SPOILER !! Week May 8

I get that they can't have kids on set all the time, but they can pretend that Holly is living in the house, make mention of her going to visit Maggie, send her to camp for spring break, etc. She hasn't been mentioned in weeks or maybe months.
Yeah, they could act like they have kids at least. And pretending they don't exist doesn't make it any easier to swallow that these parents have non-stop time on their hands. I was wondering about Parker too, especially when this apartment hunting was happening. I've totally lost track now. She left him in another state, then it was boarding school or something and now maybe he's just married and moved to Taiwan with his family for all I know. I admit I would have laughed if Chloe just told Brady to send Rachel off somewhere like she did to avoid these awkward issues.
Parker's in boarding school. The last time he was mentioned was in January of 2022.

News Flash: Joy is in GRADUATE SCHOOL and Parker's in boarding school.

Here's the transcript:

Chloe: No. It’s–it’s okay. Have you talked to Joy about this?

Nancy: No. And I don’t want her to know. Grad school is hard enough. Obviously, um, Parker’s in boarding school, so he has no idea, and–

Chloe: It’s–it’s okay. I won’t say anything to them, but, I don’t know, I just kind of find this hard to believe. I mean, you and dad have the best marriage I’ve ever seen, since forever.

Nancy: I used to think so too, but now I don’t know.
Here's a mention on 2/28/2023:
Chloe is getting back to town after visiting Parker at boarding school.

A mention on 12/22/2022:
Stefan gives Chloe her Christmas gift. They are time sensitive, tickets for the opera that she loves, five tickets; one for Chloe, Parker, Nancy, and a date for Nancy. They talk of this being the first Christmas back since being dead. Stefan wants to tag along.
Chloe and Stefan are going to New York to spend Christmas. They talk of how tall Parker has gotten and that he is still a huge Amani fan. Of course Li and Gabi stumble upon Chloe and Stefan checking tonsils.

After Rafe, Nicole, Holly walk away, Leo comes back. He wants Nancy to give Chloe a message (Chloe is with Parker). Leo tells Nancy that Chloe is on his list.
I thought maybe when they were looking for an apartment she'd mention needing a room for him. I suppose for the summer he'll just go back to NYC and Chloe won't even though someone pointed out she's not working and that was the reason she was there in the first place.

I get the issue of kids on the set but the writing about the kids is absurd. Parker is off at school but all I think is how awful that seems. Will just takes his daughter off to another country and well what mother wouldn't be super cool with that. Holly at least gets a rare mention but thankfully she's self-sufficient so mom has time do whatever it is she's doing. Maybe they could green screen some kids. :)
Even if they don’t want to cast Parker, they can have Chloe coming out of a bedroom saying “don’t stay up too late, Parker, finish up your homework and get to bed because you have a big day at school tomorrow." Or when she shows up in Horton square she can say to Xander that “I just dropped off Parker at baseball practice. Maybe we can go watch him play his game this weekend?”

Instead they have her never mention Parker which makes her look like an awful mother. And it’s not just Chloe. Nicole rarely talks about Holly. Gabi rarely mentions Ari. At least Chad has scenes talking about his children.
I think the problem is if they acknowlege kids it makes you wonder how these people have time to be standing around the square all day in between visits in someone's bed. Allie had a ridiculous amount of free time for someone with a baby. She went through a boyfriend, girlfriend and threesome with only one diaper change. So beyond the boring who's the daddy nonsense, we don't really need another missing kid.