SPOILER !! Week May 4


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Dec 29, 2012
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Spoilers from https://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-...utm_campaign=editorial&utm_content=3291214530

Monday May 4:
Believing he’s really Stefan, Gabi accuses Jake of lying about his identity.
Abigail has another hallucination.

Tuesday May 5:
Xander breaks devastating news to Maggie.

Wednesday May 6:
Zoey tries to intimidate Sonny as he prepares to testify at Evan’s trial.

Thursday May 7:
Ben finds himself in a dangerous situation.

Friday May 8:
Lani explains to a furious Eli why she helped Kristen escape
Did Victor say who really stabbed him and Kristen was going to be arrested?

Does Xander tell Maggie about Victor or about the baby switch? Hopefully,
he'll take a big box of Kleenix when he goes.
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Spoilers from https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/spoilers-for-the-week-of-may-4th-t41983.html#p2042979

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nicole sets up a special day for Eric, who's still reeling over the loss of his daughter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Maggie slaps Xander as Sarah opens up to Rex about Maggie's role in Mackenzie's death.
Lani helps Kristen track down Sarah's location.

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Gabi kisses Jake!
Marlena questions Kayla about her feelings for Steve.

Friday, May 8, 2020
Ciara tends to an injured Ben.
Gad, I cannot believe they are having Ben injured again! Enough already. I truly hope Jake is just Jake, I understand Gabi's reaction......but she knows she donated his heart. Maybe she needs to disinter his body, and take a look???
Well, first of all, get Lani off the police force. They were lame enough to begin with and now they are ridiculous. I hope Kristen plans to support her. Lani needs serious help if any time anyone mentions losing a baby she is willing to break laws. So, we'll get a showdown in "Paris" over Sarah and the baby? Oh joy.

I cannot believe that Ben is injured AGAIN. Probably trying to save Ciara AGAIN. She might as well just go to school to be a nurse.

I wonder if Abby having hallucinations AGAIN is because they thought she didn't want to be on full time so they are setting her up to leave again, even though she recently signed a new contract. Those shows won't be seen for a long time.
Rolf could've done some secret switcheroo so that Julie got Dr. Henry Shah's heart, while he smuggled Stefan to his DiMera Frankenlab to revive him.
That sounds like a logical explanation, Just Samantha. Rolf is a pretty busy little guy! I forgot about Dr. Shah and his untimely demise.
If Jake is Stefan, how is Stefan running around without a heart?
Why not.... Kristen has been doing it for years......

But you mean the actual organ.... I understand..... Takes me back to the Sally Field/Robert Downey Jr./ Whoopi Goldberg movie Soapdish...... at least it was fun.... there is nothing fun in this soap...
Monday May 4:
Abigail has another hallucination. [Abigail is losing it? This is so been there done that. Why can't Chad be the one having mental problems for a change?]

Tuesday May 5:
Nicole sets up a special day for Eric, who's still reeling over the loss of his daughter. [This is a total waste of time. She might briefly coax a small smile out of Mr. Gloom-and Doom, but he'll soon slide back into his state of perpetual misery.]

Wednesday May 6:

Zoey tries to intimidate Sonny as he prepares to testify at Evan’s trial. [Attempting to intimidate a witness? This spawn of Orpheus should be disbarred.]
Maggie slaps Xander as Sarah opens up to Rex about Maggie's role in Mackenzie's death. [When Victor recovers, she ought to slap him even harder. After all, the whole switch was his idea.]

Thursday May 7:

Gabi kisses Jake! [This Jake should run for his life. The last thing he needs in his life is a washed up, unemployed, semi-demented former fashion designer.]

Friday May 8:
Lani explains to a furious Eli why she helped Kristen escape. [Is there some kind of faux nun loyalty in Salem? In any case Rafe should send Lani to join Gabi on the line at the Salem unemployment office. Even by Salem P.D. standards she's unfit to wear a badge.]
Ciara tends to an injured Ben. [Is Ben becoming the new John Black? When the writers need a plot will Ben get injured, just like it would be time for a new John Black coma when a new story line was required?]
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I didn't watch Ron's past shows. Was "Jake" a doppelgänger or did he turn out to be the dead character?

How many times are Ben and/or Ciara going to be hurt? They're giving kidnapped Marlena a run for her money in terms of repetitive storylines.

I truly hope Rex isn't permanent. I'm still waiting for Hope to see Shawn.

Why is this kidnapping dragging on??? We all know Sarah won't suffer any consequences because she's perfect. Speculation only.