SPOILER !! Week Mar 22

Claire met Gwen at Bayview (where Gwen was hiding from Jake). I think, same as Sportsgirl, that with all Gwen has done since she has been living in Salem, Claire doesn't want to be friends at all.
Mon, Mar 22, 2021
Sami makes a confession to Rafe. [Pity poor Rafe. If Sami decides to confess all her various misdeeds, Detective Hernandez will be stuck listening to her for hours.]

Fri, Mar 26, 2021
Paulina struggles with family drama. [Paulina should realize that she herself is the Grant-Carver-Price family drama.]
Sami finds herself stuck in a trap of her own making. [The biggest trap of her own making is being stuck with Mummy EJ.]
Ava asks Rafe for a favor. [Rafe better watch out. As the old saying goes: "Beware of Vitalis seeking favors,"]
A young actress named Precious Way is going to play Chanel. Very pretty girl.

Good lord, now Roman wants Kate???? Has any male actively sought out Kate?? Hasn't she always been the hunter??

Going to be one long day if Wednesday March 10th was the night before the christening and we have to wait till the week of March 22nd.
:rotfl: :rotfl: I think Kate has become the female "John". Both have slept with half of Salem.