SPOILER !! Week Nov 15

So if we've paid attention to what's occurred on-screen (and frankly, why would we), Gwen should be learning that lies come out eventually and so she'll tell Xander the truth.

If everything is just cheap plots on cheaper sets, then we're in for another clown car of silly strung-together scenes.
Eileen’s version is more fun. Stacy Haiduk’s version of Kristen is crazier. I do like the new Susan better than Eileen’s version, but she’s supposed to be a rare side character.
I like seeing Eileen Davidson come back as Kristen in her scenes with John and Marlena.
I am just curious why they would have her play Kristen at the same time- even the same episode- as when another actress is playing Kristen.
did the writers or producers think that having the original actress play opposite John was more convincing or entertaining (I would agree it would)?
It must be a bit confusing for newer viewers who may only know the newer actress as Kristen and they may not know why two different actresses in the same episode are playing Kristen (one is with Gwen at the police station while the other is with John in the Dimera mausoleum).
Personally I would prefer Eileen in all scenes as Kristen because I have not liked the new actress as Kristen.
I am just plain confused. Where did the zombies go? How does John go to the bathroom? The Kristen in the crypt looked nothing like the "real" Kristen, so why didn't John know that? Some detective!
Simply stated Operagirl.... DA PLOT
the zombies were all killed and returned to their graves not to be heard from again unless of course DA PLOT calls for it.......
AS for John the same answer for the people who have spent quality time locked in the DiMera dungeon, we don't need to know......
Me thinks Re-Ron feels that the Demon Kristen is the same one, just faking John out, or something equally stupid, since the entire premise is ridiculous. Gimmicks. Perhaps at some point he may explain what or why he thought this would work, but doubt it. While some fans have been vocal in wanting Eileen as Kristen, maybe he figured he'd throw them a bone. (just know the actress has no interest in returning for a lengthy stay as Kristen, & has indicated that several times)
Maybe they're discussing how their son is not with Sarah, living in Chicago or wherever, and it will get back to Maggie that it's completely implausible Sarah has been with Rex this entire time.
Guess Kate doesn't keep in touch with her son, Rex.......nor Roman, either.