SPOILER !! Week Nov 18

Spoilers from https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/spoilers-for-the-week-of-november-18th-t41471.html#p2019600

Monday, November 18, 2019
Sonny opens up to Evan.
Chad and Abigail argue about Stefano.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Eve summons Abigail.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sonny confides to Chad about his situation with Will.

Thursday, November 21, 2019
Eric informs Roman about his big plans for the future.

Friday, November 22, 2019
Xander hands Hope his confession.
Is Eve in jail because they think she pushed Jennifer?

What is Xander confessing to? Is he giving it to Hope or Gina?

Is Sarah's baby kidnapped? That happens to most babies in Salem.

Does Jennifer remember what happened when she got pushed?
That is the big question.
I THINK that yes, Eve will be perhaps in jail for pushing Jen over the balcony...however, Jen will undoubtedly be honest, it wasn't her. Whether Jen will incriminate Hope/Gina is a different matter. No clue.

Why Eve would "summon" Abigail is beyond me.

Again, this is a guess, but must have been trouble in paradise, and the joined at the hip Hardy boys (Sonny and Will) are no longer a duo, or perhaps "loving duo" might be a better phrase.

No idea what Xander could be confessing ...and why he would give it to Hope. That makes it sound like maybe Gina is no longer in possession of Hope's body. We don't know what Xander has been up to in the past year.........but he has known about Sarah's pregnancy, and perhaps has been named as daddy....he DID get Jack from somewhere and give him to Eve, Plus a few more ill gotten deeds.
Well, I read an interview with Ron C..the headwriter...about the promo and the time jump. He said something to the effect that some couples are pulled apart, some stay, but John & Marlena are steadfast, tho they have to overcome something or other.
The odd thing was, he said viewers want romance, family, friendships, adventure.......& he really has not been delivering that so far. Gonna be interesting as to what is in store.
That's an interesting spoiler.

Over to Sarah and Nicole feeling guilty over their deception, I wonder if they tell Eric that Xander is the father of Sarah's baby?

Wonder where Marlena's been that she returns to Salem? Maybe visiting Sami and the kids in Italy, or Carrie and Noah in Switzerland?

And I wonder if something happened to Kristen and Brady's baby?
Monday November 18:
Sonny opens up to Evan. [Why? Didn't the Big Boy learn anything from the Leo debacle about "opening up" to employees?]

Tuesday November 19:

Ciara snoops around Xander’s office. [What's truly remarkable about this is that Xander actually has an office. In Salem, this is a real rarity. Just ask Justin, Brady, and Kate.]
Eve summons Abigail. [Who is Eve that she can "summon" anyone?]

Wednesday November 20:
Ben is horrified by Clyde’s confession. [Creepy Clyde is back. Oh joy. Maybe, he and Kreepy Kritter Kristen can kill each other. As for Ben, why is he surprised? By now, it's clear that Kate's ex-boy friend is capable of anything.]
A frantic Sarah tells Xander her baby is missing! [OMG, not another missing baby story? That said, this does make the kid a true Salemite.]

Thursday November 21:
Eric informs Roman about his big plans for the future. [Is the Fallen Father Eric finally going to get a real job at last?!]

Friday November 22:
Abigail catches Eli going through Chad’s laptop. [Big deal. When did the Salem P.D. ever bother with search warrants. The felonious detective, Bo Brady, would be proud of Eli.]

Clyde puts the screws to Xander. [Clyde shouldn't mess with Xander. The X-Man could snap him in half like a twig (and people would thank him for it.}
The odd thing was, he said viewers want romance, family, friendships, adventure.......& he really has not been delivering that so far.
He and Corday say this often, and deliver it next to never. It's like they're trolling us. (That is, intentionally doing the worst thing possible to get a rise out of us.) Or trying to get fired.
Because the 11/18 episode was inadvertently shown in Australia yesterday, there are a few spoilers from there that have leaked out.......we are still learning various things that have happened during the year....but because of various events, Jack now runs the Spectator, Abby is the chief reporter. Kayla has just divorced Steve, & is currently involved. Yes, I know who and why, but leaving some surprises for you! (tho I am guessing it will leak out all over the message boards pretty quickly.) Kayla sold the house, moved into a condo. Chad has been corresponding with an unseen"Stefano" via computer......at least he is convinced the person is Stefano. Marlena has been gone working on a residency requirement, "Hope" has been staying with John because of "renovations" to her home, but Marlena returns unexpectedly. LOL. Chad is determined to get DiMera Enterprises back from Gabi.
Fireworks seem to be exploding all over.