SPOILER !! Week Sept 6

Sami gave him a million dollars to blab about having sex with Nicole at that anniv. party. I know EJ wanted it back, but Xander was "negotiating" with EJ as to what was in it for him. I wonder how Bonnie stole it. Did he have it in cash lying around, neglecting to put it in a bank, or safety deposit box?
Well, as noted elsewhere in this forum, ReRon does his own scenarios even tho they don't make sense.
Was Andre abusive? For all his misdeeds, I don’t think he hit women. But it could be Orpheus or Clyde or someone like that. That would give Lani other relatives—especially if it were Clyde. She and Ben would be siblings. They just have to explain why he never mentioned knowing her family.

I’m crossing my fingers Philip sniffs out this dumb Gabi plot and turns the tables. I’m also hoping it breaks up Gabi and Jake. I don’t like them as a scheming couple.
There is emotionally abusive, verbally abusive, physically abusive.........Andre' was definitely verbally, & emotionally abusive. He did also drug people, hold them prisoner, and more. After all, that whole Melaswen debacle was the work of Andre'.
I don't think, tho, we will learn exactly who the father was, only that Paulina felt her baby needed to be protected. And she evidently was already separated from him, he did not know she was pregnant. But she worried he would find out, and woe to the child.
I should have been more specific, since I meant physically abusive. There are lots of controlling, obsessive, and diabolical plotters in Salem, and yes, that’s abuse, but honestly, that stuff seems different from what Paulina described. She described Clyde Weston-style domestic abuse, which is more rare in Salem. In real life, not so rare, but then master villainy is rarely a thing in real life.

It seems silly to rewrite Lani’s paternity and have no reveal. She’s going to find out, then she’s going to want to know who her father is. To not have an answer would end the story with a whimper that would really have me question what the point was.

Maybe it’s a Vitali. They seem to be bringing up a lot about the Philly mob right now. That would make Tripp and baby Henry relatives.
Of course. I mean relatives of Lani if she’s a Vitali.
EJ probably "arranged" it. After all, the DiMeras have cops, judges, lawyers, aides, etc. in every sort of category on their payroll, don't they?
Monday, September 6, 2021
Calista hits on Steve. [This Calista creature lives in a dream world.]

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Xander realizes Bonnie stole his money. [What money? Did she steal his pocket change?]

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Xander crashes Bonnie and Justin’s wedding. [Why, to demand the return of his stolen 50 cents? This is absurd.]

Thursday, September 9, 2021
Philip confronts Gabi over her machinations. [Philly K. is wasting his breath. Gabba-Gabba is utterly shameless and will never change her ways.]
Spoilers from https://www.ontvtonight.com/guide/

Monday Sep 6 2021
Julie has a harrowing experience.
Bonnie gets trapped in Xander's room.
Calista hits on Steve.
Ben is hesitant when Ciara suggests they have a baby.

Tuesday Sept 7 2021
Bonnie and Calista have a heated confrontation.
Xander realizes Bonnie stole his money.
Roman grows concerned about Doug's mental state.
Julie and Jack try to track down Doug.

Wednesday Sept 8 2021
Gabi and Jake spy on Philip.
Xander crashes Bonnie and Justin's wedding.
Justin makes a shocking discovery.
Eli and Lani accept an invitation from Paulina.

Thursday Sept 9 2021
Philip confronts Gabi over her machinations.
Brady urges Chloe to move in with him.
Paulina is on the hot seat.
Ava reveals Rafe's feelings to Nicole.

Friday Sept 10 2021
Gwen prepares to come clean with Jack.
EJ advises Chad to fight for Abigail.
Allie tries to smooth things over with Chanel.
Julie remains in denial about Doug.