Welcome Baby Riley!

My son Riley William was born on Monday morning at 8:16am. He is 7lbs 2oz and 19" long. We are both doing great! He is a beautiful little sweetheart. Big brother Jaxon seems excited to have his baby brother finally here and out of mommy's tummy. Lol. Reality will certainly settle in tomorrow when we are released from the hospital. Looking forward to being home. I can start thinking about Christmas now that Riley is here...what a joyous present! :)

I will post pictures once I'm home and can log in from my computer since the pics on my phone are too large. He looks a lot like big brother Jax!

My son is called William Riley so fully love your name choice.
All the best ... what a lovely start to christmas.
Thank you all for the well wishes and kind words! It means a lot to me to have such a warm and caring Spectator Family. :hug:

We are all getting settled into being a family of 4 now. Aside from Riley keeping us up at night everything is going great. :) He's actually been pretty good considering he's a newborn. He doesn't really like his crib too much so he ends up in bed with us but since I'm breast feeding I'm ok with that for now. Jaxon did the same thing. Eventually he figured things out. Riley is a really good natured baby so far...he only cries when he's hungry. Jax is loving his baby brother. We have to keep reminding him to be gentle around the baby but he loves giving him hugs and kisses. So cute! We are going to visit Santa Claus on Saturday so hopefully all goes well with that.

Here's a pic of Riley:
Riley 035.jpg
Wow I am late to this, I was wondering where Sparkster has been. I admit December was very busy for me. Congrats and welcome to the world of 2 boys!!! Mine are 7 and 4 and love Riley's name! My little son's middle name is Reilly, spelled a little different but a great name!