SPOILER !! Week June 3

I must have missed the scene where Gabi held a gun to Stefan’s head and forced him to have sex with her multiple times in the same house that Chloe is also living and could easily walk in on them. I hope Gabi laughs in his face.

Can FireBugClaire set herself and Eve on fire? Bonus points if she takes out Brady, Sarah, and KristenNicole.

Go Eli! I’m surprised he waited this long to dump BabyObsessedLani.
John and Ben need to team up like Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks. They could be a good match. Patch could also factor in there. Tripp was interested at one time. Maybe he will go and get a real degree (Salem U doesn't issue any) in Criminology and work for the FBI/ISA? Salem PD?

Why does Sonny have to look like Fredo? Those black shirts, black suits and greasy black hair don't scream Greek but rather Italian mobster.

Maggie bonds with someone unexpected? Hmm? Could be Gabi? Naaahhhh. Could be Stefan? Naaahhhh! Could be Eve? Gag! Could be Jack? Wellllllll

I guess we shall see. Sure won't be Kristen (who is plain mean mean mean and on top of that unlikable).
Why does Sonny have to look like Fredo? Those black shirts, black suits and greasy black hair don't scream Greek but rather Italian mobster
I'm glad you said something! I'm Greek and I never saw any Greek with bear greased slick back hair like Sonny. He looks sleazy to say the least. Yuck.
I think that it may have something to do with the fact that both are not happy with Victor at the moment. He may have found her drunk, and felt sorry for her. And since she is not in her right mind right now, she is allowing him to comfort her.