restaurant, or in an office. Not really doing leg work, solving cases, chasing crooks. But then, seeing what female cops call proper police clothing, it is no wonder.
I still have hope for Rafe and Jada’s romance or for them to stop this dumb stuff with Stefan and two women.
I was thinking the other day that I really want them to take Jada and Rafe really slow. Like for now let's just see them doing stuff as friends and then down the road let if morph into more. But the key is we need to see it. Not like they hang out one day and then weeks later maybe we see them together and things have suddenly moved forward. I do realize this would slow down the schedule on breaking them up. :rolleyes:

Also, what slow burn? Chad and Stephanie made love immediately after confessing their mutual attraction!
Seriously. The slow burn when he was inserting himself and Alex was the bad guy for hating it? And then they just jumped into bed? At her parents apartment no less? Yuck
I still can’t get over how Stephanie was all indignant over Alex not liking Chad’s interfering but then she sleeps with Chad a half nanosecond after ending things with zero self-awareness that maybe this is what Alex was talking about.
Can somebody wake me when February sweeps are over?
My sentiments exactly. About the only thing that sounds interesting is Leo’s gossip column. The rest seems like more of the same stuff that’s boring me to death.
Ah, yes, ReRon thinks he is so clever, wonder who reads the boards to see what the viewers think.
This is why I fantasize about running into ReRon at a college reunion. Sadly, it can never happen because our class years don’t match up for reunion purposes.
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zero self-awareness
None of the characters in Salem present with this skill - unless it's for the half-second they're telling a wink-wink metajoke.
like mire of the same stuff
I know this is likely a typo, but it works. We sure are in the mire with these stories.
Spoilers from https://www.soapoperanews.net/2023/02/days-of-our-lives-spoilers-for-week-of_21.html

Monday, February 27, 2023
Marlena, Kate, and Kayla wake up to find themselves facing a new nightmare.
John and Steve share their theory with a stunned Tony and Anna.
Roman encourages Eric to fight for Nicole.
Nicole has a walk down memory lane when she realizes it's been 25 years since she first met Eric.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Chloe returns to Salem.
Wendy asks Tripp to move in with her.
Eric and Nicole admit they’ve been thinking about one another.
Brady and Rolf fear Stefan's deprogramming has gone very wrong.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Stefan has a stunning realization.
Li, Gabi, and Wendy negotiate their new living arrangements.
Joey thinks Tripp’s got the upper hand over Johnny.
EJ tells Nicole he plans to give Stefan a taste of his own medicine.

Thursday, March 2, 2023
Sarah receives shocking news.
Maggie wants to know what Rex’s intentions are concerning her daughter.
Alex anticipates a big job promotion.
Chad, Justin, Alex, and Stephanie say heartfelt goodbyes to Sonny.

Friday, March 3, 2023
Rex offers Sarah a solution to her problem.
Jack and Jennifer say goodbye to their loved ones.
Xander wonders if he and Sarah might have a second chance.
Maggie throws Alex for a major loop.
I'm going to guess that Sarah's pregnant with Xander's baby, but Sexy Rexy pretends to be the father. :rolleyes:
Hmmm....didn't Rafe do the same for .......was it Nicole?? Or Sami? Well, leave it to ReRon.....lol.

Actually, both JS and Jason's ideas could both happen.......and thus Sarah leaves town, with Rex, who was only returned to salem so the writers could use him to ease Sarah's departing.