SPOILER !! Week Oct 31

Tuesday, November 1
Xander gets a job offer from Ava. [Xander should run far, far away from the old mob princess. Nothing good can come from working with her.]

Wednesday, November 2
Kristen orders Li to make Chloe an offer. [Li takes orders from the Kreepy Kritter? How low can he sink? Why would Daddy Shin permit this?]

Thursday, November 3
Alex thinks Nicole and Eric should model together. [This is the worst idea of 2022. Horndog Alex should stick to chasing hotties at Salem's bars and clubs.]

Friday, November 4
Stefan comforts Chloe about breakup up with Brady. [The last thing the poor diva needs is advice from Salem's leading zombie. Now that Brady has taken up with the Kreepy Kritter, she should get far from the Salem luv scene and keep busy by taking a position with the Salem Opera.]