SPOILER !! Week Jan 30

Xander makes sure that Leo keeps his mouth shut: Hopefully, he just glowers at him and doesn’t get violent with poor Leo.

Steve stuns John and Roman with his plans for Orpheus: Since any violent act — even having him eaten alive by dingos — would be justified, what could be stunning — forgiving him?

Sarah is revolted to learn that Xander slept with Gwen: Actually, some people might be revolted by the thought of the handsome, muscular X-Man sleeping with the likes of Sarah.
Spoilers from https://www.soapoperanews.net/2023/01/days-of-our-lives-spoilers-for-week-of_25.html

Monday, January 30, 2023
Li demands to know what kind of game Gabi's playing.
Stefan receives an unexpected call from Vivian.
Jack returns to Salem and gives Gwen an ultimatum.
Xander makes sure Leo keeps his mouth shut.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Rolf prepares to deprogram a resistant Stefan.
Jack encourages Chad to find love again.
Alex hopes Stephanie might forgive him and prepares to remedy things.
Sarah pressures Xander to sign their divorce papers.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Gabi fears her plan to deprogram Stefan has backfired.
Bonnie tries to talk Sarah out of divorcing Xander.
Xander learns of Gwen's sacrifice for him.
Chad pours his heart out to Stephanie.

Thursday, February 2, 2023
Xander and Gwen try to figure out where they stand.
Stephanie and Chad are anxious to see how a new stage in their relationship develops.
Wendy catches Alex sneaking out of Allie's bedroom.
Paulina encourages Chanel to make up with Allie.

Friday, February 3, 2023
Steve stuns John and Roman with his plan for Orpheus.
Marlena, Kayla, and Kate grapple with their fate.
Kate encounters an old foe, while Kayla is reunited with a loved one.
Sarah is revolted to learn Xander spent the night with Gwen.
Stephanie and Chad are anxious to see how a new stage in their relationship develops
ah... will it be a musical???? or a drama......

and it will be a delightful set up for the next Re-Ron story of drumroll please..... "Who's the Daddy"
gosh can't wait.....
Rolf prepares to deprogram Stefan: Why would Rolf return just to help Gabba-Gabba?

Sarah pressures Xander to sign divorce papers: She “pressures” him? How rude. Does she also browbeat patients who don’t get well fast enough to suit her?

Wendy catches Alex: Lover-boy should learn that to be a real Casanova, he has to get in and out of bedrooms undetected.

Marlena, Kayla, and Kate grapple with their fate. Forget the “grappling.” Get the ladies back to the land of the living ASAP.
Allie is silly. She’s definitely going to cheat on Chanel, then blame her. I hope Johnny, Wendy, and Chanel end up together in a threesome in Nicole’s apartment, and Allie has to move in with Grandpa Roman. Those three are more tolerable than any combo with Allie.